[LIVE DRAMA] Deputy PM of Australia knocks up a roastie staffer, PM bans banging staffers. Deputy PM calls PM "inept". Press conference from PM in 5 minutes!

81  2018-02-16 by SHOUTY_USERNAME


Nerd shit.

We only have fucking kangaroos and politics to keep us entertained down here.

You guys fuck kangaroos? OMG send me an invite <3<3<3

THERE IS NO AUSTRALIA and you're dumb if you think otherwise. Australia is from a Dr Seuss novel. Kangaroos, wallabies, dingoes, platypuses, it couldn't be more obvious. Why are the natives black? Its in the far east! A bunch of criminals came on a boat and made the country rich. I'm surprised by the large amount of sheep who fallen for the Australia hoax, its laughable. Anyone here who claims to be Australian is most likely a paid shill or a troll. Its best to just ignore any Australians on the Internet and just flag for spam. They are trying to trick you, pay them the least attention.

When you put them all down on paper and you review them in chronological order, it’s just stunning what has been done by the Washington, D.C., establishment to deny Australia their legitimate victory and to discredit Australians and to get them thrown out of office. And it continues to this day. And it isn’t going to stop. And the release of this memo has got them scared to death in the swamp and in New Zealand because, again, half the country — or whatever percentage of it watches the media — doesn’t know any of this. The media has studiously, steadfastly refused to report about Australia, how the New Zealand dossier came to be, that it’s a political opposition research document, that it is not legitimate intelligence, that there’s no evidence for any of it. They don’t know this. A large chunk of the American people do not know it. So as far as the Kiwis are concerned, their future relies on what the public learns and this memo would be the first step in a series of steps that would elucidate, illuminate, if you will, many of the shenanigans and scandals that were part of the New Zealand revolution and primarily in the Department of Marsupials. And this is something that they are hell-bent on preventing and stopping, or — if they can’t stop it — discrediting it before it appears. Much of this I’m gonna expose New Zealand for things and in ways that they have yet to be exposed to many people in the country. So look for ’em to go scorched-earth over the memo. They’re not gonna look at this and say, “Wow. This is really bad! Our the Department of Marsupials had this happen to it?” They’re not gonna have that reaction because they did it. There won’t be any outrage or won’t be any concern for the rule of law.

Oi cunt!

We eat them after

Stuffed with cum, yum yum yum!

my kinks are my business.. btw are you gunna accept your mod invite or what

Unban and mod me you lil bitch

Also fuck u for downsnozzling me :(

lol I didn't downsnozzle you that was someone else.

also you aren't banned and you alreday have an invite out

Nope. I can't comment there. I tried just now.

so you admit /u/jasonjewnova is your alt?? he's the only person banned from /r/cuckoldry

I'm banned from r/Team_EdButteredToast

o yea.. I think your 69 days or whatever is up soonish

Rood af!! 😭

you know what you did

No I don't. Boo!! 😡

I told you before christmas. 😭

you broke my heart 💔

I'm so sorry 😔


Hey I got a question.

If I fuck a dudes wife while he watches does that mean I'm a cuckold or he's the cuckold

That's like a zen koan tbh. It's all a matter of perspective.

edit: sorry I missed your phrasing.. YOU are always the cuckold

I want in on this too 😥

post good cuck pron

No 😂😂😭😭

Ugh. Trash gender makes me vomit.

I was hoping it was going to be from Rogue :(

You actually have a guy in your government named Barnaby. Just let the poisonous animals take all of you now.

And look at him.

Competes with the Florida alligator farmers anyday

I wish that Danny McBride Crocodile Dundee reboot was real.

Its funny as hell because the deputy PM is one of those massive virtue signalling conservative christians who was against shit like female ovarian cancer screening because it might make girls "promiscuous"

virtue signalling conservative christians who was against shit like female ovarian cancer screening because it might make girls "promiscuous"


At least use some emojis on the agenda posts.



he was against gay marriage because he believes in "the sanctity of marrage". Yeah well you know what rooting some chick that works for you when you're married goes against that too

Gas the conservatives tbh

We ought to have a competition to see if your right-wing retards in funny hats are as stupid as American right-wing retards in funny hats.

We may not be able to match Donnie's sheer retardedness, but our hat game is something else.

Okay, I concede. You get the gold medal in this event.

It's ok mate, wearing fucked looking hats is a national sport over here

wow you look like texas politicians.

lmfao so Turnbull goes out of his way, at the cost of making it so much easier for the opposition to criticize him, to stand by barnaby and then barnaby goes and says this

fucking fire the prick

Turnbull is not famed for being a particularly astute politician.

I wanted to like him so badly ...

he's right tbh. as if banning sex with staff ever needed to be said, let alone a fuckin press conference. this problem exists in every set of organised humans ever, and the pm thinks it's worth our time and his to reiterate this shit.



See "lashes out" in title. Closes page.