Twitter bans congressional candidate for criticizing Israel and the (((lobby))).

33  2018-02-12 by masodeq


Nehlen is to replace Israel first Paul Ryan and give Trump a Republican party he can work with.

Sad thing is them same clowns supporting this guy don't realize Trump is a Zionist!

It's the best time line ever!

Trump is just pandering to keep in power. He doesnt care about Israel.

This but ironically

Wow, they're actually retarded enough to think he has a chance at the speakership.

What did he say that got him banned? I don't feel like sifting through 1,000 tweets of alt-righters REEEEEEing.

He triggered many Jewish journo's and he is pushing for ShallNotCensor legislation which will make it illegal to censor opinions online.

That's hilarious

What is this, 2004? You don't have to be conservative to run as a Republican anymore

isn't that the truth, the only requirement now is being an inbreed nazi like yourself.

legislation which will make it illegal to censor opinions online

i literally cant imagine how he thinks that would work in practice

starts with spez in the electric chair

It would have to declare massive social media sites as a public service or something so that people cant be censored for their views as they'd be protected by the 1st amendment

Another example of a conservative calling for more regulation because he gets banned for calling people niggers on twitter.

Nah, he's been straight-up jew-posting since December and they didn't ban him. He even started tweeting lists of jews 2 weeks ago and they didn't ban him.

What changed today was he tweeted out a meme of Meghan Markle in blackface, which made frontpage news in the UK.

I read he was actually banned for a week after the Schindler's List posting but because he didn't stop shit-posting he got the permaban.

lol this is the guy that unironically used (((echoes)))

Where is the lie though?


Good goyim.

I find it really fucking ironic how the alt right fags pretend they're pro-free speech. They're fucking not. They stalk and harass anyone who speaks publicly against them. They mass-flag youtube videos. They create fake twitter accounts to harass people and mass upvote their bullshit. They are such liars lol

Not all alt righters are like that. I support free speech all the way. Except for the Hungarians. They are not good people!

Lol what a tard

Smarter than you

huwite and republican = not smart