Chad Thundercock creates fresh pasta while whining about virgin beta cucks.

80  2018-02-14 by in_hazmat_suit


Providing a Community Safe from TITrCJ's Sexual Advances Since October 2015.


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After this intellectual discourse, he followed the guy to another thread the next day here showing his cool and articulate side that drives the femoids wild!

pls say this is a troll. nobody can be that obnoxious, right??

You would think, but then again that sub is bound to attract the PUA types

How do I change my status as a "lower guy"

Oh you don't honey, you're suck there forever

Hahahaha hoooooooooly shit

/u/Jayshek09 got into an argument with a bot, so I think we're dealing with an actual retard. โ™ฟโ™ฟโ™ฟ


Pls I need that link, I need this so bad

Pls I need that link, I need this so bad

He deleted his comment, but here's the removeddit link.

I think you might have a better place on r/ForeverAlone than r/seduction.

Here's a sneak peek of /r/ForeverAlone using the top posts of the year!

#1: PSA: If You're Asking Yourself, "Why am I Getting Judged On this Subreddit?" Read this
#2: Readers of r/incels...please read
#3: If this post gets 50 up votes, I will shower, man up, shower again, then ask my long time crush out!

I'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact me | Info | Opt-out

Are you Asian dawg? LMAO cause the asian dude we used to bully named, "Paul", used to say the same shit.

"According to you guys' behavior, I'll be WAY more successful than you in 10 years, just watch!"


omg, hold on, let me screen shot this to my homies.

the bot was obviously just insecure ๐Ÿ˜ค

/u/Jayshek09 this is fucking pathetic.

Nahh, the dude is funny(and confident) as fuck DAWG

he followed the guy to another thread the next day

and what a thread!

Ikr? That's how I found out about this guy lol ๐Ÿ˜‹

Shrek is oddly fucking obsessed with bullies and nerds he and his friends picked on.... Considering he posted this a couple months ago...

I wish I could see what it was because I bet it adds a lot of context.


wow such confidence

what an alfalfa I'm swooning

LMAO ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Watch it bich you already have a C H A D

I don't know honey, how many uber drivers have you intimidated with your masculine greetings ๐Ÿค”

Uber had to stop running in Dublin since I AMOGed all their beta cuck drivers ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Sexy af tbh ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜™๐Ÿฆ

Hola Amigos,

This is my first post for asking some questions. I'm currently in college and going to class. My main priority was to have my grades up and that was it. I'm fairly an attractive guy outside of class, but I currently found myself sucked into a social circle that I never wanted.

When we began class, the hottest girl from class came to me and started talking to me. However, I was focused on doing my work, not trying to get girls in class. Because of this I think she got mad at me thinking she rejected me. And now she has her own circle of "popular kids". Throughout semester, I was associating with another girl, who isn't very attractive, but very smart. She aligned with my goal of getting good grades. But now I see a problem because of this choice. Now the cliques have formed. To others observing me sees that I'm associated with the "smart kids" hence now treats me as such. And the hot girl who came to me before is now doing her own thing with her crew, while I'm stuck with some of the "lower" members of the social circles if you will. Now outside of class, I attract fairly hotter women. That is to say, I go for women hotter than the girl I saw. But in this class, I noticed I'm being treated as a lower status individual that what I'm used to. Our class is having an event towards the end of the month, and I'm thinking of bringing a girl that's pretty hot to this event. I think this will be a good experience in the future as I'm sure I will be involved in another social circle. And if my status is of a "lower guy", is there a way to change your status within the group? For example by bringing another hot girl into the group?

He's that one guy in college who thinks cliques and teenage obsession with popularity. carries over from high school.

When I'm with like six or seven of my clique, just cruising comment sections and ROASTING these offbrand-ass poindexter lames, the tastiest roasts are always met with a hearty "LMAO" from one of my contemporaries. If I'm not hearing a steady chorus of my goon squad spelling out "LMAO" rather than actually laughing, I know I gotta step my game up or I'm dangerously at risk of social demotion

offbrand ass-poindexter lames

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

That smart girl is probably annoyed by this clingy ape making her look bad to others

To be fair I occasionally show my friends retards on discord, fresh cringe is a bonding experience.

He's that one guy in college who thinks cliques and teenage obsession with popularity carries over from high school.

I think he might be on the spectrum based on the tattoo story. Shop owner trying to give him some legit advice and he completely ignores it and gets irritated by it.

When you buy a car what do you do? Me: What? Him: You check to see if the air conditioner is working, or if the engines okay, or make sure the driving is good. You wouldn't just buy a car right? (no you retard, I would just buy a new car cause I'm not a broke dumbass like you)

I feel like he has never actually bought a car before...

Hey, itโ€™s the guy he followed. Thanks for posting all this. Iโ€™m glad you guys found it as funny as I did!

Lol. That pasta is glorious tho!๐Ÿ˜‰

What's the over/under on this guy being hapa?

Man, I really want to hang out with /u/JayShek09. He sounds super-cool, what with all the acting classes for fun and making friends with drunk people, and being able to take out loans for new cars and all.

Maybe we can cruise around in ubers (gotta save the miles on that new car we both can buy if we want to) and intimidate guys just by being our swaggy, confident selves.

Let's be honest here. /u/JayShek09 is a total manlet.

Who desperately tries to be cool and fails

He's a totally cool alpha who isn't a pathetic loser at all and anyone who would think that is a pathetic loser

Guys look, I found his instagram.

FUCK itโ€™s deleted. And so is his reddit acc. Lol

Heโ€™s so secure. Really. So secure that he deleted his account bc some people were mean to him

What an alpha.

u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy u/serialflamingo what do you think of /u/JayShek09? Does your bussy get wet by his cool and alpha behavior?


267,127 readers

lmao really?


Alpha Man of the Group - showing his chadliness and asserting dominance

imagine centering your social interactions around a debunked explanation of how primitive dogs behave

Yeah, modern theory says humans are more like a herd of mentally challenged cats.

As opposed to what, master race dogs?

That is the gayest thing I've ever heard. I don't mean that pejoratively. Like, super gay.

Uber drivers? More like Ubermensch drivers.

hewwo!! OwO it me!! ur ๐Ÿš•uber๐Ÿš•๐Ÿš• dwiver!! x3 w^ watashi waiting๐Ÿš outside for ๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡ฎu ๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡ฎ!! >w<

That sub is full of BS. The stuff they preach is not going to get you any bussy let alone gussy.

Implying gussy > bussy

๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜’

Oh boy. If my math is right, he's like 27. Hahaha

He's doing a PhD in taking acting classes casually you fucking beta nerd that he used to pick on in school.

literally only doing it for the never-ending supply of fresh pussy

sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup sup

My dude, but unironically

dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg dawg


I'd be shocked if /u/JayShek09 is older than 14


Will your seduction techniques have to change once you graduate from acting school and start working as a barista?

Something tells me u/JayShek09 is a mayo soyboy in desperate need of a bull

I want to read more interactions of this guyโ€™s daily life.

Ikr? We'll be blessed with new and fresh pasta ๐Ÿ˜œ

You guys are a bunch of beta bitches. /u/JayShek09 scored 4 touchdowns in a single game in highschool. Four! It was the highlight of his life.

Now generally I shy away from using the phrase "gigantic faggot" to describable people but exceptions do have to be made occasionally.

/u/JayShek09 likes to pretend he has enough money to hire a lawyer, but prefers to get his advice from the autismos on /r/legaladvice instead. He's also a shitty driver.

Lmao literal high schoolers have better credit than him, thatโ€™s sad

That's the cherry on top. But this is hitting too many troll buttons.

The only thing you should be doing is eating my ass, young padowan. I got debt cause I'm the shit you feel me. I spent it all on Gucci, Louis Vuitto, and Chanel. I got a reputation to uphold my boy.

How do retards like this even exist?

/u/JayShek09 is a fat, virgin, beta nerd and I bet he's too much of a pussy to post a selfie here and prove me wrong.

sorry dude but we gotta remove mean pings

There is no way in hell this guy isn't a great troll.

Copying this nutso from his post elsewhere since he deleted his delicious pasta

Hola amigos,

I have a question. I'm fairly confident, friendly, and warm. But I also know I make a lot of guys insecure around me. It gets rather annoying when I first try to be friendly with them but they instead try to cut me down.

How do I deal with these types of behaviors from other men? Here are some examples.

1 Insecure Guy Reaction

Uber Ride Pool: Me, Driver, Another girl (After Class)

Me: (Coming in with confident vibe) Sup man Driver (Student on my campus): (Reacting to my energy) Sup! (Pretty girl gets in)

Driver: How's your day going? (To me) Me: Pretty good man, I just took my midterm in my acting class. And somehow I managed to memorize my scripts an hour before the midterm. I didn't realize I could do that. Driver: Oh cool. Me: Yeah man. So how bout you? Is uber your full-time job? (Asking genuinely) Driver: (Getting insecure) Hell naw man, I'm also a full time choreographer. Matter of fact, you guys will probably see me on TV tonight. I'm a professional dancer. Girl: Oh cool, I'm a ballerina Driver: Yeah? Well you guys might seem me with (Some name). You know him? (To me) Me: No Driver: Well he's like the Michael Jordan of Hip Hop. I met him. Girl: Oh wow, he's like my idol Driver: Oh really? Well yeah, I'm gonna be on TV with him. (To me) So how bout you man? Got an agent for your acting career? Me: Nope, I'm only taking it for fun. (I'm kind of confused here because here I was just having good vibes and trying to be friendly with this dude, and he instantly got insecure and started trying to cut me down) Driver: Oh why not get an agent?

And so on.

2 Insecure Reaction

Another Uber Driver

I walk in with a swagger. Him: (Immediately react to be with a bit of like, who the fuck does he think he is) Me: (I usually don't notice as most guys wanna be friends with me) Me: (Not realizing he was insecure already by me) Sup man! Him: Sup Me: Busy tonight? Him: Hah, I'm always busy man. I got 3 jobs. (I can tell there's a subtle aggression) Me: Okay, well I'm talking about tonight with Uber. Him: Oh nah, it's slow. Me: That's cool man. Him: How bout you? Me: It's alright. I'm glad there won't be any drunks with me pooling today. Him: Well, obviously, it's Sunday night. (uh, okay?) Me: (I ignore it) Yeah, it was funny last night, I was in a pool with 3 other drunk people. And it's amazing how fast 3 drunk strangers become instant friends and get a party going in the ride. Him: Haha well, what do you expect out of drunk people? Me: (At this point, I'm getting annoyed) Him: And then he starts talking about some drunk people trying to talk to me.

3 Tattoo Shop

I walk into this tattoo shop. And immediately when I walk in, the whole shop kind of stops and looks at me. I walk in with a upright posture, slow walk, and etc. There's like a little clique of workers, and there's one owner. (They're all guys around 21-29) Leader of the clique: Sup man, how can I help? Me: Sup, I just need a piercing in my left ear. (When I talk, my voice is very low, articulate, and very commanding, or I've been told) Immediately I sense the leader guy get insecure. (Which I didn't know bout til I started talking to him)

I befriend the customers there and there's some cuties looking at me, giving me girly eyes and stuff. Anyway, I've been wanting to get a sleeve and I saw that the "leader" guy had a pretty cool sleeve. So I walk up to him.

Me: Sup man, nice sleeve. Him: Thanks Me: I've been looking to get a sleeve and researching a bit, when'd you get yours done? (Here everyone stopped to hear what we were talking about. The followers in his crew were all staring and the girls started listening in. i have no idea why_ Him: Oh this is from a celebrity tattoo shop man, you can't just get it anywhere. Me: (Okay? I ignore this idiotic comment) that's great man. I'm getting one in a few months. how much did it cost ya? Him: Everything depends man. Me: That's why I'm asking you, you're the tattoo artist right? Him: Well, it's like a car. When you buy a car what do you do? Me: What? Him: You check to see if the air conditioner is working, or if the engines okay, or make sure the driving is good. You wouldn't just buy a car right? Me: (I just look at him like Wtf are you talking about?) You know what man, nevermind I said anything. (And I just walk back to my place) (Everyone's kind of just staring at what hapepend?)

Him: (Reacting) Wait, you get what I mean right? Me: in my head (no you retard, I would just buy a new car cause I'm not a broke dumbass like you)

So here are some annoying examples of how insecure dudes get.

I noticed that with guys, I get very black and white reactions. With other confident guys, they become friends with me, and are really good with me. Average Joes: They're either intimidated, or REALLY friendly with me

And then there's the ones who get insecure around me: They get hostile, or try to cut me down like the above.

My question is, how do I deal with this? Especially when there's women around?

tfw you walk in a room with swagger and a slow walk and virgin bussybois get insecure instantaneously