All hell breaks loose in Montana as pro-ICE and anti-ICE factions duke it out over the the protest resignation of a government employee.

7  2018-02-12 by GrumpyFalstaff


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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Half the country thinks everyone who steps on to US soil should be granted citizenship automatically. How is this not considered retarded again?

Because the other half is either senile baby boomers or shitposting incels.

The 11th of July can't come soon enough.

When you come from a land of privilege, everyone from a shithole country gets to shit in your streets to remind you that some people are less fortunate and that they have to resort to shitting in streets.

/u/gotlost406 you realize without borders El Salvadorians will be free to rape and murder you and your family, right? I'm just saying.

So... What's the downside?

Hurr durr let me act like a horrible outcome is actually a good thing.

Reddit humor smh

i dont get it. they dont even have people in montana, much less immigrants. why do they care?

Lol these morons actually see themselves as “the resistance ” JFC