Anti Trumpers from /r/TopMindsOfReddit try to fat shame pro Trumpers of /r/CringeAnarchy, and vice versa (and in the end they're all fat)

21  2018-02-12 by IAintThatGuy


Jews did this


  1. This Post -,*,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Can't confirm or deny that. Who am I kidding, (((they))) did it.

Its already been scientifically proven that if you use reddit you're clinically obese. Don't try to debate me on this i have a high IQ.

This but with a stick of butter down my throat!

where did you get this pic from ?

Revenge porn.

mmmm daddy thicc πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

u seem upset

I 100% agree, fats and skinny fats should not be able to vote

People like me are the only people who should be allowed to vote, tbqhwyf.

Like me? No, I'm a skinnyfat, thus cannot be trusted with suffrage

Like me?

You always have to make it about you.

Because I'm white? Cause I'm a man? Cause I'm a jew? Whichever one of those fits best

This, but unironically

The worst thing about mental gymnastics is that in reality, it's actually easy to sound educated while spouting nonsense. You know all those controversial but high-rated posts that actually claimed bullshits (like Trump's the most consistent president ever despite proofs like his immigration flip-flops showed otherwise or people trying to criticize or praised someone famous with half-truths) appeared once in a while in Reddit, and despite the facts are no-brainer, they actually quiet awed you with their eloquent writing until you actually picked them apart with truth, and for people who're too nice and naive irl but already know the tricks, it could be problematic because part of you still think the liar's quiet nice.



No-one should vote but me.



[op is a faggot]

[op is a fat faggot]

[At least try to hide it]

So is r/TMOR like the new SRD? And if so, what's their equivalent to r/drama?

TMoR mod here. That would be literally every subreddit made in attempt to be their equivalent and failed. Resulting in their demise. Not even kidding here. Top minds will legitimately do this every other month and it fails like clockwork. This sub used to be on the sidebar until we noticed SRD was a less toxic alternative. Well, as less toxic as a drama sub can get.

They ban you if you post left wing conspiracy theorists over there. So you can't post Ghazi, Chapo... Just look at the subs they target.

No it does not. Hell, there's top mind left wing subreddits in the side bar and there is a left wing top mind post on the front page. Do your research before submitting something as fact.

If you want to complain about how every post is not a 50/50 split, you can blame the topmind ethos being far right, even the prime top mind subreddit, /r/conspiracy, is one bad tantrum from being McCarthy.

To add, as crazy as it sounds. There's not a lot of tankies to post about.

Which of the front page posts you consider is from a leftist sub?

The one straight from /r/Politics. So if you consider it another right wing subreddit. Then by all means. Do entertain us.

I didn't know it was considered left wing (I avoid it usually because it's boring as fuck to non americans).

You've been around for at least nine months and post to political and drama subreddits and you never once saw it even mentioned off hand?

I've seen leftists call it right wing, and the right call it left wing. If it pisses everyone off, I usually assume it's balanced.

Bitch are you retarded?

It isn't snopes, I've yet to see a single liberal state that.

Top Minds has merged with AHS then.

They ban you for posting left wing content, so I'd say yes.

This is on the front page of TMOR right now. Doesn't seem like that guy is banned.

I got banned for linking to AHS.

Is it possible that your post was just retarded? I won't deny that 90% of the stuff is either right wing or unrelated to politics(like the guy that claims Riot games charged his card because his username was offensive) but they post /r/politics stuff and tankie stuff sometimes. Part of it is just that /r/conspiracy is right wing and they're a gold mine for retarded shit.

I don't question the retardation of /r/conspiracy. I kind of mentally filter them out when considering how /r/TMOR skews (because most of the posts are from there anyway).

Hi, I'm a mod. Yeah. He's full of shit.

You should be banned from everywhere too be honest.

I think it's better for society if I spend too much time online. I get into worse things if I have too much free time IRL.

coughWeak saucecough

How is it agenda? Against fat people?

You make it out as if its controversial or partisan to be "anti-trump". Its painfully shoehorned it and I'm not the only one to have pointed this out.

Also the fact you post in nazi subreddits shows your thinly veiled agenda. At least use an alt to try and hide it, dude. >.>

I can't tell if you're being ironic, LARPing as a SRDine, or a SRS user who clicked the wrong link somewhere and ended up here.

You posted to Pussiepassdenied and uncensorednews multiple times. It doesn't take a saint to recognize moral deficiency.

Oh shit it's unironic. Also I post news stories to uncensorednews, and /r/news, and /r/worldnews when I can (to karma farm). I post things only on /r/uncensorednews when I steal them from those other subreddits.

And I bet you are commenting in there for the exact same reason, huh? Somehow I'm not buying it.

You have a weird definition of a "literal nazi subreddit" though. It's just a sub where you can post any news stories, and the mods aren't playing favorites.

Oh, forgive me. For some reason I thought it was ran by nazis and racists to cater to them. Where did I ever get that crazy idea, huh?

I thought it was ran by nazis and racists to cater to them.

If you call everyone who doesn't agree word for word with your opinions nazis, sure.

"mods arn't playing favorites" Good one.

They don't remove shit or ban people at random. I know you're a powermod, and you're used to the way you guys run things on Reddit (and your probably consider it "normal" and "fair"), but it's refreshing for once to post in a place where you can disagree (even with the mods) and not see all your stuff removed and getting a random ban.

Every threads has dissenting voices, and at worse they get downvoted (as things were meant to be on Reddit). People with different opinions actually engage in conversation over there.

If you call everyone who doesn't agree word for word with your opinions nazis, sure.

The mods literally identify as nazis, get that through your head.

They don't remove shit or ban people at random.

And you're right. They ban dissonance. Its well known and documented.

I know you're a powermod and you're used to the way you guys run things on Reddit

Leans into mic "Wrong."

It must be hard to read, I completely understand that, I've been there as a small child at one point myself as well. I get what you're going through.

but it's refreshing for once to post in a place where you can disagree (even with the mods) and not see all your stuff removed and getting a random ban.


Every threads has dissenting voices, and at worse they get downvoted (as things were meant to be on Reddit). People with different opinions actually engage in conversation over there.

My sides are in galactic orbit. He seriously thinks nazi propaganda is legitimate.

The mods literally identify as nazis, get that through your head.

I'm able to interact on a regular basis with people who don't share every one of my opinions. Try it someday. I found it to be a useful skill IRL.

My sides are in galactic orbit. He seriously thinks nazi propaganda is legitimate.

It's not about "legitimate". It's about letting everyone post, as long as they're not spamming or doxxing someone.

Next time don't break the rules. Just because yo got banned for being trash doesn't mean I'm a hypocrite. Thats your own damn fault and nobody else's, ya damn Nazi.

You use username pings in a more immature and cowardly way than /r/drama users. Congratulations I guess, it's kinda hard to limbo under that low bar.

We have limits of pings and that was the first time I pinged for a long while.

Again, who's fault is it for getting himself banned? It isn't me and you're the only other person in this conversation.

If you fix your behavior, then we will consider a repeal on you ban, but if you continue to dance with nazis, then you'll stay on the ban list with them.

If you fix your behavior, then we will consider a repeal on your ban, but if you continue to dance with nazis, then you'll stay on the ban list with them.

Fuck you and you power trip, and you "personal army".

If I wanted to be a powermod with a personal army, then I'd moderate alt right subreddits such as "UncensoredNews" with mindless goons such as yourself. What I do is quality assurance, not partisan purging. I don't want my subreddit calling black people "Ni**ers" for the hell of it. If that's what you call a power trip, then I'm afraid you can shove it where the sun don't shine. Mods exist for a reason, deal with it.

What I do is quality assurance, not partisan purging


Oh really? So far I've been telling the truth while I caught you on every lie you uttered. What makes you right all of a sudden?

Nothing. So shoo.

every lie you uttered

All I'm saying is because a mod has a certain opinion, it doesn't mean a sub has the same. And then you brag that when you mod it's "quality assurance, not partisan purging". But apparently if a mod has different opinions from yours it means everyone on their sub is guilty by association. Which is it?

Because it is. I mod to keep spam and tolerable toxicity out. Not kick out people simply because I don't like them. They do. Your "which is it?" trick isn't going to work. You need to review the link again, because obviously you have trouble paying attention.

We don't want comments such as "They do it because they're anti-White. It's a literal coalition of hatred against White Christian Men and their Families. That is why they unite together against us, the fags and the dykes and the jews and the niggers and the spics and the mudslimes. The mental gymnastics are just for their verbalization of it, in their hearts and minds, they don't believe what they're spouting, they're just saying it. It's really about hating us, once we're dead, they'll be happy to fight each other". Tell me, is that suppose to be a valuable opinion? It must be since it came from that subreddit with over thirty upvotes.

Not kick out people simply because I don't like them.

Tell me, is that suppose to be a valuable opinion?

Define opinions you like as valuable. Kick out people with un-valuable opinions. Totally not based on your own personal opinion (as opposed to enforcing actual rules that would apply the same to every poster).

Nazis and lunatics do not qualify as "valuable" content. Thank you for understanding, cooperation, and not freaking out. Goodbye.

Nazis and lunatics

Nazi : anyone who isn't to your left politically.

Lunatics : allows to lump in everyone else you disagree with on any other level.

Nazi : anyone who isn't to your left politically.

Then they wouldn't be Nazis. Try to use a dictionary.

Lunatics : allows to lump in everyone else you disagree with on any other level.

I'm referring to the people who think 9/11 was done with several nukes and other asinine ideas.

You really need to stop overthinking things. Sometimes its just that simple, ya know?

Then they wouldn't be Nazis if it was so broad.

Yeah I'm sure you only go by the dictionary definition.

I'm referring to the people who think 9/11 was done with several nukes

I bet you met one of those once, and now everyone you want to ban gets lumped in with them.

Yeah I'm sure you only go by the dictionary definition.

Thank you for realizing your brashness.

I bet you met one of those once, and now everyone you want to ban gets lumped in with them

All talk, no bite. You're as predictable as a house tour.

Are you kidding? You pretend there are people "who think 9/11 was done with several nukes" and you pretend /r/uncensorednews and such are full of them because of their moderation policy, but I have yet to meet one. You'd think those people would feel at home and post a lot there, in a place where you know I post and browse.

Those kind of lies about online content that can easily be checked only work with the target audience of your own subs, where mods are supposed to carefuly shelter them from wrongthink (and users won't check things for themselves).

Are you kidding? You pretend there are people "who think 9/11 was done with several nukes"

And there are, its why we have the subreddit in the first place, silly.

and you pretend /r/uncensorednews and such are full of them because of their moderation policy,

Well, perhaps not the nuclear 9/11 thing, but thats why its linked. For diversity of content with a racial focus instead of a nuclear one. If you don't like tings getting posted there, don't blame the subreddit. Blame the culture of UN. Its not some perfect haven of oh-so-humble outcasts looking for a home like you make it out to be.

but I have yet to meet one.

Or perhaps you ignored them. After all. I already sent multiple links and I have two subreddits at my disposal that show highlights of the mess at work.

You'd think those people would feel at home and post a lot there, in a place where you know I post and browse. Well, considering I watch the subreddit become what it is from the start for years. I'm sure a few month old account such as you must know more than I do. /s

Those kind of lies about online content that can easily be checked only work with the target audience of your own subs,

"No, no, we're not the mindless zombies! You're the mindless zombies!"

I already showed proof. Grow a pare and do more than petty talk out o your ass


where mods are supposed to carefuly shelter them from wrongthink (and users won't check things for themselves).

Odd, we had moderators from all over the political spectrum. If we had a political agenda. It would cause infighting like at T_D or /Con. However not once has there been so much as a friction in between two mods when they join the team.

Odd, we had moderators from all over the political spectrum.

I bet you cover everything from anarcho communists to authoritarian communists.

Now we once again see your true self.

Actually I don't think we have any communists, but I'm sure you'll still think I'm lying because I don't fit your narrative.

Yeah I'm clearly the one making efforts to push a narrative on Reddit. Look at all those places where I ban anyone who disagrees with me expresses an unvaluable opinion.

Probably because you run just two dead subreddits. lmao

I have to admit one is basically a joke (I wanted to link it to /r/rape), and I'm not active in the other.

So your point is mute once again. Shocker.

I used to ban lots of subs but for some (((reason))) they got banned.

What the fuck did you even say?

You know what I mean. I think there's a conspiracy against me, since every time I mod a sub that is not a novelty or something quasi private, it gets banned by the admins.

Oh you poor thing. I'm sure you're being singled out for no good reason or by the command of a shady person or organization. Sounds more like a you problem and less of a me problem. Go tell somebody who gives a shit and will believe you.

Sorry to expose you to an opinion you wouldn't allow on any of your subs. Blame the /r/Drama mods for not doing their job the same way you do.

We wouldn't ban you for that, but we will laugh at you at how silly it is . Opinion or not, it carries no merit.

Look. Sorry if you still cant get that through your head. Sometimes you're wrong and you need to simple accept that.

We wouldn't ban you for that

Nah... Keep telling yourself that.

No, we literally would let you hang around the thread making yourself look like an ass. Our users love that sort of thing.

Yeah except when I was banned for posting content from leftist subs. You do know it's easier to lie about something when people haven't experienced it firsthand?


If you consider that anything that goes against what you believe is fake, you go through life always being right. Great strategy.

Do you always make more than one comment saying pretty much the exact same thing? I show evidence, you don't. This whole painting me in a partisan way doesn't work. Actually its ironic considering it fits you pretty well.

Slam dunks

Slam dunks

I guess if you end a post with that, you're automatically right.

Hey, its better than whatever you call your sorry excuse for partisan bickering.

partisan bickering

I'm the one advocating for interacting with everyone and hearing every opinion, but hey if that's "partisan" to you I can't help it/

If everyone allowed the opinions of nazis and the utterly insane to roam free. Then a lot of subs would be shit. Thus is the entire point of moderators. Crazy. I know. I remember when I was like you though. So I can understand.

So you are the most open minded because you know which opinions to remove? Unlike those "nazis" who let anyone post on their subs (although some might get downvoted to the bottom). Truly enlightened. Thank you for your service.

God, you're a shit white knight. When I say nazis, I literally mean nazis, you bloody twat.

As opposed to the "nazis" you ban from your subs (the people who have opinions to the right of Mao).

You got me.

Oy, I can't fool you.

Understand me when I say I give you props, but it won't change anything. We will purge your kind.

I know you can't do anything about it, dude.

Don't bother trying.

I am smarter, more agile, and stronger then your kind.

Other than trying and failing. You don't have any options.

Time for you to go.

We will purge your kind.

Totally not ominous and threatening. Such a nice guy.

Its even more funny when you read each starting letters.

Ok nice one.

Take notes from me if you want to troll with style. Also notification are blocked. Goodbye, ya dummy.

Can't argue with someone omniscient I guess.

And I guess the subreddit got banned for no reason, huh? Get rekt.

Yeah Reddit never shows bias when choosing which subs to ban.

Oh, so its somebody else's fault again? Woe is you.

So reddit admins suck when they don't ban what you want, but the minute they ban some competitor for your own subs, their judgement is suddenly great and the fact is was banned proves it was bad?

Don't bitch at me and put words in my mouth, kid. It got banned for a reason. Don't melt too fast, snowflake. I'd like to savor it.

It got banned for a reason.

Others have reasons to get banned and don't. I don't see how biases from the reddit admins prove anything.

I bet the mean old admins banned it for no reason, suuure. I like it when you cant admit to the obvious.

No. They had reasons. But their rules apply selectively.

And the reason was that it was a racist shithole, end of discussion.

Of course it was. They posted news stories and didn't even lock or erase threads when the perp was brown! Such racism won't be tolerated.

Rationalize it all you want. It was purged, as it should have been. Maybe me, my fellow mods, and the admins aren't all out to get you. Maybe you're the problem here. You can admit to your own fault of logic. It takes a big enough man to do so.

It was purged, as it should have been.

Others should be too. Waiting to see if the admins whose judgement is apparently now great in your opinion are consistent, or just caved to some media pressure. Also thank you for taking time our your power modding to gloat about a sub where I posted like 10 stories being banned.

Yep, and they will be. In due time and you'll watch them fall.

I don't know. Even the subs that are supposed to track hate and violence on Reddit always find excuses for LSC or fullcommunism. The same "anti-hate" people got mad and lamented it when the admins said posting "bash the fash" all over (especially in threads about specific individuals) wasn't allowed anymore because it was a pretty clear call to violence (and I guess in those case probably wouldn't be covered by 1st amendment when it seemed it targetted specific individuals).

Now neither issue really concern me, because I mostly post news stories and such, so I'll just have to wait for an /r/news alternative with less random moderation pops up.

shhh, talk less. I need to savor the salt.

What salt? I wasn't a mod there. It's one of several I post to. You seem to think that people should take it personaly when the reddit admins want to appease the press and close something.

I never said you were, but for someone says they don't care, you sure have a funny way of showing it.

I'm talking to you. We are having a conversation that seems 50/50. I'm not out there making post like "how awful that sub got closed" or whatever. It got banned, I moved on. I still think the admins are biased, but whatever, most big online services are in one way or another.

Seems 50/50

Oh, lets not slack, dear. I'm done with you. You can leave.

You're the one who re-started sending me comment after the sub ban, and you're the one saying I'm salty for having the decency to reply to you. You have the behavior of a grade schooler.

And you responded back. I wanted to rub the salt in the wound. Is that all you got?

Is that all you got?

Have you considered there's no wound, and some of us don't consider a subreddit getting closed a life changing event?

You sure have a funny way of showing it. lmao

By answering your taunts politely?

By you calling me a stalin mod? 10/10

Yes. (Says politely)

Stop blowing things out of proportion so you can tell yourself I'm reacting badly. It's unbecoming. I called you a power mod, that's the usual way of referring to someone who mods 40 places, some of which have a lot of subscribers. It's not even an insult.

you called me a far left power mod who bans anyone right of mao or some shit. You stop blowing things under portions. Most of them are meme subreddits made by the waterlew shitposters and not even mean't to last a week each. So you can take that power mod insult and kindly shove it. <3

its unbecoming of you to continue to fail, but I'm sure you can learn. I mean that sincerely.

Yes I think you're an asshole. And you're proving it because you're the one pretending the conversation is over to then taunt me all over again. But I'm still not freaking out or anything when subs get banned. Stop projecting.

Its ok. I understand your fit. You can stop pretending to not give a shit (despite fifty comments of you thinking otherwise). It's ok to admit it to yourself. I'm here for you.

I understand your fit.

Of course. Can't argue with delusions. At least here you can't ban people for contradicting you.

I am not allowed to ban people for the simple act of contradicting me in any of my subreddits. Unlike your dead racist subreddit, we have mods that police the mods.

I'm starting to understand your logic : if I didn't reply to your taunts, you'd think I'm salty and that's why I'm not responding. If I reply calmly, you still think I'm salty but I'm just hiding it. Because how could you be wrong?

Nope. <3

You ban and mute people because you are an idiot and your fragile soy boy ego gets hurt when you get schooled. LOL.

Why don't you tell IAintThatGuy the truth?

I already did. The very fact you use "soy boy" unironically as an insult is informative enough anyways. You are simply another partisan weapon who is entitled to nothing more than a ban and a mute from the subs you have trashed in. You're no better than him. In fact I'd argue you were worse than him. You are a Putin loving, misinformative, misanthropic, partisan hack who decided it was a good idea to go through my comment history after you gotten your ban notification because you're still butthurt that you don't hold dominion over the mod team or our users. Go back to the literal cult propaganda dispensers you call your home subreddits. You are noxious poison.

Is there anything else you'd like to say?

The NWO will fail. It already has.

You bloody idiot, the people you support ARE the NWO

Also the NWO is a stupid name

Wait, what? Putin is for the NWO? I don't get that. If Putin was for the NWO, then the western press would not demonize him. Same with Trump.

The NWO people are the pope, the Rothchilds, the Rockefellers, Soros, HRC, BC, GHWB, GWB, John Kerry, CIA, FBI, etc. These are the people I am against.

Putin paid off the Russian debt to the NWO globalist bankers, and he banned Soros from Russia. Putin also blocked the NWO pipeline through Syria.

See, you banned and muted me prematurely. Certainly you and your fellow retards at TMOR would find this conversation entertaining, right?

What name do you prefer then?

Wait, what? Putin is for the NWO?

Trump, also Putin seems to trying to gain new control over parts of the world, so think it out.

I don't get that. If Putin was for the NWO, then the western press would not demonize him.

Because maybe, just maybe, the media isn't purely orchestrated by a handful of god-like bureaucrats and has a mind of its own.

Same with Trump.

Doesn't he hold the world's most powerful job? He didn't get there for no reason.

The NWO people are the pope, the Rothchilds, the Rockefellers, Soros, HRC, BC, GHWB, GWB, John Kerry, CIA, FBI, etc. These are the people I am against.

No, most of these are harmless. GWB, soros, cia, fbi don't have meaningful control. HRC literally was lost in the woods after the election. Your boogiemen mean nothing.

Also, really? The most open minded pope in years is the bad guy? I hardly think he's in a counsel of evil masterminds because it serves as a cool plot point in your asinine story.

Putin paid off the Russian debt to the NWO globalist bankers, and he banned Soros from Russia. Putin also blocked the NWO pipeline through Syria.

What the absolute fuck is wrong with you? He is a crook and nothing more. Don't make up entire stories just so you can paint him as the good guy. He is an affront to democracy and mankind's prosperity.

"Trump, also Putin seems to trying to gain new control over parts of the world, so think it out." Yeah, could be. I told people I know that Trump can do good, or he can make his own noose. We KNOW that HRC is corrupt and evil. At least with Trump, there is a chance.

"Because maybe, just maybe, the media isn't purely orchestrated by a handful of god-like bureaucrats and has a mind of its own." OK, the owners of the media are well known. They are NWO globalists, right? It could be a psy-op, but it does not seem like it. The resignations and firings indicate that Trump is truly despised by these people.

Have you watched many videos of Putin? I mean, interviews and how he deals with Oligarchs. It is very entertaining. Check this one out!!

Putin Calls Billionaire Oligarchs "Cockroaches" For Closing Factory Live On Camera:

Trump: Who Cannot Love This Guy?;

Pope and the NWO:

You are Catholic? Shalom, brother!!

"What the absolute fuck is wrong with you? He is a crook and nothing more. Don't make up entire stories just so you can paint him as the good guy. He is an affront to democracy and mankind's prosperity."

Best Putin jokes:

We KNOW that HRC is corrupt and evil. At least with Trump, there is a chance.

You fallen for Russian propaganda. She is not the god damn anti-christ. If he was corrupt and evil, then investigations would've gone somewhere. Including the ones under republican care. You know, the folks you consider the good guys and acolytes of Trump.

Putin Calls Billionaire Oligarchs "Cockroaches" For Closing Factory Live On Camera:

Its propaganda. Look at the word choices and how the video is edited. Also he didn't call them cockroaches.

This clip was shot sometime during or a bit after 2009. This was when Putin and Mr. Deripaska had a bitter fallout in their relationship. This was a power play by tightening the leash on his mutt and a free helping of brownie points with the state sponsored media in Russia and you fell for it just as planned. Get this literal propaganda out of my face.

Trump: Who Cannot Love This Guy?

So Trump is the be-all-end-all bastion of truth all of a sudden? I wouldn't wipe my ass with a roll of toilet paper of his quotes because of how full of shit they are.

Pope and the NWO:

You are Catholic? Shalom, brother!!

What was evil about that comment of his? One of these days, if we manage to spread our genes to the stars, we shouldn't continue to be a blue ball of strict unyielding partisan bickering and bitter sovereignties. This is the most desired and beneficent end state of our species should we choose not to nuke ourselves into a tomb world like a bunch of fools. Its even a popular trope in fiction.

"What the absolute fuck is wrong with you? He is a crook and nothing more. Don't make up entire stories just so you can paint him as the good guy. He is an affront to democracy and mankind's prosperity."

Best Putin jokes:

He is a joke to the good of humanity.

Yeah, look at you, pussy. You have to ban and mute people after you start shit with them at TMOR. You are a coward and a baby. You retards get schooled and your only recourse is to ban and mute. LOL.

Here is what he/she/it PM'd me after banning and muting me:

"Yeah, sure, why not. I have an idea. How about you go screenshot this and bitch about us and give us more spotlight and attention. Thanks, love you. πŸ’• Goodbye."

Hahaha! They seek the attention online that they never got from their parents.

Ate the b8 he did

Well I moderate the place. I'd know. So if all you got is talk and no bite. Then at this point you've admitted to lying. We don't have left wing content on the sidebar for show you know.

Well I moderate the place. I'd know.

Keep telling yourself that too. If you consider you're always right, you'll never be wrong. I guess it works out psychologically.

I know I'm right because I give out evidence. You don't. That's the problem, boy.

Amazing. You're lying to my face. But you call your lies "evidence" so of course it negates what I experienced firsthand. Guess I have to assume you know every single thing that happens in the thousand subs you mod, and that it's more reliable than my account of my own situation which was recent and actually clear cut (I didn't use profanity, or slurs, or post racist discourse... just link to people who seem to be friends with other mods on your subs).

Wow that /r/AHS posts proves that you know everything that happened everywhere! If you're right once, you're right all the time.

That and my years of experience of watching these subs , yeah, but I'm sure you and your several months of casual posting knows better than me and a dozen of other people who know just as or even more than I do.

That and my years of experience of watching these subs

So nothing could happen that you wouldn't know?

Not down to the letter, but as a collective bank of knowledge, yeah, we know what there is to know.

I admire that superpower.

I just wanna point out that fat shaming would stop existing if there were no fatties. Just sayin

It's safe to blame them for that. Also fat shaming wouldn't exist if they weren't such bitches.

I love how the left always conveniently forgets that minorities can get fat as fuck too when they trot out the obesity rates for red states. I am not saying the conservatives that live in these states do not have a tendency to forgo walking and mob around on rascals using their fat rolls as bumpers. Just that the percentages they cite include a lot of extremely large black and latino americans that probably vote left.

Just that the percentages they cite include a lot of extremely large black and latino americans that probably vote left.

It's different because those people are victims of obesity and shouldn't be fat shamed ever, while white Trump voters brought it on themselves.

Obese people should know better than to come out in public. Except black women.

With people stopping whaling ships all over the world, I bet there are piles of surplus harpoons rusting all over the world. Just unload them for cheap, make sure there's one in every home.