Protect ALL the fee fees!!!

7  2018-02-12 by ExterminateWhiteMen


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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Kind of like you making a coherent and well thought out post?

/u/BrowardBoi, you might've been protected in school, but that thread seemed to have taught you about rejection.

So what do you do when, inevitably, someone in life isn't so kind and caring and protective of your feelings? Or do you just write them off as "a prick" and "part of the problem"?

The reality is that there is nothing in life to protect people from others except for themselves. The best protection is to grow a thicker skin. What /u/BrowardBoi needs to understand is that learning a harsh lesson in the boundaries of a world where nothing is real and consequences fade quickly is the best place to learn it.

Maybe if more schools let their students feel rejection, we wouldn't have nice guy soyboys chasing tumblrinas and crying when being nice and ticking boxes doesn't get them laid.

Bruh it has nothing to do with getting laid. I thought it was an elementary school when I was reading the article actually. That was the worst thing to base your entire argument on. It has to do with respect. When you're kind to someone it shows decency. If you're indecent in your declination it's disrespectful. They might've gone at it in a wound about way, but that's all they were getting at in their reasoning for declaring that rule. Yes, the children should be taught they will be rejected by basically everything in life at some point or another. But it's a school dance, like I said in another comment, you're going to a dance so you can't expect to not dance, even if you dance for a short ass time it's just the tactful thing to do. More kids need to be taught tact all around.

Tact and kindness is being thoughtful of the other person's feelings when you say "no". Who thinks it's a good idea to send kids out into high school and the world thinking you can't say "no" if it hurts someone's fee-fees?

You have issues.

Everything is about sex, except for sex; that's about power.

The problem is that I'm joking about the sex part; it would do some kids some good to be told their art needs works, or their writing sucks. To be told that if they want people to care then they need to find a way to stand-out on their own.

Or maybe there's no one solution. Maybe we should have a school that makes you break your back earning an ounce of congratulations and another one that coddles you and makes you feel like everything is alright and dignity and kindness are your greatest assets. But this middling "shove everyone through a one-size-fits-all system" only to implement stupid policies like "you have to bring everyone in the class a Valentine"? Forget that.

Lmao didn't even see you pussies brigaded me from another sub 😂👍 I know the guys like you who don't know shit about getting laid think anything that I was saying has to do with fucking in the sixth grade. To me family values and properly raising children has been a passionate subject lately since there's so many of my friends getting pregnant and honestly think the way everyone wants to teach their kids such harsh realities early isn't conducive to a healthy mind. You should experience pleasure before pain or else what is the pain worth? Honestly, it's not killing anybody to dance especially seeing as how they went to a dance. Maybe it's better to not teach your kids to be dicks and you're not the most fit parents. Who the fuck wants to raise an asshole?

If in this case physical contact with another human being wasn't involved I would agree. It's not being an asshole if you don't want someone to touch you and a school can't force a kid to let themselves be touched by another kid they don't want touching them.

I am a pedophile

/u/BrowardBoi you raise some interesting points, can you elaborate a little bit on why you think that Children should be forced to do things they don't want?