Some one made this unironicly

0  2018-02-13 by bspon001


Yes but where is the drama?

Look into your heart, if you have one.

You seem to have confused /r/drama for some other sub. Try posting this over on /r/funny something.


I predict the drama will be coming from inside the sub.

Yeah...if I'm not wrong there is even a sub for this comic. So post this there.

And btw, last I checked these comics are disliked by everyone - transwomen included.

This isn't r/CringeAnarchy OP. Y'all should know that r/drama is a proud ally of brave trans folk like Labelle (unless there's actual drama, then we'll turn on xir in a heartbeat.) Now post bussy or gtfo.

"I-I'm offended by an individual's choice to decide what to be called, guys!"

Just as long as you aren't offended by my choice to decide to call you an autistic cunt.

You must be new. Assigned Male is vintage cringe material now.