/r/CBTS_Stream is WOKE. They DISCOVERED that OBUMMER detonated a NUKE in the Atlantic OCEAN.

31  2018-02-16 by IAmAN00bie


Surfing was great that day.

No Charlies anywhere.

Fuck I love /r/CBTS_Stream, it's the best sub for unhinged insanity. And this being Reddit, that's a real accomplishment

People like u/KimnanaT are why we need to ban everyone over 55 from the Internet. They all the same weird speech patterns, sounds so stilted. You’re on the Internet bruh, loosen up (that pussy so Donald can grab it)

Im a LOT younger than 55 so I guess Ill still be around for awhile. ...Does your mother know you havent laid down for your nap? Grow up!!

Do you blame the jooz or your incredible levels of retardation for your lack of success in life?

It’s all the fluoride in the water fam

To directly answer comments directed at you use the "reply" function under the comment.

Im a LOT younger than 55

Congrats on turning 50.

lol not even close but nice try...trolls as long as you are trolling me I know everyone else is getting a break...have fun!!

/u/ItsSugar is an operative within the DEEP STATE trying to EXTRACT information from /u/KitmanaT in order to TRIANGULATE his position and ELIMINATE him in order to protect their plans to assassinate TRUMP. Fortunately /u/Kitmana is actually 12 and playing 420D CALVINBALL. THE STORM will VINDICATE CBTS_Stream.

You all crack me up....lol...thanks for the laughs

How much of Alex Jones' leaded supplements have you consumed?

/u/KimnanaT I'm sorry your family neglects visiting you in the retirement home to such a degree that internet conspiracies have become your life