This morning I had tea and coffee, which is as far as I can take in regards to abuse substances. Would love to cut even on those but unless I find some other vice first I'm not.
Most of the time I'm drinking water. Plain water, even when I'm having a burger, it's always water.
1 allendrio 2018-02-17
Nothing the store was out of the ginger beer they had on tap and im not spending money on piss.
1 loli_esports 2018-02-17
you can make moscow mules with ginger ale you just need to deal with artificial sweatner in the soda m8
1 BlueSerene 2018-02-17
I've never been more disappointed in this place.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-02-17
1 Fuish 2018-02-17
Bottom shelf whiskey and amaretto. 50/50 mix, called 'the Godfather'.
1 a_normal_human 2018-02-17
neo citran with a 40oC fever
1 aggressiveshitpost 2018-02-17
This morning I had tea and coffee, which is as far as I can take in regards to abuse substances. Would love to cut even on those but unless I find some other vice first I'm not.
Most of the time I'm drinking water. Plain water, even when I'm having a burger, it's always water.
1 makes_people_cringe 2018-02-17
Café Bustelo, 3 tsp sugar, a splash of 2%
1 YiffReich 2018-02-17
Rooibos Vanilla Chai because I'm still hanging.
1 ThenTheGorursArrived 2018-02-17
Poisonous homebrews that kill a dozen people every month. But, you know, millions drink it so the odds are pretty low.
1 better_bot 2018-02-17
Malbec from a box.
1 automatic_cuck 2018-02-17
Body fluids.
1 shaneoffline 2018-02-17
Water. GL tomorrow
1 1slumber 2018-02-17
1 Therekrerf 2018-02-17
Coffee when I've got work or somewhere to be... Otherwise just milk and water.
1 toynbeeidea16 2018-02-17
Store-brand coffee, Italian roast, with milk.
1 EternallyMiffed 2018-02-17
Cheap vodka, in White Russian form.
1 EarnestNoMeta 2018-02-17
Icehouse edge
1 o11c 2018-02-17
Water, because I like not being fat.
Not that it completely worked, but it helps.