RIP View image 2001-2018

34  2018-02-16 by PM_me_UR_duckfacepix


You now have to visit the website to download a high quality version of the image.

Lol or just right click on the image and select View Image from the drop-down menu, you plebs. The function is still there just not the button.

I don't see that option anywhere though

Doesn't Google search keep the image in a lower resolution so that searches are faster though? Meaning when you do that you are left with a new tab with the same image but lower quality than the original

No, it's the image stored on the server of the website, not a copy but the actual source.

Notice the URL.

Oh that's good then. It was a long time ago but it used to give me low res versions when I did it this way so I had just used the "view image" instead

It seems like they changed that before removing the View Image button

I was angry for 2 minutes before I noticed

Imagine not using Bing for image searches.

If Bing weren't so resource-rapey (to the point that older machines seize up from time to time) and if it didn't have that infinite scrolling bullshit, I'd be an eager convert. Now it's just looking for the lesser of two evils.

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Rightclick -> View Image

Gee, that sure was hard to figure out, wasn't it?