SolofoReverSays discusses the best ways to never approach a woman ever

16  2018-02-15 by SocialistEphebophile


/u/friendzonebestzone I don't know what would drive someone to have such a low opinion of themselves that they place the temporary comfort of random women so far above their own potential happiness, but I hope you're doing fine.

Also, there's no drama here, just alt-srdines jerking each other off.

Just your regular self-hating lefty, anyone on srs, menslib, cb2, and srd really. It's fucking sad tbh.

the temporary comfort of random women so far above their own potential happiness

relationship with gussy-owner

potential happiness

Anyone who lost a lot of weight and went from ugly to cute can confirm this. Women are just superficial as fuck and realising it is kinda depressing.

Why is that depressing?

I just thought it was. Because you realise how women mostly care about looks and how you can't even be sure whether she actually likes you as a person.

>"le men aren't superficial" incel maymay

Lol, I didn't say that. Men are superficial as well, the difference is that men usually don't pretend that they aren't.

So a SRS'er who also posts in Ghazi is also an incel. Boy, for people who shit on KiAtards every day, they sure live in glass houses.

That's actually really sad

Blind leading the eyeless.

Its not just about partners. The difference in how you get treated by women in general simply because of your looks is huge.