r/socialism goes full vegan and denounces those filthy meat eating bourgeois!

62  2018-02-18 by Deity_Of_Darkness


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Here is a list of threads in other subreddits about the same content:

Title Subreddit Author Time Karma
“The food we eat masks so much cruelty. The fact that we can sit down and eat a piece of chicken without thinking about the horrendous conditions under which chickens are industrially bred in this country is a sign of the dangers of capitalism, how capitalism has colonized our minds." - Angela Davis /r/Kossacks_for_Sanders /u/Uhillbilly 2018-02-18 07:32:02 19
“The food we eat masks so much cruelty. The fact that we can sit down and eat a piece of chicken without thinking about the horrendous conditions under which chickens are industrially bred in this country is a sign of the dangers of capitalism, how capitalism has colonized our minds." - Angela Davis /r/WayOfTheBern /u/Uhillbilly 2018-02-18 07:33:05 11
“The food we eat masks so much cruelty. The fact that we can sit down and eat a piece of chicken without thinking about the horrendous conditions under which chickens are industrially bred in this country is a sign of the dangers of capitalism, how capitalism has colonized our minds." - Angela Davis /r/AnimalRights /u/Uhillbilly 2018-02-18 07:33:45 29
“The food we eat masks so much cruelty. The fact that we can sit down and eat a piece of chicken without thinking about the horrendous conditions under which chickens are industrially bred in this country is a sign of the dangers of capitalism, how capitalism has colonized our minds." - Angela Davis /r/Anarchism /u/Uhillbilly 2018-02-18 07:32:40 69

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That's nice for them....well time to eat some salo ( with rye bread and cucumber).

The future is gruel and we both know it.

Animals are dumb a fuck and would eat us back if they could.

I'm Eddie McDowd, I'm a dog and I talk


Ahh, the memories.....of shitty times 😭😭😭

Too many cartoons starring talking animals.

I mean, they do. Those that can anyway. The rest are simply conent with killing us whenever they get the chance. Cows are deadliest large animal in Britain and the 4th deadliest in the US. Even dogs kinda hate our guts.

Damn, I would've guessed the most dangerous large animal in the UK would be yanks

delete this now

He is right tho, you are mad cuz fat.

You think the intelligence of a sentient being is how we should measure how much moral consideration they deserve, and that other animals in nature without moral agency doing brutal things should provide some kind of logical foundation for our own behavior? Or are you just memeing?

They are fucking animals. We eat them, tough shit for them.

tfw too smart to think

cows are proof that humans are some of the weirdest motherfuckers on the planet. im pretty sure we are the only species to actually drink another species' tit milk. think about how weird that is. especially when you realize that milk is produced by specially adapted sweat glands that evolved to produce sweat with nutrients in it. so yeh basically we drink cow sweat. like how did that even start. when you think about it, what did people think of that one guy who first decided he'd go up to a cow, grab its titty, and squeeze all that shit into his face. everybody mustve looked at him like he was the weirdest dude ever - and he by all means was. then i bet a second person did it, probably as a dare or they lost a bet, then went "hey that crazy dude wasnt so crazy after all, this is actually pretty good." then a third guy went "nah dude you're fucking with us, he's gotta be fucking with us, right?" then that third guy tries it and is like "well... it's alright i guess.." cause you just know he won't admit he's wrong, but the second guy calls over a fourth guy to settle it, and the fourth guy is more honest: "i have no idea what's going on with my body, but i need cow breasts in my life" then he starts sucking on the udder a little too seductively, so people carry him away and while looking at him weird. then a fifth guy comes over, and well before you know it you have a society of weirdos regularly sucking off cows, drinking in that thick creamy nutritious bovine sweat on the regular. i mean i drink milk too so i guess i'm one to talk (well, i dont drink regular, i drink chocolate milk - which i guess is even weirder, cause what kind of freak mixes chocolate with sweat?) but i just dont know about my species sometimes man. i wonder what the aliens watching us think. and now with science or whatever we find out cows might actually be really intelligent and aware of it the whole time, i wonder what they think of us. they probably hate us and think we are perverted weirdos. there are probably populist support groups out there for male cows where they get together and complain about humans taking their women and talk about rebelling against the bipedal bourgeoisie or something like that. so i guess i kinda feel bad for cows tbh, i can't blame them if they have a serious beef with humanity.

Some fresh copypasta ladies and gentlemen.

He needs some milk

yeah but we’d eat them back, so

who gives a shit

or that the dairy products were produced by means of aggressive and painful processes for the animals which produced the dairy.

How fucking dumb are socialists, every single socialist who upvoted this has never seen a cow or a women who's had a baby?

Have you ever seen a cow be impregnated and give birth?

Ah yes, Cows are milked Dry, that's why dairy farming is so horribly inefficient that Farmers can't make any money off it because they have to keep buying new cows and paying for studs so often.

When did Socialists start hating Farmers btw?

Obviously they make money off of it, but they also have to keep buying new cows. What point are you even trying to make?

What point are you even trying to make?

How fucking dumb are socialists,

You are really just proving my point.

but they also have to keep buying new cows.

Ah right that's why all the farmers who settled in the West died off because their cows went Dry and there was no one around to get new cows from, I remember that on little house on the Prairie.

So you think socialists are dumb because some are against dairy production? What's wrong with being against dairy production?

Well, seing how, according to FAO, more than a billion global poor depend on livestock for food and income, that's not a very socialist-like position to take.

Socialism isn't about improving the conditions of the working class within capitalism, but rather the destruction of capitalism.

Yeah you don't need to tell us commies aren't about improving quality of life


Sounds so cool, little guy! With lots of explosions and car chases and kick-ass gun battles, huh?

With lots of explosions and car chases and kick-ass gun battles, huh?

lmao keep wagecucking retard

Kink shaming.

Ableist language.


I am flabbergasted to see this filth coming from a good Socialist boy!

This is not how the government educational center collective raised you, young man.

Ever heard of freedom of speech, SJW? I bet you are a fat coloured hair too.

I’m sorry the bad people said icky things to you and hurt you 😢.

Just destroy capitalism and everyone will be nice to you and never laugh at your bacne or flick boogers at you ever again.

Why are you triggured about what socialism means btw. I wouldn't get that emotional even if a socialist fucked my mum, cuck.

If you had to make an estimate, about how dilated would you say your bussy is right now? In centimeters.

Cringeanarchy user imagines assfucking everyone they're talking to on the internet, more news at 11

> What is wrong with Socialists hating poor people


Hating poor people? Really? Where the fuck did you get that from?

He's the kind of person that takes any criticism as personal insult, apparently, ie. the kind of guy you'd expect to get triggered at every occasion possible.

Read the sidebar dear, I don't know if you just scrape reddit for anti-Vegan posts to respond to or what.

Someone else here will be along shortly to have a super serious conversation about per capita meat eating and how poor people can't afford Organic Kale and dietary supplements at Trader Joes like True Socialists soon i'm sure.

I read the sidebar dear, you just don't remotely make any sense in any way whatsoever. Sorry to break it to you hun.

You don't know how Cows work, no wonder you can't figure out less rich people go to McDonalds then go vegetarian.

You don't even know what cows are, no wonder you can't think more than two minutes ahead, don't know the difference between then and then and that you can't formulate a normal response since you have no idea what you're talking about.

You don't even know what cows are

Is it the lack of nutrients that make you think this is a good response?

I clearly laid out all the reasons dairy cows don't work produce the way you think they do, it's fine if some hipster who's never been on a farm disagrees with me.

Is it the lack of nutrients that make you think this is a good response?

Is it the fat that has gone to your brain that make you think this is a good response?

I clearly laid out all the reasons dairy cows don't live happy lives the way you think they do, if you refuse to believe someone who's been on multiple farms and actually knows what they're talking about that's your choice.

Doesn't change that people can't live on feeling good about not harming animals.

Do you even know what you wanted to say with this? It again makes no sense dear, step up your game.




Actually knows what they are talking about

or that the dairy products were produced by means of aggressive and painful processes for the animals which produced the dairy.

It's about the calf being separated, the mother being locked up and being milked dry.

> It's painful for Dairy cows to have their Calfs separated and they are locked up and milked Dry

> Why do you think i'm retarded i've been on farms and know what i'm talking about

Do you even know what you wanted to say with this?

It's pretty clear that you just don't care about people when you prioritize animals over starving people in your socialist utopia.

It's painful for Dairy cows to have their Calfs separated and they are locked up and milked Dry

Calves are separated, and this is emotionally painful. I've seen it happen, the cow is clearly distressed. The cows are locked up in a barn, and they are milked until they can't give more milk, at which point they are killed.

It's painful to cows to be milked

I never said the milking itself is painful, did I? The life of a dairy cow is not a happy, peaceful one.

It's pretty clear that you just don't care about people when you prioritize animals over starving people in your socialist utopia.

It's pretty clear that you just don't have two brain cells working together. Where did I ever indicate I prioritize animals over starving people?? The way you think shows you're deluded and have some mental issues.

It's pretty clear that you don't care for animals or people in your fascist utopia.

Oh please tell me more about how cow's emotions being hurt is more important then people not starving, it doesn't make you prioritize animals over starving people at all rofl.

fascist utopia

only retards believe in utopias but luckily for you a Vegetarian Socialist Utopia is just as unlikely to happen as a Socialist Utopia.

Brocialists so distanced from the class struggle they resort to fighting for animals instead of poor people rofl

Oh please tell me more about how you would starve without your precious milk and meat, it doesn't make you an ignorant idiot at all rofl.

only retards believe in utopias

You brought up utopias like they're your favorite thing, you realize you just called yourself a retard right?

Mate you're so dumb you can't even think about more than one thing at a time let alone think it's possible to care about both animals and people.

It's pretty clear that you just don't care about people when you prioritize animals over starving people in your socialist utopia.

You brought up utopias like they're your favorite thing, you realize you just called yourself a retard right?

You can figure out why and how you are wrong here right? You aren't doing well in the not a retard computation but do I expect from a Socialist Vegetarian who scrapes reddit for people saying bad things about Animals like yourself.

How are you going to care about animals and people with a ideology that's caused millions of people to starve even with eating animals?

You can figure out why and how you are wrong here right?

I took a page out of your book, so if you think there's something wrong it's your fault. You're doing worse and worse every comment, but what can one expect from a fascist moron who scrapes reddit for drama in a sad attempt to try and bring some meaning to their life like yourself.

How are you not going to care about animals and people if you have even an ounce of empathy? I know this is hard for you to imagine without empathy and a sense of practicality, but trust me that it's not near as impossible as you think.

Socialists hate anyone more successful than they are. So everyone

username check out.

Ill forcefully impregnate your bussy

How are you little vegan pussies going to pull off the revolution if you're too limp to lift a gun?

How are you obese sausage fags going to resist if you're too fat to even lift an arm?

No that's carbs and sugar gluttons. Proper protein levels are why we are bigger and stronger than ever! Also please don't be a homophobe, your comrades will put you against the wall for that

Yeah which is absolutely all meat eaters right? Just like all vegans "can't get enough protein", obviously, and you instantly lose all your muscle if you stop eating meat.

That's okay though, since all meat eaters get diabetes and heart diseases. You will die without us even having to do anything!

I thought diabetes was from too much sugar; also, "all" doesn't sound like a realistic medial statistic, usually it's like %s you know.

You really couldn't see the sarcasm there?

I was following your nonsense, we both know vegans aren't weaker than meat eaters, or don't get enough protein.

I don't even know anymore

/r/drama isn't a good place for serious comments I've seen. If you want to know more google around, or check one of the vegan subreddits and their information.

You can easily get 200+g a day of protein from a plant based diet

That vegan diet didn't do so well for him it seems since he washed out of the league quickly

Tbf, aren't most NFL linebackers retired or free agents by 30?

He only actually played for like 3 years. He spent 3 more as a practice squad body

If you have a better way to make veal then let's hear it.

well now i'm getting aroused

Socialists have a very high IQ. These people are obviously left-liberals.

To be fair...

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand communism. The ideology is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of statistics most of the genius will go over a typical capitalists head. There's also Lenin's collectivist outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Karl Marx literature, for instance. True communists understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this ideology, to realise that its not just a regular ideology- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike communism truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Lenin's existential catchphrase "Seize the means of production" which itself is a cryptic reference to Marx's Russian epic Communist Manifesto. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Mao's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

Is this fresh copy pasta? I haven't seen it before.

This is an actual representation of what left-coms believe

This has nothing to do with being stupid, it has to being an overemotional pansy, i personally want to kill all the cats but my fellow enviromentalists call me a madman who just enjoys murdering small animals.

A cat lives in my house and I agree

i grew up around 6 cats, i personally would not be sad if cats died out tomorrow.

Cat genocide is the liberal position here cause cats eat native birds. Unfortunately, they recently banned cat consumption.

Instead my taxes go to subsidize an industry I don't support

Lmaoing @leftists like /u/captainondeck complaining about their taxes going to shit they dont like


>soybois advocating for eating soy


Google Thomas Hobbes


like eating soy is nice and i eat it on the occasion but jesus the level of hype soy had is depressing.

the upper class can exploit me all they want and i'll still be less terrified of them than i am of the thought of these retards having any political power

How about the workers and farmers producing and processing meat for a living?

If socialists really cared about the animals, they'd volunteer to get milked in their place.

“Drink your Soy Boy Milk young gender neutral person, or there will be no inclusive non-violent queer womyn created video games after supper.”




Socialists have no chance against the taste of cow meat. They lose this game when they try to play.

"Yeah but those species are inferior to us because they lack in intellectual capabilities." - brocialists not seeing the irony

"Blacks on x tests have lower IQs so they are inferior" - NOT OK!

"Women can't hunt so they are inferior" - NOT OK!

"Animals are very unintelligent and their meat tastes pretty good, let's eat them in all of the cases when don't have to" - OK!?

Human beings have been eating meat since literally day one. Our pre-human ancestors have been eating meat since like...700,000 years ago or some shit. But somehow that's capitalism's fault.

Our amoebic ancestors were phagocytosing other eukaryotes 500 million years ago.

At least in capitalism you have to somewhat care about animal condition lest you get destroyed in the free market. Do these commies really think a giant faceless bureaucracy is going to give care about animal rights when it has never even been shown to care about human rights. I guess they think when they revolution comes them and their soy boy ilk will hold all the position of power.

White people socialism smh

It's pretty disgusting that racist /u/Euwin thinks black people are animals to be slaughtered. What a sick puppy

Angela Davis was thicc 4 a liteskin ho tho

"Yeah but those species are inferior to us because they lack in intellectual capabilities." - brocialists not seeing the irony

I think he's right, we should be using communists as food animals.

i was really hoping this’d be another rule change, but it’s just some post

Now if they can just move onto full blown antinatalism, it'll save on all kinds of helicopter rides down the road.