One brave incel denounces his fellow insanecels. Ruh roh.

38  2018-02-15 by BestOfIncels


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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I'm trying to work out why fucking incels of all people would use cuck as an insult. Isn't their whole point that they have nobody to love them, who's cucking them 🤔🤔🤔

They get cucked by life

I think they see cucks as the only people worse off than them.

Incel=nobody wants them, but they only have to support themselves.

Cuck=a woman pretends to want them, but is just using them for money while they fuck other guys. So he's supporting a woman who cheats on him.

I think they see cucks as the only people worse off than them.

Want to know the real difference between a cuck and an incel? A cuck can find two people willing to be in the room when he crywanks.

Every man fucking every woman the cannot have.

Should I send this site to the FBI? I really don't think this lolcow needs to be milked, these people are a threat to the public trust.

I wasn't going to break character and say "yes", but then I saw this thread...

Yep. I feel I'm on a list just for clicking that.

fuck me they are delusional. really have to wonder what a the age demographic there. are they weird 16 yr olds or fucked up twenty somethings

I typically don't try to tell others how to live their lives but at this age, they really are setting themselves up psychologically for an unsustainable lifestyle. The risk of them harming others is just too damn high.

all because they can’t get laid lol

Insane Cell Posse


mikepence is the blackpillingest mfer ever.