Guy performs tests on Schiit's Bifrost Multibit DAC, a $600 piece of audio equipment, and posts the results as a review; this has made some fanboys very, very mad

50  2018-02-16 by dongas420

Background: A DAC, or digital-to-analog converter, is that piece of hardware that turns your music files into signals that your speakers or headphones can play. DACs are a mature technology, so even the one in your smartphone can do the job almost perfectly. Schiit, an audio company, released a DAC claiming to improve music through "multibit technology", which is, as you may imagine as with many audiophile claims, complete snake-oil. People hailed multibit DACs as the new latest and greatest, then somebody decided to actually check if the claim was true.

The review of the Bifrost DAC:

Even the Topping D30 at $129 shipped runs circles around it in how clean its output is relative to Schiit BiFrost Multi-bit. There are serious design problems here to cause this many distortion products.

A massive engineering black eye.

I want one of them with a straight face tell me how their music is better where a spray of distortion and noise is added to any single tone in their music.

A follow-up review of Schiit's $2,400 Yggdrasil DAC:

If you play high-resolution audio, this DAC is not for you.

The new board seems to be much worse the lower the frequencies get.

I couldn't believe a solid state DAC in this day and age can have such a frequency response error.

I am sure we will be told that these two DACs are broken and that they need to go to service.

Bottom line, I can NOT recommend the Schiit Yggdrasil DAC.

Some salty reactions from Super Best Audio Friends, the Internet's #1 Schiit fan forum (highlights compiled courtesy of /u/valar_k):

Defending their waifu Schiit:

It's obvious he is jealous of Schiit's success and feels he deserves more recognition that he has.

Digging into the guy's past to smear him:

Can you ask your partner if he got canned by MS or actually retired?

This Is Actually Good For Schiit:

A quick response to all of this: yes, multibit products, especially 16-bit multibit products, won't measure as good as delta-sigma in terms of THD, linearity, etc, especially if you're talking about multibit products without dither. ... Now, the interpretation of "what is good" and "what is bad" is a whole different thing, one we can discuss endlessly.

Let's combine some shilling and sexual favors jokes into one:

He stated he got 2 dacs from Topping, one is not even on the Topping website yet. It is pretty clear the bottom line is he is bending over backwards or it it forwards for topping!

Let's joke about his masculinity because we're adults:

Yes, we should keep the kicking him in the balls stuff (it's pointless: he doesn't feel a thing) there.

And a few more:

Some aren't happy unless there is something to BMW (Bitch Moan & Whine) about.

Always an internet bully Even in his MS heyday he was a forum plague. Egomania, not to be confused with Beatlemania!

He had to start his own board because he is unable to function in the real world, he need total control in order to manipulate others. He attacks good designers because he is not one and is jealous of their accomplishments.

hey obviously you don't like Schiits stuff maybe you should just stop trying to review it.

Guys: leave him alone. You'll never convince or change him, nor will you ever win an argument with him because he's too slippery.

Amidst the rage, a single glimmer of self-awareness rises:

The key is not having your identity tied to your possessions. Or creations. Or company. Etc.

It's amazing how when you are critical of gear that someone owns they take it as an insult to themselves because they aren't able to separate the two. That's why you see these discussions turn ugly. People take it so personally.


Audiophile? More like, homophile.

Got em

sick burn brotendo


Are they unironically called "Schiit", lol.

Schiit products such as the Fulla are very popular among Reddit users—not because of anything silly like good build quality, clean audio output, or not sending an electric shock into your $300 headphones that makes them explode, but because they get to say "fulla shit lol" when describing their purchases.

So like Big Ass fans, if Big Ass fans weren't amazing.

Big Ass Fans are legit.

Hey man Schiit was good like 5-6 years ago, I don't keep up with audiophile shit anymore though

How can such an expensive product be so shitty?

Made in (((((America))))))

Oh, figures.

Listening to anything other than a 96kbps mp3 in the current year

People need to be gassed

I only listen to MIDI versions of top 40 hits

Mods are way better tho, tbh, and WinAMP can play them natively.

I only listen to 8 bit versions of bands you've never heard of.

HitClips you fucking pleb

>he doesn't have 2tb of FLACs on his computer

>he doesn't listen to them with ipod earbuds

What an amazing job modern marketing has done to make people wrap up their identity in brands.

To be honest if you want to continue measuring high end equipment you really need to be providing thorough documentation. Every time you post measurements everyone else is going to say the same thing over and over again. Where is the documentation?

How did you perform this sorcery?

Amir how much warm up time did you give these things? I doubt you subscribe to it but Jason Stoddard mentioned that it needs about 72 hours to stabilize. The Gungnir MB I tried changed sound for about three days. Then it had much subtler changes for a week. (Subjective impressions).

Apparently electronics are just voodoo magic to 90% of people. You can tell audiophiles you need to sacrifice a lamb every time you want to use a $2000 DAC, and they'll not only do it, but start mockimg others for not doing it.

Why the hell would electronics need to warm up to work properly? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. If it was a tube amp then yeah sure, needs to warm up for a few MINUTES but not 3 fucking days.

Some people man

Particularly solid-state electronics. MAYBE you can make the argument that a tube-based preamp should warm up before use, but we are talking about a DAC- there’s no “warm-up” involved at all.

I always get the feeling that those people don't really enjoy music that much and only really fire things up when they can show off their gear.,

DACs and 4-pin cables are some of the dumbest big-ticket items in the community. #JotunheimMasterRace

Not even, it's not like they're cable risers

I meant the really expensive versions. Like, I get spending top $100 on some aesthetic cables or $500 on a nice amp, but people who drop hundreds on a pair of cables or a DAC deserve their fate.