/r/ fishing names the jewfish

14  2018-02-17 by t-r-s2


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Hey /u/dempa look at this thing I made


reeee jews. whatever. But that dumbass who thought he'd be doing a favor for the environment by kill the big bastard because it ate other fish?

That's a special sort of stupid.

By this logic you should kill humans because we kill everything.

.... actually, you're starting to sell me on this.

I actually got called out on a fishing boat for calling it a Jewfish once. They are still called that in the Texas fishing regulation booklet.

If you think that's bad....yeah I'm gonna say it....if you think that's bad wait till someone posts the niggerfish

Bodianus fulvus, for the racist ichthyologists .
