Abortion joke in an impala death thread ruffles some vulture feathers

9  2018-02-12 by Kuonji


u/leotheabys and u/packonpack321 are represented quite well by the impala, violently yet futilely kicking at the air as the dogs devour the substance of the joke.

Kanye shrug

That sub always freak me out. There is a wave of heavy sadism. There is a difference between being interested in nature and just being sadistic suffering. Definetly wouldn't wanna neet someone who's hobby is hanging around boards like that. Also with how strict reddit is getting with content im surprises that sub ia still up.

Bruh ur getting shook over animal violence?

Oh man YES, EXACTLY!!! Some guys are actual psychopaths I guess because the comments... they seem almost aroused 😖😕
