u/IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu: suspended -- Daddies top dicksucker gets suspended, press F

45  2018-02-16 by Ed_spreadeagle



that sucks. hell be back

Since all of these retards are being modded now, why not say fuck it and mod the infamous Noodles?

k u mod now

If it helps my case, I was /u/Frank_Tenpenny the whole time and literally all of that persona was fake and designed to piss people off.

He was a pretty ok dude.

I'll make sure to keep up the turd wrangling over there, and share teh good turds that float up over here. Although, I'm fucking rate limited due to the love I receive, so my wisdom comes out in a trickle, like the dribble of piss through a narrow urethra.

I somehow got back above zero.

Fly with the Trumpets, old frienemy

Ill keep up the Trump defending until youre back, sweet prince.

Why, tho?

n-word probably

Naggers? Is that something that gets you suspended?

He said it with a hard "R"


Dude, do you want to the ban hammer to come down on you?

For what? Calling someone who pesters and nags me to..."pick up my socks" and "don't masturbate on the sofa" and "poop in the toilet, not behind your bed" and "stop leering at my sister, she's your mother for pete's sake" ...a nagger is inappropriate? What's wrong with the word? Do I need to call them a "nagging hag" instead?

Or does it need to be said with a soft R instead, like "nagger s"?

Nagga, please

Wtf are you talking about?

The only hard letter is "ะช" and its linguistic variants.

No its about hating nuggers.

I hate chicken nuggers, french frieds and sweer potatoes.

u/spez your wife is a big fat n-

u/AnnoysTheGoys, didn't take you long enough to indulge in mod power abuse, I see.

/u/Trumpbot_2020 Why'd you get banned?

f unironically. why do the funny ones go and we still get shit lappers like eva and capboner?

The Reddit cancer metastasizes by the day.

The universe is not just

Goddess bless Ivanka, may be he return triumphantly in corn silk

Why did he get suspended tho? I don't think the admins care if you say the n-word or not tbh.

/u/captainpriapism is a fucking gift to this sub and what the other daddy defense force kiddos should aspire to be. His ability to stir up so much butt frustration from the briefest of comments is amazing. Despite his shtick being on display for everyone to see, so many retards still take the bait. He's like the inverse /u/pizzashill. They are both masters in their own right.

Nice try newfag alt. You sucking your own dick /u/captainpriapism?? lmao

You're honestly really not funny when you affect this more confrontational character and you are hardly funny to begin with.

post from your main you pussy. Lol

It is a pretty decent meme that you regularly run this act despite being a relatively young account.

That's not the kind of "new" in talking about. I'm not saying you're new to the sub. I'm saying you're hiding behind an alt and maybe be an r/all newfriend sooo. Chop chop ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

I thought I was captain's alt? ๐Ÿค”

i dont make other accounts because im auto logged in and cant remember my password


if i cant get into my own account imagine how hard itd be for someone else though

Nice try newfag alt. You sucking your own dick /u/captainpriapism?? lmao

/u/pizzashill shines in his enormous misogyny combined with boiler plate leftism

For a real intellectual defense of leftism combined with an ability to sustain the heat from Drama, I miss /u/prince_kropotkin

His seriousposting has a decency to it which makes it a joy to mock

I can't keep all the nice Alt Right fellows straight, but I'm sure many of them are good people

hey thanks man i aim to please

Lawl, what's he do?

It's sad to see one of the greatest intellectuals leave like this. He went out the way he lived, being a contrarian in a neoliberal world.

Lmao what
