A person in /r/europe makes a ghazi-tier post about KKKingdom Cummies.

69  2018-02-14 by 1171798


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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People like /u/friendoforder are better at increasing game sales than any imaginable marketing team. And they're doing it for free.

This game doesn't even support my OS and I want to buy it just to piss off u/friendoforder.

I mean

Consider, you can't even choose your gender but you're forced to be male. Not only is he a gamergater, he's only someone who consciously removes choice for women.

^ That's so stupid I half think friendoforder is trolling.

CDPR is another one, is completely tonedeaf on race and gender.

How much you wanna bet he's never even played the witcher games?

Why would they unless you can be a trans black lesbian woman hero in Poland 700 years ago?

He's a hired gun, it's false flag marketing.

Can you rapemarry women in this game?

More importantly can you blow raspberrys at them? This is important.

Can you blow rapeberrys at men?

Only if you're a very very cheeky scamp.

Yes, but you have to sneak up and bag them first. As is the tradition.

Wait I take it back, fake af

every form of media has to appeal to literally every single person in the world

or else

shut the fuck up, nazi.


And by that you mean white americans from coastal cities.

Your comment implies there are "people" who don't live in NYC and SF. Flyover country yokels aren't people. Some of them probably voted for Trump, which caused the natural disasters that constantly plague their "cities" of dirt-floor hovels.

I got a 4 door pickup and a 9 inch dick, come over yonder and pack ya a lip full of my cum

So /u/FriendOfOrder basically wants the video-game guy to push a multicultural agenda.

Also, how does this game compare to M&B?

Its the definition of eurojank so expect bugs and glitches for a while, youre a lot weaker than in M&B, the story is a lot more involved, the world is insanely detailed and it looks wonderful. The combat is what shines, though. It has better sword fighting than M&B by far. You wont be able to raise amies, though. You're just an ordinary dude.

So /u/FriendOfOrder basically wants the video-game guy to push a multicultural agenda.

Also, how does this game compare to M&B?

Dear, /u/FriendOfOrder. Keep in mind that History is not gender fluid.

So, I asked around ( because my laptop is too old for this one) - the game itself is buggy, got a big patch, similar story as with Stalker - a 7/10 game, might be a lot better in the future, after patches.

For now people say that game includes these ethnicities: Proto-Czechs, Hungarians, Croatians, Germans, Cumans, Jews, Roma etc.

Czech Romas look pretty brown. I'm a South Asian myself and a lot of the Romanis I saw in Prague could easily pass as generic South Asians.

Cumans were a mix of Turkics and Slavs so they're non-White.

Don't get me started on the Jews.

So again, if these ethnic minorities are or will be represented in the game = game is diverse. Where is the problem them? If american " le gamers" want something more, they should firstly take a stand against their own triple A develpers and demand more. Insteasd they choose to shit on a still a small time european developer.

I agree. It's funny to see ignorant Americans enforcing a Westernised standard on a culture they're know little to nothing about.

I'm still searching for a twitter drama where they implied that eastern european countries were a RACIAL melting - pot ( it was linked in original r/ europe post somewhere)

Also - IT IS KNOWN - slavs, balts and finno-ugric people were PoC's😒.

Was this person who argued about the Moors argued that they were black lmao

Cumans were a mix of Turkics and Slavs so they're non-White.

Stepping on dangerous territory with those words tbh

The problem is SJWs think diversity equals forcing black people into everything. Nothing stops black people from making their own shit and if anything the people that complain most are white yuppies anyway that would never buy or play video games regardless.

It is like a man complaining about wanting the perfect tampon that appeals to him.

I think it has more to do with Americans getting most of their knowledge about the middle ages from fantasy novels.

You do see it plenty with SJWs demanding white people insert forced diversity into everything culture wise for the sake of it while completely ignoring any other race when they don't do it.

Granted the others shouldn't have to either. This is how you end up with black people inserted into Norse mythology. Of course it never happens in reverse. You aren't going to see a bunch of random white people inserted into Wakanda for instance.

People to this day bitch about Witcher not being black enough. That is always the metric. Diversity equals how black is it even for Polish people.

black people inserted into Norse mythology

Uhm, the comic book bastardization of Norse mythology. I wouldn't call Thor the comic book hero "Norse mythology". There is plenty of creative freedom in comic book renditions.

I don't think it is the best example. That movie isnt authentic nor was the color of Heimdall'a skin essential to the character. So there is no reason why he had to absolutely stay white. I always found that a silly reason to be upset, especially since Elba is a fantastic actor.

Well you do end up with white actresses in Chinese cartoon live action movies every now and then

I have seen a few hours of game-play of this and haven't seen a woman... oddly.

Good. I don't want any female protagonists ruining my video games.

That's weird, because like the second character you see is a woman (your character's mother). You see a woman before you even see your own character.

I missed the 'character's family dies in village,' part and saw from 'character is in the castle while two Lords shout at each other.'

10/10 GOTY

now im interested. anything without women is a 100 in my diary

It's sad that all these Eastern European game companies, CDPR is another one, is completely tonedeaf on race and gender.

Bc no Eastern Europeans besides game developers are racist, right?

Fuck doesn’t Poland have like less than 1% ethnic minorities, has this person ever met an Eastern European who had a nice thing to say about Arabs and black people?

It's not that bad at all. I'm brown and I've been to Eastern Europe multiple times. People are much more friendly then they are in the Anglosphere imo. My 80 year old grandparents went to Bulgaria and had nothing but good things to say about them. Prague has a sizeable minority population as well (mainly Viets and Arabs).

Fuck doesn’t Poland have like less than 1% ethnic minorities

Yeah, after the Holocaust


Vavra's attempt to explain away that has been 'muh historical accuracy' but there were certainly Jews and Arab tradesmen in the trading routes. Yet he has purged those elements.

so, /u/friendoforder, your position is that you would like to see more jewish moneylenders and arab traders in your games to make them less racist?

lololol Arabs in the 1400s in Bohemia? Turks maybe, as corpses on the battlefield but Arabs? please

Turks and other folk from the Mediterranean are plausible but Arabs and Slavs barely knew eachother in that time period I believe

yeah, that was literally during the time when the unwashed muslim hordes were invading europe (well ONE of the times). at that point, Turks were much more the driving force than Arabs afaik -- their conquest of Byzantium was what, 50 years or so previously?

I believe the Arabs/Berbers were already in Spain and Southern Europe in general as the Moorish occupation started around 700 AD. Don’t know what year they were kicked out tho.

their conquest of Byzantium was what, 50 years or so previously?

Yeah, there was talk of introducing Tartar/Turkish groups as DLC since they made contact in the slavosphere. I don’t see how that will make any difference to “diversity” types anyway since both those groups can range from fairly tan to pale white tbh

yeah that's thousands of km from bohemia though. the Reconquista was the period in Iberian history between the Umayyid conquest in the early 700s and the fall of Granada in 1492, took a while to kick the muzzies all out.

Tatar and/or Turkish forces would be completely appropriate for the time period, yeah. Preferrably with heads on pikes :)

yeah that's thousands of km from bohemia though.

Indeed, which is why it would make no sense for the devs to include them. Would love to see them tackle the Reconquista tbh

Might check out the game when it goes on sale

yah, exactly.

i don't have time to play games right now which sucks. then again based on how sucked in I get with decent RPGs I'll probably never have time to play this one. Damn responsibilities, especially 6am conference calls and children :(

Weak b8