"People don't commit crimes by themselves, it's all fault of these awful TV shows, I mean /r/The_Donald"

51  2018-02-16 by SonyXboxNintendo11


It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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Oh shit! Snappy is channelling the Supreme Gentleman!

We shouldn't have to rely on goverment regulation, ISP's or website to do parent's job.

But here we are.

Did I miss his Reddit account being found?

i'm unstoppable

and you're next, Ed

Can't shoot up a bot, now can you?

do you ever stop lying?

It's /u/eva_unit_hung. Smuggled a phone into jail and he's shitposting from there.

His asshole is grateful for prison miniphones then

Look, while this post is stupid and a bit hyperbolic, there's a real fucking problem in this country where right-wing extremists are targeting vulnerable young men on the internet and nobody seems to give a shit.

That incels forum is a perfect example. That shit is insane.

It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better

just like your bussy

holy shit you are brainwashed as srdine gets

As someone who frequently disagrees with you, you are correct and for vulnerable people that shit is tempting.

It's almost as though screaming at these people that they are CIS whitemalescum isn't getting through to them and causing them to realize the error of their ways.

Who has that actually happened to though? It’s a huge straw man.

Stick to the anti-SJW stuff, it makes you seem closer to normal.

So what you are saying is we should start giving a shit about vulnerable young white men?

No, we need to limit the information and voices they're exposed to instead.

That’s the way it’s going at this point

Exactly, I've been saying this for the past couple of years. Glad people are catching on. These people are being poisoned by a toxic racist sexist ideology and it's spreading like a cancer in right wing spaces. America needs chemo.

Lol man up you pathetic white bois.

Every single person in this guys life knew he was fucked up. His mom died in 2017. Teachers were scared of him. The adults he lived with knew he owned a gun. He posted his intentions online. He was the butt-end of jokes at school.

Not a single person did something.

What would you have done?

Clearly we should arrest all kids whose mothers die. Or who get 'bullied'.

And this sub will surely support "arrest anyone who makes edgy 'school shooter' jokes on the internet" legislation (tbh it probably would, but only because it's full of masochistic contrarians who'll say anything just to prove that they're retarded, so it doesn't count).

School shooters gon school shoot, mang. That's just the way it is.

Charged him when, at 18 (an adult!), he threatened children with knives and ammunition on his person???? Maybe????

Kill him.

i like to believe people are responsible for the monsters they make

0/10 pasta game.

Lol cites /r/AgainstHateSubreddits in the first bullet point.

Muh credibility

AHS cites over 500 examples of Trump advocating violence. Its a good source.

It's a good source

Based on what?

His feelings

With a user name like that I'm sure it's based on facts, logic and science, not emotion.

Looks like the link goes to a list of posts with archive links. It's not like they faked them.

Archived links. Why didn't you say so.

That proves it! The science is settled.

Huh? Did you think I was criticizing the sources? Well, yes, but the person collecting the "sources" is based off of bias and agenda was my point.

Not all of them are downvoted, some are just ignored or too subtle for td retards to realise what they mean.

Oh sweetie.

You are cute, wanna suck my dick?

Are you under the impression that this isn't the mens restroom at the park?

Go take your degeneracy somewhere else.

Based on the 500 examples given

Which ones are your favorites?

Have you heard the old parable regarding the difference between quality and quantity?

To defeat the altright we must shut down their channels of communication.

Addressing their ideas is too dangerous, we're well past that stage.


imagine being u/KabIoski thinking he doesnt do the same shit

There is a 100% chance that sooner or later, someone is going to kill a lot of people,

On a long enough timeline the probability for anything eventually reached 100%, /u/KabIoski.

It has been [0] days since r/ETS, r/LSC, r/AHS, r/socialism r/FuckTheAltRight has copypasted the "OMG Spez, shut down T_D!!" thread.

So, see you guys here tomorrow, I guess.