Sexual thoughts in MY Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition? It's more likely than you think!

86  2018-02-17 by MantisTobogganMD_PHD


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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I'm so glad we've finally managed to make amputees mainstream sexy. It would have been such a shame if this group of people went their whole lives without experiencing the joy of being treated like a fuck doll.

"I wish they could experience my superior life, which is being repulsive to everyone!" 🙇‍♀️💨

Sex? Eww!

This is why they're so afraid of sex bots

I normally say white men only care about hurting minorities, but I keep forgetting to mention that they also care about what they can fuck

/u/Socialjuicetus why don't you join us at r/Drama in our quest to bring on the Mayocide? Oh yeah, to answer your question:

CMV: Anybody who trains and diets specifically to avoid being fat is inherently fat shaming.

Yes they are, those hetero-normative imperialistic, sadistic exercising bastards.

Okay I know you're trolling me but what the fuck is a Mayocide?

Is it r/Drama 's primary mission, to rid our small blue world of its most imminent threat, that of Mayo-People. Also, I take you calling me a troll offensive, since your account seems to be a poor sjw larp.

since your account seems to be a poor sjw larp.

Comment in /r/aww:

Is it just me or does it look like he's fucking that cat?

Yup, it's a troll, and a bad one.

Why bother larping when you could just copy paste SRS, SRD, or ghazi comments? The material well is endless.

idk those comments go back a long ways, and some of them are just normal left leaning talking points. If they're a troll, they're dedicated.

I refuse to believe you're not a joke account. I can't imagine someone like you in the real world.

Only half kidding: with the charges that Russian trolls aren't really anything more than just accounts that take kinda fringe right/left positions and exaggerate the shit out of them to be divisive, it seems to be that /u/Socialjuicetus could literally be a Russian troll account, because come on.

Is your username your fucking phone number???

Did you call it?

Naw, I was out to breakfast and I don't care enough to try.

No, it's /u/AlwaysTryAgain's.

They have been subscribed to Cat Facts.

I know many people in real life who are actually like this. I could copy and paste some of that person's comments onto Facebook or wherever and they would unironically like it.

What did you say in the deleted post?

>being this unwoke

After perusing your post history, are you sure you aren't trolling us?

Only half kidding: with the charges that Russian trolls aren't really anything more than just accounts that take kinda fringe right/left positions and exaggerate the shit out of them to be divisive, it seems to be that /u/Socialjuicetus could literally be a Russian troll account, because come on.

This is such a horrible troll. SRS you tranny Ivans need to up your game.

C'mon its like your primary mission as a Social Justforus Warrioress


I can't wait till you have a heart attack at 35, midway through tweeting 'healthy at any size'.

No insulting username pings allowed, m8.

They had already replied before I commented, loophole entered.


Pounces on you and nuzzles your bussy


Kink shaming is my kink



He wouldn't even give you a reach around, hard pass.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

what sub is this?


They're the self appointed fun police of the internet.

A bunch of mayos who hate fun

*Ham planets

The real OG. SJW sub of reddit.

Bunch of fat cunts that are mad chicks with no legs get laid faster than them.

She is a model? Some degree of objectification is basically how she pays the bills. Now yes, that is unpleasant, but we all have to do things we don't like occasionally. If it had 0 drawbacks and was nothing but fun they wouldn't need to pay people, it's not like she's being tricked. I'll also say while certainly there are still people running around with 50s additudes towards women, the majority of redditors (even as socially disabled as redditors are) probably recognise she is her own person with unique hopes and dreams and does not exist solely to be oggled. So I think criticizing people for finding a model attractive is a bit far.

Objectification is how everyone pays the bills. You don't consider the barista's hopes and dreams when you go to Starbucks.

Amazon Go is going to be a really cool product that fucks over millions of ppl.


Having one leg just makes it the vagina more accessible Taps forhead

Also worth noting is their offense at the most glorious pun.

S.I. has lost the plot but I guess its expected. This isn't the olden days where teen boys needed a way to see hot semi-nude women and didn't have the age/balls to buy a playboy.

To stay relevant S.I. is doing shit like the fat ass last year trying to get viral press for their anachronistic spank material.

Its sad.

how dare people make sexual comments about a woman sexualizing herself?


Even the implication that desiring a disabled person is funny or special enough to comment on is fucked up.

/u/GaitherVEVO You do realize that Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist has fangirls that would like to fuck him, and there's nothing wrong with that. They're being completely serious about a manlet missing an arm and a leg is more desirable.

And what's with VEVO in the name? You're never gonna make it in the music business. Now get some good pants, cut your hair, and get a damn job!

+TheRealTrueDarkLord That prove's my point. Being attracted to a hot person doesn't become funny or worth commenting on just because they're missing a body part. If anything it's bragging/joking about it thats virtue signaling.

Also, my Youtube channel has 590 thousand fans of Christian music subscribed to it. How many does YOURS have?

They're all clamoring over each other to virtue signal and no one is wondering whether or not the model herself appreciates the fact that men find her sexually attractive.

They're mad that people find a model in a bikini attractive?

They jelly

Did anyone ask if there were pictures of her with her leg off? I need to know.

With even crude photoshopping skills, every image of a female can be edited to satisfy your amputee fetish.

Why does SRS resemble Islamists so much, as in "no sexual thoughts on my watch!"?"

Because Muslims are the true feminists.

Daily reminder: Muhammad was the original feminist.