TIL reddit hosts an ARG known as CBTS_Stream, where Stable Geniuses come together to pray for George Soros' death.

56  2018-02-18 by j1l1l1


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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This isn't even as close to as weird as CBTS_Stream gets. Every day it reaches new heights in insanity. Best subreddit of all time and that ever will be.

IMO the internet is a distillery for insanity. Basically, you have your mainstream subs/communities, and the people that are too crazy for it splinter off and form their own space. The people that are too crazy for the crazy space splinter off and form a new space, and so on.

CBTS_Stream is at least 4x distilled craziness. These levels are hard to grasp, but produce the finest lolcows.

soooo homeopathic crazy ?

r/elsagate is p good too

right-wing conspiracy subs are just amazing. Every time a new one pops up I say to myself "this can't possibly top the last one" and I'm always wrong.

That one has at least some truth to it

i dont know if "radically misinterpreting an observable phenomenon" can really be said to preserve much of the truth of the matter

Praying all the time for protection for Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence and their families children and grandchildren - the gates of hell have opened against Trump especially ! Praying he has the wisdom of Solomon. Everyday as this unfolds I am more and more convinced THIS is Yah's Man! He is right it took courage to run for Pres. - much more when you actually purpose to do what you have campaigned on. This is all very instructive for the average American to see what has been afoot in our country for decades undermining America from within.

! I cancel every word of the enemies plans - break off his strategies: I thank you Father of Lights - Yahuah Almighty that you have mighty warring angels encamped around your servant - that no weapon formed against him, his family, Mike Pence or his family prospers - I pray that those that dig ditches fall in the ditch of their own making, those that set snares - get ensnared in their own snare - that their evil deeds come down on their own pate - I thank you Yah that only those that are there by Divine Plan have access to our Pres and his family - that any you have not purposed to be there are removed -I speak Shalom and Protection in the mighty name of Yahshua

This but ironically.

Best subreddit of all time and that ever will be.

Uh, you realize /r/deereatingchairs exists, right?

Help me understand it snalls, this is all gobbledegook to me. 😞

I am ablaze right now.

Soros is a jew automaton, he can't die since his never had a life to begin with.

Lizard people can't be killed, you idiots.

everyone hopes that guy dies though

him and his eye ballbags

How close are they to unlocking HL3?

The only thing they've unlocked is their extra chromosome

hurry, I have a bet on HRC for March 1 indictment

/u/smiley-dog boy are you in for a massive disappointment.


her emale

Leave Huma out of this



Hasn't this Q guy already falsely said when Hillary and some other people would be indicted?

The things he says either are extremely vague to the point of being cryptic (and probably don't have actual meaning, the meaning is invented by the crazies), or specific and wrong.

He's like a right-wing conspiracy version of DutchSinse, that fucking youtube loon that claims he can predict earthquakes but really makes absurdly general predictions on extremely tectonically active areas and then specific predictions which are never true, but forgotten by the believers.

The funny thing is, the audience has a ton of overlap. There's this really odd segment of like 40-65 year old white women who follow this shit religiously. Since I follow geology related accounts on social media, I see these people post their lunacy all the time, and the demographic of the people posting is just odd. But really it's just people who, for odd reasons, need to feel like they're in on some big secret(s) to feel good about themselves.

This is really weird DnD campaign.

george soros is a cool guy who donated 80% of his wealth to charity

i finally gave in and read about what that website is about....

they were like, "yeah, this looks stupid as fuck when you write it out. Hey, I know what will help! Let's give it a 'The Matrix" style theme and color scheme!"

Boys, its still stupid. This is like the place where people who leave T_D because its too manipulated, but they don't want to admit that its always been like that go.