
44  2018-02-14 by AnnoysTheGoys


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Didnt Clinton want to bomb him with a drone

She should have. Trump should MOAB him before he talks too much.

I agree with MOABing London to get to him.

Its so simple...yet refined.

also an excellent start to the mayocide



You can take the mayos out of the city, but you can't take the city out of the mayo

sort of makes it not too surprising that he didnt endorse her then though right

Tough biscuits not getting the coveted Assange endorsement....

well the guy that did won right, maybe its not as shit as you think


look, that’s what you get for calling her a sociopath

I thought this was pretty well known? It was pretty obvious the male feminist didn’t want Mommy in charge.

there's conjecture and there's having the receipts.

And theres Assange saying it explicitly multiple times on the bird website. Who would’ve known without this new leak!

i prefer that we continue to not take the bird website seriously

You already had reciepts, his publically available statements attest to that. All this leak shows is consistency.

Not all rapists are male feminists. Assange isn't a male feminist, for instance.

his REASONS weren’t known though

The funniest part of this is that anyone in 2018 would think Glen Greenwald isn't working for the Russians too.

Lol Glen is on twitter traaging his own reporter's article for including things he tried to stop from getting published because they make wikileaks look bad hahahaha

GG trying to curry some favor with the left again after his questioning of the Russia Connection TM made him persona non grata.

Assange is fucking talented at burning bridges with nearly everyone he’s ever been associated with

the man has a gift

I'm not sure hyper-autism is a gift

requesting that the president-elect use his connections to get Assange an Australian ambassadorship

"Gotta fly Qantas, yeah..."

dude has an anti-war activist dad and moved schools constantly as a kid. he went into online hacking and hid on the internet for years. i dont know if he knows what it's like to have permanent friends.

Growing up in a cult where they give LSD to young children might have something to do with it as well. At the risk of sounding like a square, hallucinogens might not be conducive to the mental and emotional development of kids.

what if it is, and he just seems crazy because he can make out the grids

Not sure if there’s research like that like there is with pot. LSD can cause neurogenesis (good) in adults. If it’s been measured in kids, I don’t imagine the CIA will be releasing that data.

I did a lot as a teen and I turned out fine a drama poster

Kinda milquetoast

It's gets the seriousposters riled up, ez bait

Tbh not seeing a lot that's really objectionable here

WikiLeaks had secretly corresponded with Donald Trump Jr. during the election, urging candidate Trump to reject the results as rigged if he lost and requesting that the president-elect use his connections to get Assange an Australian ambassadorship

Assange is a fucking weirdo

Assange is actually an Australian citizen by birth, but they’re refusing to give him a passport.

t and requesting that the president-elect use his connections to get Assange an Australian ambassadorship

I can't believe even an aspie like Assange would think that's a possibilty- both Australian political parties hate Assange and mock Trump, and US ambassador is the no1 cherry job in Aus politics, reserved for top political insiders. There is literally more chance they'd appoint Iggy Azalea.

He has to accept that his only way out of this is becoming a transgender communist.

lol at trying to smear assange because you cant discredit him, typical journos

Some of the messages on Clinton are threaded with crass sexual allusions. In a publicly released State Department email that WikiLeaks re-published, Hillary Clinton asked her Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, “What does ‘fubar’ mean?” Mills replied, “Fubar is unprintable on civil email.” (It stands for “fucked up beyond all recognition.”) Assange found this amusing. “WikiLeaks took Hillary’s FUBAR virginity,” the WikiLeaks account posted. “LOL. A well-deserved taking,” a Twitter interlocutor replied.

That's some desperate grasping if I ever saw it.

but he's so damn good at discrediting himself, he doesnt need any help in that aspect

what do you mean though he still has a 100% track record for leaks

he's just so good at picking what he leaks though, like a curator in a museum of shit

can only leak what gets leaked to you

ah ok, so he's an impartial Arbiter of the Truth with no bias and/or ulterior motives in what he leaks, when he leaks, how he leaks and to whom he leaks?

he's more like a Vessel of Truth right?

true, real, unbiased, non-fake facts just go through him?

why didnt he also leak republican emails?!??! hmmmmm???!!?

its unfair!


so thats a no then

b b b but wikileaks only leaked stuff aobut the guys i like! that means theyre bad!

thats you that is

It's quite possible to discredit him. The guy fucking eats soup with his hands. He's about on the same level as a glue sniffer.

Also, I'm shocked at this coming from you. Why are you supporting a left-winger like Assange? Loyalty to your fellow Australian who is obsessed with America? Or are you just too young to remember how he started his career?

i think the problem here is that youve based your idea of me on random assumption rather than actually ever listening to what ive said

ive maintained support for left wing ideals consistently during my shitposting, its just im not in support of faggy sjw shit and retard larping communists

Or are you just too young to remember how he started his career?

man i was one of the biggest fuck bush guys around

LMAO, democracy is the best we've ever come up with, and it's degenerated into a contest between foreign intelligence services who fight each other by selectively releasing tabloid rumors.

wow, assange? biased?

ok i honestly wasn’t expecting this u got me