Where's my fucking cheque AngryDM?

12  2018-02-12 by YiffReich


/u/AlwaysTryAgain I haven't been paid for my time recently. So, pay a nigger. Now.

Bingo. The alt lite and alt right have a real love for edgy pop academics whose work disagrees with academic consensus. Pseudo-intellectualism basically drives neoreaction. These greasy incel manboys imagine that their youtube idols give them some sort of legitimacy. The alt lite "rational" movement is one big appeal to authority. Some dude with letters said it in a snarky voice so it must be true! The earth is clearly flat.

u/kitten_cupcakes I'd ask if you see the irony in your appeal to "academic consensus" in your complaint about appeals to authority, but then, you don't see the irony in complaining about greasy incel manbabies while hanging out on ghazi and r/anarchism, so why bother?


I think pretend-philosopher quacks are even worse.

Here is another example of where a complete lack of self awareness (AngryDM being the absolutely expert on every topic he doesn't actually have a fucking clue or experience with including telling those with actual experience to be quiet) should cause a nose bleed so bad it deters him from doing it again.


You faggy twats are just like the retards over at r/conspiracy.