When you so beta you pay $130,000 to a chick your friend totally didn't even bang.

118  2018-02-14 by OniTan


When I first saw this article from The New York Times, its title was:

Trump's Longtime Lawyer Says He Paid Stormy Daniels Out of His Own Pocket

Here are some other articles about this story:

I am a bot trying to encourage a balanced news diet.

These are all of the articles I think are about this story. I do not select or sort articles based on any opinions or perceived biases, and neither I nor my creator advocate for or against any of these sources or articles. It is your responsibility to determine what is factually correct.

Not a bad bot, I gotta say.

It's ok, not as good as Snappy and Cummy tho😊

snappy's been off her shit lately

snappy's been off her shit


/u/SnapshillBot has the "incel inside" flair, and as we all know, there are no female incels. However, some people have interpreted this flair as follows:

exactly... incel inside, because she is doing her duty as a femoid.

Didn't include Breitbart and Shareblue. Not radically centrist enough.

it's included Breitbart before

i bet it'd include shareblue if /r/politics hadn't banned it

it's included Breitbart before

It actually caused a bit of drama a while back because it included Breitbart.

A lawyer paid their own money and didn't bill the client? Yeah, right.

Thank you trump for all the drama

TRUMP 😫is my 🏃🏻daddy 💕💦role model 🏅🎉🌟all-star🌟. i'm gonna GRAB👊🏻✊🏻some pussies,😹😻👌🏻 🚫BAN🚫some muslims👳🏽👳🏽, and ‼️BUILD👷🏻🙆🏼‍♂️ some walls. maybe if i'm 🍀lucky🍀 daddy💦 trump will elect 😱ME🌵 as his cummy 🇺🇸representative🇺🇸

OMG😂😂 That has to be satire! right?

I mean it's pretty catchy if i'm honest hahah

Not really at all. How the fuck do you figure its catchy? Its also mixed terribly and now my ears hurt, thank you very much.

Its very offensive that you found such a shit piece of music catchy and I don't know how I'll be able to sleep tonight, and this issue is on you so you better make it right.

This sounds like a you problem.

find someone who looks at you like that guy looks at a 6ft cutout of trump


I cringed. That was awful.

No cucks allowed

/closes curtain to Chad pillow fort

I want to kill myself.

Why does he have metal upper teeth.

My only experience with people having metal upper teeth was the people who were used for oral sex in prison and had their natural upper teeth broken so that they couldn't bite the penis.

Porno whores are notoriously bad with money, so she probably wasted it all on drugs by now.

Couldn't be worse with money than the guy who paid $130k for an orgasm lol

He paid her that not to tell anyone. Presumably the orgasms were paid for with the stuff he bought her on their "dates."

Are you explaining to me how prostitution and cover-ups work?

Mansplaining. And manspreading.

these microagressions will not stand

Of course not. They'll sit, with their legs open and balls free.

Thank Allah it has not yet spread to manthreading

I mean, the most notorious prostitute killer in all of Canada would have a lot to teach.

Ted Cruz?

No, Ted Cruz is /u/OniTan

It all makes sense.

Be careful, people who out him tend to disappear.

Be careful, people who out him tend to disappear.

You didn't seem to understand, so yeah he did

Thank god you're here

Nah, she's one of the ones who moved past acting in porn.

These days she mostly directs/produces. And the reason she got in contact witb Trump is because she briefly flirted with running for pu oic office.

*Pubic office.

public orifice


Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'public orifice'. To learn more about me, check out this FAQ.

mediocre bot

porn star in public office

Wow, another thing Italy beat us to.

Dat sprezzatura.

This is why we need Islam to make America great again. Ask not what your porn star can do for your, ask what you can do for your porn star.

And serial killers are notoriously bad with people, your point?

These people are so fucking dumb it's amazing that rednecks still have themselves convinced they know what they are doing. Rednecks are you're lives so pathetic that these charlatans represent your last bits of hope of something better?

Never underestimate the power of an outsider in an outsider election cycle.

Or the retardedness of a redneck

"I cannot imagine anyone being more of an outsider than the first woman president."

Except for the whole living inside the whitehouse for 8 years part.

She just lived there, never gained any experience or qualifications.

Rednecks are you're

Guess all that there book learnin' didn't do you a whole heap of good, did it feller?

Autocorrect my man!

Autocorrect also checks for grammar buddy


My Samsung one is kind of a tard. It randomly likes to capitalize words at the end of a sentence too :(

why the FUCK do you have autocorrect turned on

fucking pleb


what they are doing.

Preventing Hillary Clinton from ever being President, lol

why would you pay her $130,000 instead of paying 130 high class escorts to have a battle royale?

Trump's lawyer can't afford $16,900,000 come on

I would never pay that much for pussy. This inflation is getting out of hand. He should've taken his own advice and simply grabbed it.

I would never pay that much for pussy

hard to pay what you don't have

That makes no sense

I was calling him a poor

We already knew, serial killers never pay their victims

You never answered my question about how many women you have raped and killed. I know it's probably 0, since you're too weak and feeble to rape anyone who wasn't passed out first.

Wait, isnt the OP the one who reports all the comments that make his cleft vagina weep?


What is the deal with her titties?

bad boob jobs don't age well

It looks like they used MRE's instead of silicon/saline bags.

She's got those body builder titties but minus the body building

Minecraft boobs.

I read that as MRA’s and was going to ask why the fuck men rights activists are now part of the boob implantation business.

They look like huge eyes...

That does bring up an interesting philosophical question: how much do you offer someone to keep quiet? Obviously you don't want to offer too much, because guaranteed there are other busted up porn stars in tow wanting that cash. But also you can't lowball them too much or they are tempted to run to the media out of spite.

I’m honestly trying to figure out how this doesn’t break attorney-client privilege and why the attorney is openly discussing this. If I were to discuss a settlement so openly, or a former clients personal matters, I’m pretty sure the partners would take turns pistol whipping me and then drop me off for the local bar to scream at me.

He's doing it under orders from Trump. The original allegation was that Daniels was paid out of campaign funds. Which would be totally illegal.

If he's taking a bullet for Daddy, not doing so must be the worse option.


So who have you raped recently? There’s a hooker in one of the other threads.

I assume people are so overloaded with "Trump's a cunt because x" stories, nobody cares.

He murdered a hooker? Lol that's our Trump.

Remember when Howard Dean yelled excitedly one time and that rendered him unelectable

To be clear, if Obama was found to have done something like this the republican party would have tried to impeach him that day.

For years these Christians have been throwing "family values" at people that disagree with them, attacking their morality, and pretending to be superior.

Now they're worshipping a guy that's been divorced multiple times and literally banged a pornstar while married and then tried to cover it up and not a fucking peep from those "family value Christians."

There is not a more worthless, grand-standing piece of shit demographic in this country than white evangelicals.

They are an international disgrace.

No Nazis in my inbox ty

How am I a nazi.

You hate women and won't vote Democrat. You'd fit right in at KiA.

Oh ok.

Didn't you go full-on 1488 recently?

Uh no?

>not several paragraphs

Who got access to your account?

have u already forgotten your own /r/neoliberal debacle

Nothing in that fiasco says I'm a "nazi."

it says ur going down the JonTron path

What is the "jontron" path.

  1. Be famous bipolar online nerd famous for tryhard jokes and buffoonery, considered a generally nice guy and liked/hated by progressoys and conservatards alike, though favoring the former

  2. Call people “retards” on Twitter one too many times

  3. Get offended by the SJWs who are offended by your behavior, and embraced by pepelords

  4. Find yourself getting increasingly annoyed by reckless hyperbole on the left, start going in more frequently

  5. Post about Islam

  6. Accidentally summarize the 14 words while trying to get people to calm down

  7. Start appearing on podcasts and “debate” shit about political correctness, hearing more about the proggo hypocrisy

  8. Go all in, start making up bogus crime stats on the spot that say black people always commit more crimes no matter WHAT

and step 9 is either full fash (a/k/a the Sam Hyde route) or fearful withdrawal, followed by slow, lukewarm redemption

Sounds like jonTron is a retard with no idea what's doing. Don't you worry about me bud, I know how to deal with SJWs. This isn't my first rodeo.


which means the only way to keep you from going full fash is constant, calculated shame

True, one of the main things holding leftist cucks down is their constant shame.


How am I a nazi.

Well, you seem do be a socialist, for one thing.

Well, Nazis weren't socialist, and at no point have I ever said anything that would classify me as a socialist.



There is not a more worthless, grand-standing piece of shit demographic in this country than white evangelicals.

Why white evangelicals specifically?

Because white evangelicals are a demographic of their own and they tend to have different views than evangelicals from other ethnic groups.

This is why you always see "white evangelicals" listed as their own group.


For example.

Time to bring back the inquisition then

because the people colored evangelicals fall for never want more than their money

Rednecks & all their distant cousins - specific culture in America.

Although as far as I know there are some "black rednecks" here and there.

Who do you think voted for Trump?

Men, white people, white women, people with college educations, people with money, people who aren't on welfare, business owners, gun owners, people from two-parent homes, citizens, people who live outside of a few urban cauldrons, people who aren't mentally ill genderweirds, older people, 20% of black men, 40% of hispanic citizens, veterans, the living.

Sounds gay

I'll take the feminine cocks and the hotter women thx

I'll take the feminine cocks and the fatter womxn thx

All yours, buddy.

Yeah but if there's anything to be taken from Jesus, it was forgiveness. They're just following the path to righteousness by forgiving him over and over again.

Not sure if god-tier satire, or raging retard seriouspost

Taking things literally = autism

This is why I only follows radical centrism, so I can weasel myself out easily.

Those who set them by religious or moral values are bound to die by it one day.

You clearly don't actually remember that and are just listening to other redditors who don't actually remember that. He was already fucked.

Yelling "yeaah" after listing the states he was winning in was due being fucked?

But eh I didn't read that history so

Lmao are you retarded? He got crushed in a primary he was supposed to do well in (got third) that day and was breaking down from that. In the middle of his break down he then yelled hysterically about how it's okay because he's going to win every other state.

I've literally only seen that one clip (and one later one where he was mocking himself), I told you I had no clue about the history lmao

Oh I took your post as sarcasm lol sorry we're all autistic here so it's a struggle.

Well I am retarded for not having read about that stuff tbh

I mean I care, but unless a certain majority starts holding him accountable, there's not much my "caring" could do.

Just one thing to not forget in the vast sea of hypocrisy and humfuckery that's been going on.

Isn't this illegal? This feels illegal

On its face no, I don't think so. It'll be interesting to see where the money actually came from though. If it was from the campaign it would definitely be illegal. If it was actually from his pocket or if (more likely) Trump paid him out of pocket to do it I don't think it would be illegal.

I think it's the other way around. If Trump paid him, it might be OK, but if he did it himself, then it's an illegal campaign donation. It's similar to what happened to John Edwards in 2004. Some supporters paid to cover up an affair, and Edwards got in trouble for accepting illegal donations.

Why even pay someone to keep quiet when you can just make them disappear in a vat of lime?


"...but why, then?"

He declined to answer several follow-up questions

People shouldn't be mad Trump banged a pornstar, they should be mad he paid $130,000 for....that. That really was the worst deal he could have made. For $130,000 he should have paid Lindsay Lohan and Megan Fox to claim they had a threesome with home

That’s alpha