Maybe you sick degenerates wouldn't be so keen on a literal holocaust of the white race if you educated yourself on being a better ally to white people C:

236  2018-02-14 by shanewater




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When the Mayocide begins, put me on the front lines.

On which side tho

The right side.

which side of the killing of a people based on the colour of their skin would you happen to be?

All I'm trying to say is when we start killing off the whites, I want the best gear. Arm me to the teeth. The mayos are going down.

so you support the killing of people based on the colour of their skin, and you have called that the right side.

The genocide of all white people is a core tenet of this sub, fam.

If you're not on board, you need to gtfo.

Half the comments I read seem sincere and the other half look like shitposting, it gets confusing.

Gotta lurk moar, nigga. Check the sidebar:

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

Ah, apologies

We don't apologize here. You insult me right now.

Common insults are:

  • retard

  • incel

  • autist

  • faggot

  • gussy lover (a heterosexual male)

  • soyboy

  • tankie

  • sperglord


Ah, apologies YOU DIDN'T READ IT!

People like you are destroying Reddit. You Monster!

They're all serious. We pretend it's a drama sub so we don't get shut down but we are actually planning a race war on the chat groups. When it kicks off, r/drama aims to notch up the most kills globally.

Soon, my brother

Well, we're trying to get rid of the shitposters ridiculing mayocide, but you can't always win.

Anyone who downvotes this lolcow must suffer bismillah

I want the best gear. Arm me to the teeth.

The mayos are going down.

You need to make up your mind, dawg.



When the Mayocide begins, put me on the front lines.

joke all you want.. the Night of the Long Spatula is coming..

Yakub's tribe will never listen. Since the day he created us they have been relentlessly attacking us. Even when we setup missions across Africa to try to extend a hand of peace to our creators they resisted it and instead deemed it "colonialism" (historical revisionism look it up).

Hail Yakub

Fuck white people.

Is this what white privilege is? People just want to fuck because I am white?

Yeah, pretty much. We lubs dem wite wimminz.

Dey lubs dem wite menz tho like evree ovah rase-is wimminz...

Beautiful POC love the white bois even more.

Is that what happens after I get my white privilege check?


Hey OP, you should be aware that the term "white people" can be problematic and it can make us feel unsafe and uncomfortable. A more correct term is "European Americans" or "People of Pallor (POP)".

hey /u/michaelnoir may I ask you a question?


How you white but yo' name be noir an sheeit?

That nickname came about because I dress in black a lot.

How many schools you shot up?

Just one today. In Florida!

its like calling a big guy tiny

Yo momma got one big titty and one little Titty and they call the bitch biggie smalls

4 U

Hello CIA.

Only because you asked

I just did.

How can you make such an insensitive reference as an idiom after what just happened in Florida?

I prefer Appalachian American


top kek

top nut

European Aboriginals

It's PWOC.

when are you going to rise again? You're taking as long as Jesus!

I prefer the term mayo tyvm.

Stop appropriating French culinary culture!

Are you trying to say I shouldn't be a whore?

More like People of Offensive Pallor (POOP) amirite?

I approve!

Pigmentally challenged

I prefer Mayo-American

POP: Pustules of Privilege

As a European European, I find the teeminology "European American" problematic. It's plain cultural appropiation and seriously triggering.

Anglomerican is the preferred vernacular

yeah ok this image is alright

that doesn’t mean white people are, though

This is a joke right?

/u/grungebot5000's posts are neither serious nor funny. Think of them as a series of continuous menstrual cramps.

but it lacks continuity )))

white genocide is not a joke, it is a moral imperative

Whites being considered "people?" Sure is!

I'm so hurt by your comment that I'm going to go post in T_D for the firs time and complain about your post oppressing me.

I literally don't know how I'm going to eat tonight. I have no appetite.


It's okay to be this image, but I won't go any further than that

LOL, OP, where did you find this? Is it some sort of satire? Did someone just race-flip some equally retarded "listen to PoC" poster? I gotta know.

This is the sign of a quality meme folks. Nobody has ever asked these questions of a lefty meme.

Because lefty memes satirize the leaders, not the autistic fringe. Hyper-intersectionality types are an easy target. Raise your standards. Love yourself gurl

Lefty memes do nothing but waste bandwidth.

You can tell right wing memes are so great because the people who post them get called 'retard' the most.

Indeed, that's about the level of sophistication most leftys can muster for a comeback.


I see your point.

Is this from the book how to get shot in 50 seconds by a progressive?

why befriend the worst of humankind when you can just wipe them from existence, it's inevitable anyways.

Don't even joke about this. Nothing should stand in the way of mayocide.

A lot of people think that whites commit more crime than Asians - I mean, statistics say they do, but it isn't true. The truth is that the police are racist against whites and target whites because it's easier to pin a crime on them.

I don't hate all white people. I even have some white friends. But it's just the uppity mayos I don't like.

I don't hate mayos just mayo culture.

But I will still participate in it becasue how can you not

I've never met a single white guy better than the lowest black woman.

Same. When I tell her this though she misses the larger point and gets hung up on the fact that I'm calling her "the lowest black woman".

Fucking hell Shandice, please try to grasp the larger abstract reasoning at play here.

Smack some sense into her dense head.

Things were different back in the 1990’s. Back then white people knew their place.

violence, the jpg

If White is alright than why do cilthy cumskins keep shooting innocent school children. #whiteonwhitecrime #educateyourself #YoutubeNotUniversities