u/Ed_ButteredToast remodded😂😂

28  2018-02-18 by The_Rachel


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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wakanda when will you people learn

No one gives a shit. How about you get your tentacles out there and find some real drama. Fuck Ed and his toast.

big if tru

Why do all you cunts have so many alts?

Dude, it's THE RACHEL.

thnx 4 recognizing the hustle fam 🙌

/u/ed_butteredtoast, ban this infidel!

Oh no, it was just a prank bro. Look there's the a camera right there 👉🎥.

I'm telling SoFlo

For a second I thought the mods here were actually competent but they've disappointed me once again.

If you're upset, then all is well

I thought the mods here were actually competent

How's that brain trauma going for you

no brain trauma here friend, just severe autism.

> mods here were actually competent

>u/masterlawlz is still on modlist


Yay, again!!!

I'll fucking stand in front of a tank the next time there's a coup attempt against Ed.

You sit around here and you spin your little webs and you think the whole world revolves around you and your karma. Well, it doesn't, mods. In the whole vast configuration of things, I'd say you were nothing but a bunch of scurvy little spiders!

This sub is trash with trash mods. what's new.

Leave then, cuck

It’s like getting cancer then rolling around in radioactive waste tbh. Nice one r/drama

Just fucking decide already. I can't make jokes otherwise.

/u/ed_butteredtoast quit toying with our emotions like this

What's the point of being a mod with no permissions? Are those people being humiliated on purpose?

Wow! You're pretty new aren't you? Anyway here's the SRD thread about that drama.

Haha that's wonderful. Thanks for spicing up a feezing cokd day:)

/r/drama mods are not fixing the drama market. This is why we need regulation. Drama coin can’t be found to be a fake.

Everyone here needs to get a life.

Jesus. Like people with downs watch Netflix standup. I mean have they had any complaints from someone with DS or is it just parents being offended?