This is why we need Mayocide

12  2018-02-16 by 73696D756C6174696F6E


You idiot the shootings ARE the mayocide.

Ehhhh, that's a really ignorant comment, sweety. Fortunately for you, I will take this as an opportunity to educate.

The shooter was a cis white alt-right Cheeto-supporting male. He targeted allies to the mayocide and thus PoC.

wh*Te dogs will never be allies. Eventually they must be mayocided as well.

Eventually, brother. It is the only path to Wakanda.

But jews

His last name is Cruz. Nigga ain’t white.

das a nigga

I said... DAS A NIGGA

he said that the child in the photograph is of african american descent.

The only thing that mayos do well is getting rid of other mayos, especially nipping them in the bud.