Drama on SRS when a user questions the fuckability of anime watchers

17  2018-02-12 by IAintThatGuy


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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u/cryaboutitthen friendly reminder that calling yourself a male feminist doesn't absolve you of all the rapes 😘

Damn call out culture is real

Who said I was a man?

You're an SRS poster so it's what, an 85% chance? 95? I'm just playing the odds.

And of the remaining 5-15%, like what, 90% of that is "woman with a dick." So yeah, I'm not gonna lose too much sleep over this.

Fuck you

Hahaha lemme guess, "woman with a dick" was on the money?



This is spectacular, I'd like to see how long we can keep this going.

Why don't you cry about it then?


Implying otaku are even interested in 3D women

implying without using le implying arrow


Anime lovers tend to be bad people. The venn diagram of people cheating in multiplayer games and people with anime avatars is a flat circle.

This sub is stupid but the most annoying melodratic thing it does is tag people in it's inane chattering

get ready to be tagged in shit you don't care about

get ready to be tagged in shit you don't care about

I actually want this, once I'm pinged it's not brigading and I'm allowed to be mean to you per the admins. Tell your friendos to ping me as well.

oh no! Le internet troll man is going to be mean to me and the admins will be powerless to intervene!


heh retard

I have sex daily

In their now deleted posts they were arguing that anime and it's sexualization of children "isn't that bad", I think one of your's got lost, please take them back we don't want them.