Baby haters have a productive roundtable about becoming the new r/atheism

8  2018-02-16 by SMASH_N_SNIFF


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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I find it sort of ironic that these people choose to be child free in order to avoid having their entire identity defined by the fact that they have kids, so instead they have made their entire identity based on the fact that they don't want to have kids. It just sounds so exhausting.

I guess we should appreciate their contribution to the mayocide though so good for them.

contribution to the mayocide

But now imagine you live in a world where Nikolas's mother was CF. Scary ain't it?

I'm sure there is a point on the graph where the number of mayo /r/childfree subscribers crosses the average number of mayos murdering other mayos to result in a net decrease of mayos existing. I think the best bet is to pump more guns into mayo communities while also increasing the number of mayo /r/childfree subscribers. I wonder if the government would be up for some legislative changes to enact some of that...

You're racist.

People who have babies are the new Jews. They are suffering and you just stand back and do nothing. Shame on you

People who hate babies are the new Islamists. They are causing suffering and you just stand back and do nothing. Shame on you

People who communicate in only metaphors are the new Christians. They are preventing their children from receiving medical care because God will fix it and you just stand back and do nothing. Shame on you

In this moment

Damn, those adds are pure cringe.....shit one of them has fedora.

I don't care if you're childfree lr not, if you fail to see the cringe factor in those adds, you shoud do a world a favor and abort urself.

So instead they should act like a basic bitch like yourself?

I completely understand why some people see r/childfree as a toxic place because holy fuck it can be sometimes.


I remember when it was a new sub, and it honestly wasn't that bad. But everyone knows what happens when subs grow.

When you get lumped in with people who don’t vehemently hate children...smdh