Kernel's pop off the cob when /r/iowa top mod /u/AnnArchist stickies a comment with inconvenient facts about gun control in the ShareBlue sponsored post.

5  2018-02-15 by IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu


Hey /u/AnnArchist, IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu wants you to see this!

Reddit doesn't tag people in titles, so I try to help out!

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u/asquared31415 this bot is the best thing since sliced bread

lol so any /r/iowa post gets this?

You gotta admit your stickied post started drama.

Lol.. . it was accidental. 🤔🤣

That's one smart cookie!

u/itsnickk On a scale of Forrest Gump to the Elephant Man how retard are you? Honest question. Please respond.

Slightly under "proudly displaying the traitor's flag"

/u/AnnArchist serious abyuse bro. So very very unethical for a mod to do this. Boko Haram have no ethics and much like games journalists that also have no ethics, you are looked down upon. Serious breach of ethics I’m shaking as a I type this. Power has gone to your head. It’s made you corrupt. Made you mad even... one day. One day I promise things will change around the sub. And you aren’t gonna like it my old friend. No indeed.

EDIT: and if you look to /u/AnnArchist 's profile, you will see that this person clearly has an agenda, a willingness to abuse mod tools, and is a mod on several other state subs. This sub as well as /r/ohio, /r/indiana, and /r/southdakota needs to demand that this moderator steps down.

Autism is strong.

Hard to kill people when you have to walk 20 miles to the nearest one.

Shit I wish we were that spread out. Thatd be awesome

Do people not realize Iowa has, you know, towns? And cities?

Apparently were all cow tipping rednecks who love nazis and hate minorities. Even though we were the 3rd state in the union to legalize gay marriage and are generally considered a purple state. Meaning we actually consider who we are voting for instead of blindly following one party.

Also it's a coin toss on which color we go every election.

Lefties and gun control facts do not mix well.

I mean there's still a post, generally spreading propaganda, at the top of the subreddit