Vancouver swing-dancer banned from club after 'mansplaining'

124  2018-02-13 by Strictlybutters


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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This is what you get for not staying out of American politics you dumb cunuck.

What am I looking at here?

A power rake it looks like

Regular rake isn’t gonna doit this time.

This is advanced Leafism



YES! This. Right. Here. So much this.

Scientists have predicted the future of Canada and it's beautiful.

Global Warming Now!


LOL it even has a built in noose

Canada, no even once.

Is Canada where the Jews live? I want to go to Canada but I heard that a bunch of bear Jews live there. In my life I've only seen 3 Jews but I hear these Jews are like nothing before. My sisters says a Jew ripped out her ovaries and fried her eggs for omelettes. That's why she has a hole in her nose

You're supposed to have two holes in your nose. Are you sure those Jews didn't insert something after the procedure? Perhaps a written note of instructions, as befits a golem made of clay?

And reddit soy boys wonder why Jordan Peterson is popular.

Because insecure manchildren like it when people agree with them?

Nah it's because insecure manchildren (you) get autistic about stupid shit

What am I being autistic about?

Other peoples autism

What does that even mean?

You're an autism

What does that even mean?

It means you do shit like repeat yourself even after your question has been clearly answered, you autist.

Calm down.

That boy needs therapy.

Ahh yes, the idiot's thinking man.

To be fair I would take a clinical psychologist over someone who has a thesis on why Voldemort is a representation of the patriarchy

As someone in psychological therapy I lost most of my respect for that field. It's not science. It's subjective guessing game

As someone who once took a basic child psychology class, thanks for letting me know that it absolutely doesn't get any better, never in my life have I heard "professionals" so sure about something so vague and often bullshit.

There are different fields which have more or less legitimacy. But I feel like anything based on psychoanalysis is pretty much nonsense.

I am in a depth psychological therapy and it is just talking to someone who barely gives any insight and if any it is merely guessing. I am deeply disappointing,

Behavior Therapy is at least empirical and uses actual methods to get to a conclusion.

I'd rather have him babysitting autistic teenagers than /pol/.

I'd rather have /pol/. It's more fun.

What did Jordan Peterson do to chap your ass so hard? Are you similarly bootyblasted about Elon Musk?

Le Peterson defener

Jordan is the culmination of the frustration many of us men (and women) feel in the culture that i being changed around us.

He is today's knight and he is building an army. I would happily use the resources I have built (I donate to him now mohtly) and even my combat skills to back his ideals if need be.

Keep preaching Jordan, hopefully it doesn't come to violence but there are millions of us who agree that our freedoms are worth fighting for. While I hope the new dialogue being created calms people down enough to talk and solve our problems Demoratically, I worry that it will simply enrage the Left even more who thinks they have a monopoly on the thought of the country.

All when in fact, they are a tiny minority and if they chose to go to violence, they will be crushed.

Hopefully insanely intelligent people like Jordan will help lead the way peacefully and allow the more moderate Leftists to take pack the party from the Progressives who have violently taken over the Democratic Party.

Hahaha, who woulda thought it would be a Canadian that I would call my modern day hero to join the likes of George Washington and Lucious Quinctius Cincinnatus!

Imagine unironically being this stupid.

Here's the source.

I just don't really think someone that has no problem willfully manipulating a conversation so readily to suit his points can be trusted. Also some of the things he says are bat shit insane, he likes to claim women shouldn't wear makeup in an office setting and blames them for sexualizing offices in this manner. For someone who claims to be so erudite and intelligent he sure seems dense as fuck to the concept that some women ARE hired for their looks and that a woman wearing makeup isn't "asking for it" with regards to sexual attention.

He's literally just a well spoken chauvinist, but apparently well spoken enough to have fooled a whole shit ton of morons.

So tell me, why do women wear makeup in any setting if not to enhance their looks, and therefore their sexual attractiveness?

Why don't you just wear a corn sack as clothing? Why do you wear decent jeans? Why do you wear collared shirts in a business environment? Collars aren't necessary for work either. Aren't you just trying to sexualize the office by coming into the office "looking sharp" ?

"Why do men shave their faces? I mean looking clean cut is just a way of making themselves more attractive to the opposite sex, why is shaving in an office environment acceptable?" -Do you see how ridiculous you sound?

I'll throw you a bone- Some people derive self esteem and/or self-worth from feeling like they are attractive or look attractive, some people understand that appearances do in fact mean something in the business world. Jordan Peterson knows this, he isn't stupid, but he chooses to not frame it this way because he can deceptively "play stupid" with regard to this and millions of idiots will lap it up. For examples see a mirror.

Yes, that's pretty much why men shave their faces, why is that ridiculous? Some people find self esteem and/or self-worth by making themselves sexually attractive, you are correct. Why do you seperate attractive from sexually attractive? They are pretty much equivalent.

Go back and read the conversation, and/or go check out some JP videos, someone asked what my problem is with him, he has stated multiple times that women are sexualizing the workplace by wearing makeup and that women doing this and "dressing provocatively" are basically asking to be harassed when they do these things. Remember in the 80's when some scumbags on the "religious right" claimed women that dressed provocatively were "asking to be raped" ? Same thing, different shitbag.

are basically asking to be harassed when they do these things.

Could you point me to where he ever claims this?

Hmm yes fortunately I am enlightened by my own intelligence

*easily conned by well spoken chauvinists.

I'm going to spend less time writing this than you spent looking for something in my comment history to make fun of, hope you enjoyed wasting your time.

In response, another swing-dancer asked him to stop “mansplaining” and unfriended him. Yet another dancer then jumped into the discussion, accusing Gichuru of forcing the first dancer to perform “emotional labour” by telling her he had a crush on her while she was in a monogamous relationship.

Is there evidence of him crushing or is this all hearsay? This is genuinely impressive autism.

emotional labor. lol.

Mokua Gichuru

With a name like that, he deserved it.

Yeaaah... got the feeling he was more banned for being an unlikable dick, but that doesn't churn the outrage machine as much as a ban due to "mainsplaining".

You are not doing your part by blowing everything out of proportion, you retarded fuck.

Please stop mansplaning to betas. They need a woman to tell them what to do.

I know him, he at very least has aspergers, if not autism. He is incredibly awkward.

how does he dance?


Like he is afraid of catching cooties. I've actually followed him, am a guy btw.

Like you'd expect a male feminist lead in order to lull someone into a false sense of security.

outrage machine

Normal people don't use this phrase. Perhaps /r/subredditdrama would be more your style?

Are you seriously implying that """normal people""" would post on /r/drama?

It's swing dancing. They're all unlikable dicks.

He sounds like a Star Wars character.

I feel you just mansplained me.

White people: Not even once.

The dude is half black and the girl who complained about mansplaining is asian.


Ah, $current_year, where tiny recreational clubs have stupid social media spats, which then get escalated to government civil rights commissions. Everyone involved should keep really really fuckin' safe, and I do mean everyone.

I hope you realize you're involved now

I'll be the first one with my own back up against the wall when the revolution comes.

Sick reference

It was his plan all along

In a decision dated Jan. 26, the tribunal outlines a heated dispute, which all began when Gichuru made a post on his Facebook page about “why he thought the operative factor in the American presidential election was race rather than gender.”

In response, another swing-dancer asked him to stop “mansplaining” and unfriended him. Yet another dancer then jumped into the discussion, accusing Gichuru of forcing the first dancer to perform “emotional labour” by telling her he had a crush on her while she was in a monogamous relationship.

The exchange continued until Gichuru complained to the president of the swing society about “online harassment, bullying and defamation.”

This soy-drenched shitfight is just wall to wall retardation. If this is the kind of shit Canada's Human Right Tribunal deals with (twice ffs) maybe Jordan Peterson is right when says they should all be rounded up and shot in the back of the head.

emotional labour

He made me think

OP made me engage in emotional labour trying to follow the insane mental gymnastics that these swing dancers are doing. I'm getting so emotionally swole from this.

Go on, ask me my IQ now :)

what ur iq

80, up from 50 :0

wow thats high

your p samrt


I have a perfect IQ score

IQ? Don't you mean EQ?

Oh no, he interacted with you. So much labor. It seems like the term emotional labor only applies to something women can do tho.

Jordan Memerson has been secretly using his neetbux funding to funnel illegal semi-automatic rakes into the hands of violent youths as a reward for cleaning their rooms. The day of the rakes will come, the dragon will be defeated and my father will finally love me.

We need some JP copy pasta

This guy made a terrible mistake.

The tribunal outlines a heated dispute, which all began when Gichuru made a post on his Facebook page about “why he thought the operative factor in the American presidential election was race rather than gender.”

By stating this objective fact, he's guilty of femtard treason. Never, no matter what, try to take victim points from western upper middle-class white women.

They will flip their shit so fast it's mind-blowing.

You need to understand these women, while being the most privileged demographic on the entire planet, have been told their entire life they're oppressed and when something happens they don't like it's always tied to their gender.

I mean, he's the one who went to the human rights tribunal. I think that's flipping your shit more than kicking someone you can't stand out of a social club.

I like the new pizzashill, what happened, did his little downie brother take over the account?

why do LIEberals want to take away our right to ban people. same reason we have shared bathrooms and waterfoutins nowadasy

I doubt he ever said that, but totally wish that he would. Someone has to.

Man makes post on own Facebook wall, gets banned when 2 chicks harass him.

Who wants to be part of that club anyway? It must suck to walk on eggshells around those bitches. Find a better club.

Sure, they're fucking cunts. But dude reacts to getting kicked out of a dance school by taking them to the fucking Human Rights Tribunal. Twice.

He is every bit as unbalanced as the two harpies, if not more so. Any man who voluntarily does swing dancing is highly suspect to begin with.

maybe Jordan Peterson is right when says they should all be rounded up and shot in the back of the head.














Mansplaining AND emotional labour in the same article?

Wew, lad.

He was probably manspreading and manscaping as well. Hanging's too good, really.

yet another dancer then jumped into the discussion, accusing Gichuru of forcing the first dancer to perform “emotional labour”

How the fuck do those people function in society?

What part of this story gives you the idea these people are functional in any capacity?

They seem to leave their houses, which is one step above a lot of tards online. Still not human it seems.

The appeal also considered an internal swing-society email that discussed “socially awkward men and men who give the ‘maybe creepy’ vibe, including ‘usually older men who seem to hold fellows a little too close and spin them a little too vigorously.’ ”

Vigorous spinning: a sure sign of a creepy man

The British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal is a quasi-judicial human rights body in British Columbia, Canada. It was established under the British Columbia Human Rights Code. It is responsible for "accepting, screening, mediating and adjudicating human rights complaints."[1]

This has zero potential for abuse or corruption.

On the plus side, there's also more leaf drama to be had in the future.

Ive never met a strong woman who unironically uses the term mansplaining.

Daily reminder that Canada must be glassed.

The only thing Canada deserves is a nuclear holocaust

Honestly, the country is alright. It's Vancouver that needs to be destroyed; it is the definition of a degenerate city. Straight up fueled by vice.

This is great. A bunch of SJW's arguing over whether it was racism or sexism that caused an election in a country they don't live in. I wonder if the US government can get a restraining order on them fro stalking.

why is the US is building a wall on the south side?

Swing is degenerate. The Nazis had one thing right

If men have the power then how do the women always get their way and the government not only condone but promote this dynamic?