Behold: The Stalinist/Trump supporter

73  2018-02-18 by rhiehn


And now I have seen it all.....and I want to puke.

tbh, it's 2018 and you can be whatever you want now.

I identify as pure unadulterated mental retardation.

I bet he became a communist after Bannon called himself a Leninist and swallowed that line whole, except traded it for Stalin because it was more edgy.

prove him wrong normies

Protip: They can't. Stalin did nothing wrong.

The kulaks had it coming


AKA an underage attention seeker.

Reddit, distilled


Actually, /u/LittleComrade does seem better educated than the average politically involved redditor.

I think he's got some good points but most of reddit gets so worked up when they see the word TRUMP they'll do anything else in their power to disagree

I'm not even saying he's right of course, just that it's a more interesting and complex argument than you see from reddit's political posters.

Yeah I don't necessarily agree but there's an internal consistency in there

That's a very low bar. 99% of them just go along with each other and say crazy shit

And then he stumbles by claiming to not care about the US but also supporting Trump.

My vote goes to an alt of a /r/badhistory poster having a laff.

So he read a few more wikipedia articles than most. Good for him.

Embracing the NazBol spirit, sort of.. A bit.... Not at all actually... He tried I guess

From elsewhere in that thread

The cancer in The Fault in our Stars.

/u/DrHendersonSchoen this, 1000x.

/u/LittleComrade do you support mayocide?

Open borders/free immigration is an enormous scourge on workers rights in a free market.

what the shit

Yeah, the less workers can move the better their rights are. That's why workers in gulags had the most rights.

Filthy foreigners crashing the market with cheap labour supply. Nigga do you even economics.

You're confusing with emigration - workers in gulags couldn't emigrate.

On one side of the border its immigration, on other its emigration

Well, we were talking about the side on which it's immigration, having worker rights or not - so you're still confused.

That's not as surprising as you might think.

There has been an interesting metamorphosis happening with the Left in the past fifty or so years. Because if you look back that far, Left parties were actually working class or people directly supported by the working class, and as such they 100% viewed immigration as a weapon of the capitalist in his fight against worker rights. Because every immigrant is literally a, and while we can understand and commiserate with their personal reasons, we definitely are not letting them through.

But then all those people got old and died, and the center of mass of the Left overwhelmingly shifted into the Academia, just because there's a lot of people there who hold Left ideals. But those people don't have much common ground with actual blue-collar workers, in fact on a purely gut level there's much more distrust and hostility between those two groups than between either and the capitalists, as in an emotional reaction based on class (social, not economic).

So naturally they decided that they care about poor foreign workers more than about relatively much more well-off local workers (and everyone who doesn't is a Nazi). And also they care about gender and sexual minorities, and you know what those bigoted workers think about them.

So as contradictions pushed these groups further apart which created more contradictions in self-accelerating fashion, the Left in all of the western world performed an elegant 90° revolution (pun intended) and completely dissociated itself from the actual working class, in a sort of unplanned Southern Strategy that nobody quite noticed really. The working class then almost entirely went to proto-fascist populists like Trump, because what you gonna do.

With that in mind, I think that /u/LittleComrade is actually the reasonable one (as much as a commie could be), while the rest of the Left who still repeat the old screeds about being with and for the working class while hating the actual working class and all their culture with a burning passion that are kinda completely insane.


A strikebreaker (sometimes derogatorily called a scab, blackleg, or knobstick) is a person who works despite an ongoing strike. Strikebreakers are usually individuals who are not employed by the company prior to the trade union dispute, but rather hired after or during the strike to keep the organization running. "Strikebreakers" may also refer to workers (union members or not) who cross picket lines to work.

The use of strikebreakers is a worldwide phenomenon; however, many countries have passed laws outlawing their use as they undermine the collective bargaining process.

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I'm reaching Alanis Morissette levels of unironic personally.

The primary issue I have with what you're saying is that you are using the term "working class" when who you are actually referring to, pretty explicitly in some places, is semi-skilled white workers. You can tie a lot of your points to the fall of the left leaning labor unions, automation, and the movement of manufacturing overseas. I would also add that labor unions were more upset over the Democrat shift on free trade than immigration, as legit working class jobs were hard to get as an illegal immigrant but easy to ship overseas in the absence of tariffs.

when who you are actually referring to, pretty explicitly in some places, is semi-skilled white workers.

Oh, yeah, I forgot to add, this shift happened much more enthusiastically in the US than in Europe because a movement needs to express itself in order to grow, and it would be kinda weird for the new left to rally around "DAE hate proletarians?"

But "DAE hate white people" fits that requirement as if precision-manufactured for the purpose. You see, when a white professor talks about white oppressors, they don't mean themselves or they fellow white professors, they mean those other whites, who drive trucks with US flag stickers, listen to Country, barbecue hotdogs, go to Church, vote Trump. In other words, the working class and working class values.

Similarly, when you said "semi-skilled white workers" the "white" qualifier was entirely unnecessary.

the Democrat shift on free trade than immigration

That's exactly similar: locally benefits mostly corporations, also benefits foreigners and is easy to sell to intelligentsia because of that, and it's easy to dismiss all haters for being nationalists if not outright racists.

Any white professor who talks about white oppression 100 percent includes themselves. For a dude obsessed with white victimhood you seem a little shaky on white guilt.

Obviously immigration and trade are not exactly similar. Immigrants didn't flood into Detroit and take all the manufacturing jobs. The jobs got outsourced and automated. Now that they are gone and those profits are in the pockets of industrialists, these same dudes prop up the Republican Party and right wing media. Then you see that the parties and networks they fund are conveniently pointing away from their billions and towards broke ass immigrants as if they somehow took all your money. Oh yeah and then, just because they know they can, they all got themselves huge tax cuts while you got $1.25 a week and 1.5 trillion more debt.

Don't give up though, maybe you can get Trump to have ICE check under their mattresses, that's probably where your 401Ks and your good jobs are you rubes. If you're going to be populist-nationalists at least try to get your fucking money back.

Any white professor who talks about white oppression 100 percent includes themselves. For a dude obsessed with white victimhood you seem a little shaky on white guilt.

Absolutely not, they are a "good whitey", because they feel sufficiently guilty. As opposed to the guilt-free, intensely patriotic whites, and also hispanics and blacks, everyone except illegal immigrants basically. That's what you meant by "semi-skilled white workers" -- that's pretty much 100% of the entire US working class but not including the cross-border strikebreakers imported en masse by the Capitalists. You call them white because "I hate proles" sounds crass.

You might want to read, it gives lots of examples of how when some college-educated mayo expresses their hatred of whites, they definitely do not mean themselves and they definitely do mean the US working class.

Don't give up though, maybe you can get Trump to have ICE check under the illegal immigrants' mattresses, that's probably where your 401Ks and your good jobs are you rubes. If you're going to be populist-nationalists at least try to get your fucking money back.

You're upset and ranting. White fragility, shaking my damn head to be honest with you fam.

Supports Trump, mad at "the Capitalists"

You sound heavily youtube educated.

You're upset and ranting. White fragility, shaking my damn head to be honest with you fam.

Don't kinkshame me.

You sound heavily youtube educated.

I don't support Trump, you retard.

Who you voted for?

I'm not American.


cyka blyat ))))


сука is not the same thing as "cyka". Write "suka" instead next time :)

So it has come to this. Literal Russian shillbots correcting my grammer.



I swear to God americans are so monkeytrained to write meaningless word-inflated essays they can't help but spew walls of text any opportunity they get.

Hot take!

Comrade Trump stands with Commisar Cletus and Commisar Jamal

The working class then almost entirely went to proto-fascist populists like Trump, because what you gonna do.

I think in an American context, that doesn't make too much sense - IS "conservatism" is patriotic and worships the the original revolution, which was a "leftist" movement against the crown. So it'd make sense for the patriotic working class in the US to be leaning "right", no "shift" as described in your post required for that.

But maybe it still happened that way, what do I know.

Whoops, mispelled US as IS lol

With that in mind, I think that /u/LittleComrade is actually the reasonable one (as much as a commie could be), while the rest of the Left who still repeat the old screeds about being with and for the working class while hating the actual working class and all their culture with a burning passion that are kinda completely insane.

Looking at the history of Communism and the background of most Communist philosophers and revolutionaries, being a child of privilege hating the working class is much more a stereotypically Communist thing to do than being logically consistent like /u/LittleComrade.

99% of Communist philosophy is the upper 10% envying/hating the upper 1% and employing the bottom 90% as useful idiots to let them change which group of social elites gets to dictate the rules to everyone else. There's a reason they always fail to usher in the classless utopia they claim is their end game.

It takes all kinds to make a a mayocide.

I don't see the issue, Stalin was a fascist.

probably an “anti-imperialist”

There is more of a spectrum on the left than most people think.

Especially autistic.

Much more autism on the right these days. Have you seen James Damore?

What, the fired from Goolge guy?

Only a few bits; what'd he do?

this is what meth does to you

social democracy halts the progress of worker's rights, and gives a position for capitalism to strike back from.

He's bang on, but it's a big jump from that to 'the only answer is Literally Stalin'

Also voting for trump for accelerationist reasons is perfectly justifiable.

Thank you /u/LittleComrade, we all can unite under Trump against the (((globalist scum))).