Okay, there's something fishy going on here...

51  2018-02-17 by Matues49

In the span of a day, you've got people like u/Ed_ButteredToast and u/AnnoysTheGoys (an open Jew) becoming mods. During the same time posts start floating around of users suddenly deciding to delete their accounts. Then u/IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu gets banned. Then Muller decides to arrest 13 Russians.

And if that wasn't enough, right the day before, a school shooter is outed as a Trump supporter (the first time in history such a thing has happened, now of all times).

I'm not saying deep state infiltration... but this just screams deep state infiltration.


Holy Chupacabras what is that thing?

They they finally catch Sorros?

It's times like this when all we can do is huddle around the fire and hope for Q to bring us some good news.

My guess is that he and promelee player responded obnoxiously to the shooting

I am 99% sure /u/Ed_ButteredToast is the one that reported me to the admins for mean username pings, think about it, he knew I had been suspended within 5 minutes he'd made a post here about it, now maybe he's just autistic and refreshes my user profile every 5 minutes, but otherwise the only way he'd know is the admin's replying to his note to let him know they took action. ๐Ÿคจ

you're boring.


Soooo? You're gonna loosen up that tinfoil hat or nah?? Also nobody from here, that I know of, snitched on you.

Stop crying. I never cared about "mean" userpings. Lol

You'd think a mod would be more familiar with the rules.

Review rule 1

familiar with the rules

Lol nerd.

Wait, this place has rules?

Some autist mod banned me for mean userpings though, it was probably a tranny.

Hope you get banned again lmao

I'm trannyfree

Two new mods, an emoji mommy defender and the other (((one))), then the indictment tread deleted. Did the ruskies infiltrate the radical centrist safe space?

Ed's not even a mommy defender. The only mommy defenders on here are /u/pizzashill and a couple of those boring circlebrokers who don't comment much here anymore

Pizza has turned Nazi for those not in the know.

Pizza was originally Nazi, and hasnโ€™t changed.

Imagine Hilldawg with a legion on Nazi-SJWs.

Pizza thinks I hate women because he r/atethepasta lmaoooo


He thought he finally made a friend.

That's sad lol.

Pizzashill really does hate everyone doesn't he.

No he's a gamergator

I'm retarded then I conflated daddy hatred with mommy defense force

mommy defender

Imagine regurgitating dead barely meme-ish stuff unironically. I bet you can't show me one thread where I defended Hillary.

radical centrist

Pretty sure you suck off daddy



Things change in a year

things change

I'm not sure tho.

Btw which thread?

things change

I'm not sure tho.

I'm in therapy to ascend to south park neutral, I stopped sucking his dickhole a few months ago

This thread about the mueller indictment

So what about it? I'm not sure what you're talking about. I asked you to link me a thread where I defended Hilldawg. I didn't do it here or anywhere lol.

Yeah I was wrong about that as I said in a comment bellow. I linked the thread that's not on the front page anymore when it's the best drama on this site today. Ignoring my downs memes the main reason I commented was to know why it got removed.

Fam that thread is stickied to the top of the page so Iโ€™m not sure what youโ€™re talking about

https://imgur.com/a/1LXZu It's not here for me

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis


Fuck you too lmao

https://imgur.com/a/xhe4F I only downvote political spergs and barely upvote anything, don't take it personal bae, I have pizza at like -100

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme


After you report a post, it becomes hidden and you can't see it on the front page anymore.

Ohhh, good to know, I did make a report asking the mods to sticky the next thread with actual links to drama, so that makes a lot of sense thanks

Rest assured that if I was involved, you'd be waking up with a dead hooker in your bed, the cops pounding at your door, and no recollection of last night.

Sleep well, goy ๐Ÿ˜˜

dead hooker

Kinky af!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hypothetically, would we be able to shag that free hooker?

There are other methods of withdrawing incriminating DNA fluids

> drama user

> ability to maintain erection

As if

I actually can't keep it down and that's why no one likes me irl

Priapism lasting more than 4 hours can be life threatening, you should really get that looked at

Or feel free to keep yourself safe

dead hooker in your bed

Literally my fetish. Don't threaten me with a good time!

Ed seems to be a JR alt.

Mike Pence just died giving birth too. What a time to be alive. ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿ”ซ

U/annoythegoys once bullied me because of my bench press. Plz ban

What is it tho?

If I remember right he was making fun of my 135 form check video.... So I kinda deserved it really..

As long youre lifting you're ahead of the standard drama nerd curve bb ๐Ÿ˜˜

๐Ÿ˜Ž thanks

Itโ€™s russian bots all of the way down.

Yeah, now that those two are mods they need to disappear and only come back for the juiciest drama to drop cutting and timely hot takes like /u/ComedicSans

I'm not sure where you go after you're modded to Drama, but I know it can't be good

There's only one me, famalam.

Why I never!

I like the contrast created by the blond girl in the middle of the two darker haired girls.

Is this one of those knot puzzles where you pull on one end and all of the women/friendships become undone?

Praying all the time for protection for Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence and their families children and grandchildren - the gates of hell have opened against Trump especially ! Praying he has the wisdom of Solomon. Everyday as this unfolds I am more and more convinced THIS is Yah's Man! He is right it took courage to run for Pres. - much more when you actually purpose to do what you have campaigned on. This is all very instructive for the average American to see what has been afoot in our country for decades undermining America from within.

! I cancel every word of the enemies plans - break off his strategies: I thank you Father of Lights - Yahuah Almighty that you have mighty warring angels encamped around your servant - that no weapon formed against him, his family, Mike Pence or his family prospers - I pray that those that dig ditches fall in the ditch of their own making, those that set snares - get ensnared in their own snare - that their evil deeds come down on their own pate - I thank you Yah that only those that are there by Divine Plan have access to our Pres and his family - that any you have not purposed to be there are removed -I speak Shalom and Protection in the mighty name of Yahshua