School shooting in progress at South Florida high school

10  2018-02-14 by in_hazmat_suit


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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The race of peace strikes again.

Last I heard the kid is a latinx. So....maybe drug cartel? Maximum drama?

I bet its another incel

An incel /r/politics subscribing with a Che poster at home would be nice

Yeah, no way anyone with a Che poster has guns or is that accurate even if he has anyway.

It's either bitter incel a-la Virginia Tech, or crazy right wing like Columbine.

Lok he was a MAGAtard

So fucking boring.


Latino is already the gender neutral term. This is why we need mayocide! 😠

Sadly when I was in law school the proud latinas of La Raza explained my mistake to me while at a clinic. To some Latino is masculine or worse, binary. Latinx is all gender inclusive!

Progressives are a disease.

I like latin@. And by “like” I mean dislike.

Pretty much

Probably a white kid

Nicolas de Jesus Cruz

Yep white as a snowflake.

I forgot how many rich Argentinians live in Parkland.

If he were a rich Argie, wouldn't he likely have an Itallian name?

Argies just like to pretend they are more European than they are. The double last name gives him away as Hispanic


How do you even pronounce that?





Oh there it is: got it eventually :D

I don't think it was a white kid, the body count is too low.

Tbh if I lived in Florida I'd want to kill people too.

Stop making fun of American culture OP

Well I’ll sit here and wait for California to come take my scary assault shotgun. It has two barrels (twice the firepower), makes a scary sound when the action closes, and was made in 1960 (muh patriarchy!).

was made in 1960

have you considered buying a new one?

Yeah I would say this is a total shitshow

Florida man strikes again

Florida Boy

Hopefully it's Elliot Rodger 2.0. Incel drama is hilarious, gun drama is just boring.

It’s on Valentines Day and reports said classmates thought he would shoot up the school

His Facebook profile pic was him in a MAGA hat

That was fake

Here's the full episode.

29 mass shootings 45 days into the year. Yay us!

So frequent I lost count of each of then

18 shootings at schools so far this year

Ah yes, cause a suicide in a parking lot is relevant. Also apparently, this number grew 6 since the last hour.

you're right there have been 12. So only 10 if you take out the suicides and accidental discharge! So much better guys! Only 10 school shootings then! Hurray!

Is that more or less than Chicago?

Yah if we have to compare school shootings to general criminal shootings to make ourselves feel better we are a pretty fucked up society

Are we not a fucked up a society? I assumed that was the starting point.

Yah any society that thinks the gov helping the poor and protecting the environment is immoral while doing nothing about kids getting shot up at school is supremely fucked up

So now that we've got that cleared up back to the original question. Is this lower or higher than Chicago?

Obviously but what the fuck point are you trying to make? You know why gun control doesn't work in Chicago? Cause you can drive 15 minutes to Indiana and buy one off some chumpass who bought it legally. The vast majority of illegal guns start as a legal purchase before being handed off for cash. Criminals don't magically pull them out of their ass. I mean shit nobody gives a fuck what your criminal background history is a gun show if you pass enough cash over

Just adding perspective.

"Chicago" is a form of measurement now. Its easier for the people (Americans specifically) to relate the gravity of a situation to Chicago.

For example, if someone described something as 3 Chicago's, you'd know it was super fucked.

Oh you're judt being cheeky

I think the technical term is "asshole". But I'm not one to quibble.

His point is that black people are worse.

Buying a gun to turn around and sell makes you a straw purchaser.


You also mean shootings "near" a school. Like the one that was a drug deal near campus. School shooting is very different than shooting near a school. One targets students, one is just geographic.

Oh what a relief! Makes it so much better! No problem here then, we will worry about it when another happens in 2 weeks!

I think he's saying that they're different issues and have different solutions . One can be cured by curbing gang violence the other by getting rid of autists.


Hah you are giving that fuckwit way more credit than he deserves. In a thread about a school shooting he's nitpicking the number down so he can feel better about his beliefs. Bringing up gang violence in this thread is meaningless, who gives a fuck if it is 9 "traditional school shootings" instead of 12. What the fuck is the point of that?

Mother Jones is trash, but they keep a decent mass shootings list. They show there only being two mass shootings this year (excludes gang violence because including it is retarded). Only this one was in a school. Don't underestimate the medias willingness to cause panics over shootings.

That list is incomplete. The Kentucky school shooting last month where 18 were injured 2 killed doesn't count?

They only count shootings with at least 3 dead, so it not on there because of shit aim. While I would count it as a school shooting, we've brought the count up to two not nine.

In a thread about a school shooting he's nitpicking the number down so he can feel better about his beliefs.

Says the person who is using bad numbers to make an argument, you are trying to justify your beliefs with things that are false. Its like the mass shooting tracker using BB guns to pad their numbers. Its all bullshit, you want to make a point use the real numbers.

less shootings than days? smh we can do better

Hours before the shooting a man in his early 30's walked into the foyer and said his name was "Sam Hyde" before running back outside. Possibly connection here folks. Stay safe.

How does he keep getting away with it?

Early 30's? He was said to have been pushing mid-forties at least.

Today was the right date for this shooting to happen: 2/14/2018 = 2+14+(2+0+1+8) = 27 (Ritual = 27) Stoneman Douglas... that's Masonic. 191, the 43rd prime; Stoneman = 43; Masonic = 43 in reverse ordinal gematria. This shooting is BIG like Sandy Hook. Sandy Hook Elementary School = 113 and Stoneman Doughlas High School = 113 in full reduction gematria. Mainstream = 113; Dishonest = 113; Not True = 113; Fiction = 113; Bullshit = 113.

Standard demon behavior.

Jesus christ this shooting has some of the most best characters i have seen in a while. Like the shooters name being Jesus and Sheriff having the name Israel.

It is Israel minions hunting Jesus again.

High school kids are the worst so nothing of value was lost tbh.

Okay that's just untrue.

Middle school kids are way worse.

College freshman are way worse imo