25 2018-02-13 by WarSanchez
1 SnapshillBot 2018-02-13
I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 WarSanchez 2018-02-13
I never have a point.
1 freet0 2018-02-13
1 ProMeleePlayer 2018-02-13
This is the best snappy-quote because there's a lot of truth in it.
1 niggerpenis 2018-02-13
will u be my gf 😍💘
Only if open to getting pegged.
1 likearasputin 2018-02-13
a) showing your face face is self - doxxing, but meh.
b) you look much better than I would expect from r/drama user.
c) could you link to this site and can I use it on pc?
I've shared my face plenty here. Surprisingly this is the only sub I frequent where it is safe to do so lol.
I got it off of facebook, so I can't help you there.
Also, I took a terrible pic for my ID to troll at the DMV where I look like a redneck jihadi, so I can look "twoxtrollish". LOL
1 searingsky 2018-02-13
How many cum tributes have you gotten
1 Logan_Pauler 2018-02-13
Man, I wish I had the same amount of confidence you have to go around posting your in picture, in r/drama of all places.
1 backltrack 2018-02-13
That's not a sane amount of confidence. It's all the tequila and modelos this guy drinks.
1 aggressiveshitpost 2018-02-13
dat nose
You look better as a man tbh.
Too unjewish to afford a fix... 😔
1 Nice_Try_LOLOL 2018-02-13
Maybe stop sticking your nose in wasps nests?
1 mandathor 2018-02-13
you can settle with a jew filter on your camera. angle of lenses aren't kind with jew-noses
1 londonagain 2018-02-13
dat clean skin works both sides
1 LSU_Coonass 2018-02-13
1 tcfb 2018-02-13
Mine literally just used the same picture with a shitty filter :( same hair and everything.
I love my job too much to doxx myself. I've been accused of being the kid in the middle, or the guy from princess bride pretty regularly though if you want to use your imagination. Only more Native American https://cdn.movieweb.com/img.news.tops/NEnQklxRwhPIrq_1_b/Deathgasm-2-Goremageddon-Script.jpg
only more native American
Ah, your breath must smell like whiskey
Jameson and unironic American spirits are my spirit animals
1 hahacock 2018-02-13
Lol how did it know to give you latina style make-up and eyebrows
(((It))) knows
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2018-02-13
Mexican dude becomes an Italian girl
1 KT-47 2018-02-13
faces of r/drama
1 _narrows 2018-02-13
Did you replace your nose with a potato?
1 Talonek 2018-02-13
A little white for a Sanchez don't you think.
Wouldn't want you to culturally appropriating anything now would we
1 SnapshillBot 2018-02-13
I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 WarSanchez 2018-02-13
I never have a point.
1 freet0 2018-02-13
1 ProMeleePlayer 2018-02-13
This is the best snappy-quote because there's a lot of truth in it.
1 niggerpenis 2018-02-13
will u be my gf 😍💘
1 niggerpenis 2018-02-13
will u be my gf 😍💘
1 WarSanchez 2018-02-13
Only if open to getting pegged.
1 likearasputin 2018-02-13
a) showing your face face is self - doxxing, but meh.
b) you look much better than I would expect from r/drama user.
c) could you link to this site and can I use it on pc?
1 WarSanchez 2018-02-13
I've shared my face plenty here. Surprisingly this is the only sub I frequent where it is safe to do so lol.
I got it off of facebook, so I can't help you there.
Also, I took a terrible pic for my ID to troll at the DMV where I look like a redneck jihadi, so I can look "twoxtrollish". LOL
1 searingsky 2018-02-13
How many cum tributes have you gotten
1 Logan_Pauler 2018-02-13
Man, I wish I had the same amount of confidence you have to go around posting your in picture, in r/drama of all places.
1 backltrack 2018-02-13
That's not a sane amount of confidence. It's all the tequila and modelos this guy drinks.
1 aggressiveshitpost 2018-02-13
You look better as a man tbh.
1 WarSanchez 2018-02-13
Too unjewish to afford a fix... 😔
1 Nice_Try_LOLOL 2018-02-13
Maybe stop sticking your nose in wasps nests?
1 mandathor 2018-02-13
you can settle with a jew filter on your camera. angle of lenses aren't kind with jew-noses
1 londonagain 2018-02-13
dat clean skin works both sides
1 LSU_Coonass 2018-02-13
1 tcfb 2018-02-13
Mine literally just used the same picture with a shitty filter :( same hair and everything.
1 WarSanchez 2018-02-13
1 tcfb 2018-02-13
I love my job too much to doxx myself. I've been accused of being the kid in the middle, or the guy from princess bride pretty regularly though if you want to use your imagination. Only more Native American https://cdn.movieweb.com/img.news.tops/NEnQklxRwhPIrq_1_b/Deathgasm-2-Goremageddon-Script.jpg
1 backltrack 2018-02-13
Ah, your breath must smell like whiskey
1 tcfb 2018-02-13
Jameson and unironic American spirits are my spirit animals
1 hahacock 2018-02-13
Lol how did it know to give you latina style make-up and eyebrows
1 WarSanchez 2018-02-13
(((It))) knows
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2018-02-13
Mexican dude becomes an Italian girl
1 KT-47 2018-02-13
faces of r/drama
1 _narrows 2018-02-13
Did you replace your nose with a potato?
1 Talonek 2018-02-13
A little white for a Sanchez don't you think.
Wouldn't want you to culturally appropriating anything now would we