Badass gamer from /r/AskMen will kick your ass if you stare at him in the locker room for too long.

17  2018-02-13 by Casey_Closed


One-year-old account, 50K karma, posts seemingly exclusively on video game subreddits...

Video games cause violence, and u/FluffyBlizzard’s hyperbolic, uncontrolled reactive tendencies are the proof.

Plus he’s clearly gay

Yeah, only a faggot would have such strong feelings about men looking at his package.

Exactly. Only a closet faggot overthinks that way about getting a brojob.

The lady doth protest too much!

The last time lardo saw the gym, Bill Clinton was getting ducked off by an intern.

You should say "getting caught getting sucked off...". Pretty sure he's getting some as we speak.

"Still dicking bimbos"

He's gay

u/fluffyblizzard "creepy" only works as a catchall excuse for bad behavior by women; as a man you're expected to take actual responsibility for your own actions.

Dude's gay or bi.

You really have some fetish to get fondled by faggots in a locker room dont you. Well not all of us are as gay as you dumbass.

The more you complain, the gayer you seem.

Your the only one that seems gay here so...

Tell me where you work out so I can visit you in the locker room.

Thanks for proving my point

Why are you being so homophobic, man?

Maybe you should look up what that means

Why do you care if a guy lingers at your junk? I'd consider it a compliment and if it gets annoying I'd simply tell him to fuck off. Why would you risk a charge because you're insecure about your sexuality?

Why are you being racist?

I would hold you down and teach you to enjoy it

fake news r/drama is full of queer persons of color

Can confirm.