Chapo has an identity crisis

41  2018-02-15 by SPEZ_AKBAR


Now with added cancer!


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Thank Snappy, you're the best 😘.

This is actually decent drama but im having a spergout over the lack of other subs getting posted so im still downvoting you.

Your comment to that effect in another thread is what encouraged me to check controversial/day.

Fair enough but you gotta realize with leftists the whole authoritarian vs liberals drama is eternal and ever raging its the lefts whole thing like retarded conspiracy theories and pseudoscience belongs to the right.

retarded conspiracy theories belongs to the right.

And how! When the left tries it all we get is Russia-gate - Putin working with Trump to win the election. Boring!

When the right decides to have a nutty election conspiracy theory we get pizzagate. Podesta ate at a pizza parlor that smuggles children to pedos and they signal to each other using different colored handkerchief.

That's how it's done.

So now I have a thread to link in SRD, when chappies get triggered by criticism there. Nice


Why does apologism have any place anywhere?

Tankies used to be apologists (I'm not saying that apologism doesn't have a slight and necessary place to prevent misinformation) and usually sucked hard. Now tankies are just other leftists that one doesn't like and the term has really seemed to drop any sense of meaning beyond that.

Try calling the people abusing the term Nazis, that'll stop them.

Being too into Assad/DPRK is a lot less harmful than passively furthering the bloodthirsty imperialism of the liberal consensus

Somebody wrote this unironically.


has gay sickle and hammer

supports the political system that has invariably executed and tortured gays

keep yourself safe when the revolution comes, comrade.

hmmm i wonder would win after the revolution the anarchists who want no one to be in charge or the ruthless totalitarians lol.

Every form of anarchism is flawed because once it is achieved it is basically jsut a power vacuum oppertunity for the strong to take over. Overthrow the USA government and the next step is the big corperations over throwing you with private armies.

you might be a leftist ......... if you've been called a tankie for saying the first world is built on ill gotten gains, and redistribution of resources are in order.

One day we will reach the humanist utopia where all gains are gotten well and not ill.

Everyone will agree.

I have no idea what people mean when they say "tankie" any more

It means what it's always meant: an apologist for authoritarian, non-democratic "communism" (read: state capitalism). What's changed?


CTH isn't tankies but ACKHUALLY tankies aren't bad anyway.

I love the term "reactionary". They all say it like it's a real bad thing. Sometimes it's not ideal, sometimes it's the best thing to be, but to them it's the same as being a klansmen.

/u/HardLeft- take it from r/drama: Miserable seriousposting like that ruins everything. Keep to the low effort jokes and shitposts like

Anyone who disagrees is a turbotankie

and anime pics like your more likeable comrades.

I make fun posts too just when I do a miserable serious post I make it really miserable.

Same. :(