Screening of Israeli movie in Paris boycotted by israeli officials (because it's about the death of palestinian teens). (((JIDF))) is out in force in the comment section!

30  2018-02-13 by IAintThatGuy




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Tsk tsk

Government of a country doesn't like a film criticizing it


Telling the ambassador not to even go to a screening of the movie at the "Israeli film festival" is kind of going an extra step.

I'm pretty sure that my country (Poland) would have done the same if some Polish director made a movie about the story of a Pole ratting out Polish Jews to the Nazis. We're basically second to none when it comes to nationalist pettiness.

They're making waves these days (also some good drama on european subreddits about the new polish laws).

Didn't your country just banned mentioning the death camps y'all had?

More specifically, the death camps that would not have existed if it weren't for extensive polish collaboration. There's a reason the nazis chose to make the camps there; they felt safest in the lands of their most enthusiastic servants.

banned mentioning the death camps y'all had

Death camps? What death camps?

Yeah and everyone thinks Poland is garbage.

In most of the west, yes this would be shocking lol. They should shut up and take the criticism. At the most make a rebuttal. But that's it. Anything else is suspect.

if you deserve criticism then you need to "take it in and don't even fucking think of making a noise" which is coincidentally my motto

When said government pretends to be the only democracy in the Middle East, it should prolly tolerate it.

How does having an elected government mean the government can't act in it's self interest?

If you think that merely having elections is enough to make something a democracy, then Russia is a democracy and so is Turkey. But if you wanna be democratic, there's more you have to do, like tolerating and even pretending to like dissent.

Free and fair elections with uaf do make a democracy, yes. Neither Russia nor Turkey has that.

Free press is necessary, yes, but that doesn't mean government officials have to sit and watch something that maligns the government. The mere fact that such a movie can be made in Israel in the first place differentiates it from its neighbours.

lol more al jazeera bullshit. "ISRAEL" is not boycotting shit. wtf

Yeah just their government telling their ambassador not to attend a screening of the movie at the "Israeli film festival". Totally nothing official.

This was Israel's nomination for the Oscars lmao

Seems they're pulling a Trump, where the government is not okay with the media, artists or "elites" in general disagreeing with them.

Seems like you're pulling a trump by spreading fake news lol

What's fake here? Filmmakers make a successful movie, which pisses off the government. Government decide to react by having their official avoid the movie (which sounds bad when it's at a festival honoring their country's artists).

Al jazeera is fake news

You're fake news.

You're fake news.

No u.

Really? On a lot of subjects they're the only ones with boots on the ground, and they don't have to answer to anyone.

But Al Jazeera (Arabic) is more biased. The Al Jazeera (English) team is different, and honestly I haven't seen them show bias yet.

Butthurt Muslim spotted. Can smell the kebab oil from a mile away.

If I was muslim I'd probably support the people at Al Jazeera Arabic though.

Are all Muslims Arabic speakers? Check your privilege.

Theoritically yes they should be, since the Quran is the word of Allah in Arabic, supposed to be his true language (even though translations are tolerated).



Stop mansplaining me.

(((خلايا عزمي)))

Imagine shilling for a network run by the state sponsors of Muslim Brotherhood. Imagine unironically thinking they'd be neutral about the conflict that gives Muzzies heart attacks from Ireland to Cathay.

An example cited from earlier years was a report in Al Jazeera that Jews had been informed in advance not to go to work on the day of the September 11 attacks, which was criticized by an October 2001 editorial in The New York Times. An often-repeated example involves an on-air birthday party organized by Al Jazeera's Beirut bureau chief for a Lebanese militant convicted of killing four Israelis, including a four-year-old girl. Al Jazeera greeted Samir Kuntar, released in a July 2008 prisoner swap, as a hero. A more recent example given by the article is the now defunct weekly show "Sharia and Life" by Yusuf Qaradawi, an Egyptian cleric who, according to a February 2011 article in The Atlantic, "argues clearly and consistently that hatred of Israel and Jews is Islamically sanctioned."[7][8] Subsequently, the Al Jazeera television station admitted that its coverage of Israel's release of convicted Lebanese terrorist Samir Kuntar violated the station's own code of ethics.

Lmao, are you satirical or for real?

fuck off gilfete cunt

You're thinking of haaretz

(((خلايا عزمي)))

JIDF detected

Oy vey, this thread must be shut down immediately

ayyyy you come here as well? i guess you can only get so much out of r/arabs before you get fed up with the echo chamber. i retired from there and took up the career of professional troll

Yeah tab3an, tbh I'm disappointed that you didn't notice me before.

fed up with the echo chamber

Yeah it got boring for me after posting there for two years, same shit topics same shit responses.

"yeh but dat communism/imperialism/gay butt joke doe 100x"-r/arabs

munches butt tags daret xd

I love that i know exactly who you're talking about.

Did you know the Jews run Israel?

Shit they're behind this too?

If various people ask what 4+4 equal I would likely post 8 all over this thread.

Didn't France also outlaw Battle of Algiers for x years and blacklist all of the actors involved?

Very possible. I didn't know about that.