/r/CBTS_RetirementHome tackling the most significant threat to our freedoms

50  2018-02-18 by AnnoysTheGoys


HOLY FUCK What is this! 😍

u/divine_human u/finbarron

Did you ever consider that social media sites run by Western Coastal may be using subliminal messages and crypto-mining your mind for the purpose of mind control?

These people are so absurdly stupid it's amazing

Of course {[(you)}] don't want us to find out how to counteract common mind control techniques.

I've been preparing the way for Q with near-daily reddit posts since 2013. You jumped on the bandwagon last month and you're telling people that smoking weed among other things will protect them from mind control. Just thought I'd put things into perspective.

Looks like /u/divine_human and /u/PCislame are getting into a bit of a cat fight. Though it looks like /u/PotheadsAreScum has jumped into the ring:

Get fucked, pothead. I can't wait for Sessions to send the ATF to your house, kick down your door and shoot you in the fucking face.

The best part is his online identity is so wrapped up in being anti-pot, but doesn't even know which federal agency Jeff Sessions would send to kick his door down and shoot him in the fucking face.

Hahahaha they are promoting smoking.

Well at least some reasonable advice made it in

They'll die quicker tho😵🤒! It's a win-win😊

That's exactly what (((they))) want you to think.

The mayocide is literally taking care of itself.

So... The Millennials think they have it bad now... Just wait!

Wont you leap down this rabbit hole with me for a bit and explore what's happening right around the corner? I'll try my best to keep it organized but that will be nearly impossible since I'm at work and have little time to format everything like I want. Bare with me.

Currently a huge push for 5G is in order. The US expects everything to be in place, full speed ahead by 2020. For internet junkies and gamers, this will come off as amazing and wonderful. For Wi-Fi sensitive folx, it will be agony. For some of us older types, quite possibly fear, especially if you still see yourself in the job market at that time. For the older still, maybe not so much because they may be retired and sitting on their front porches yelling "Get off my lawn"!!!

Why is 5G a threat?

Well, it may be a huge issue for going ons in the world. It may be nothing at all. It could spell disaster for the working folk. It could completely take away what's left of your privacy, if any is left, that is.

First, I'll start off with a short story about something that happened a few days ago. We will deter from the 5G topic for only a moment.

From time to time, here in my office, we tend to have spare time on our hands and we surf the net, watch videos and what not (my ATS time). One of my guys that work under me, he's been with us for a few months now... was shocked with something very eerie that took place. He was asked by one of his friends who also works with me, to get on Facebook so they could co-ordinate some D&D game time. Now, this guy has never EVER been on Facebook. He is and always has been dead set against it. However, he was talked in to it.

Now some of you say that you don't fool with Facebook and if you want to keep your privacy, don't sign up. I'm here to tell you that nothing you can say or do will prevent Facebook from knowing anything it wants about you.

He set up an account and as soon as he done so, it began throwing potential friends at him.... Every single one of which, he knew. So Facebook already had his information enough to know just who he knew. They even offered 'friends' who he went to school with and hadn't spoken to in years. The odd part is, he didn't put any of his personal information in Facebook, NOT EVEN HIS REAL NAME! It instantly knew all about him and who he was friends with in real life.

Now, this person is using a laptop provided by the company on a very protected and secure network. If I had to make a guess as to how this took place, it would be that Facebook had been monitoring his 'cache' for sites he visited and his personal bank account information as he said he did pay bills via this laptop. So without ever being on Facebook, they still were able to dig up enough about him and basically let him know... "I know who you are already.. fake name or not"!

Scary huh...?

Enter the 5G:

5G is the next Gen telecommunications standard. Previous standards, which many of you are aware or at least heard of, are like this:


TPtB intend for 5G to be the wireless that takes over all communications. They want to be jacked in to every single thing that can have a connection. Fridges, pill bottles, obviously your phones, the paint on your walls, everything! There is a HUGE push to do this. 5G, unlike 4G and earlier standards, will allow HD and 3D video all over wireless. They also tend to use this as a standard for wireless to your home. They're pushing this to replace fiber, which I find odd in itself. Instead of fiber to your home, the powers decided they wanted all of these questionable radio waves to bounce from every direction just to get to every single thing they can get their grubby paws on. Imagine that if everything is 'connected', literally everything... what privacy will you have then?

Oh but this goes so much deeper than 5G and privacy evasion. Not to mention 6G and 7G, which comes after, of course. The next gen from there will go from wireless boxes all over the city, on every pole to every building... To Satellites! So instead of getting that data from substations, you'll be getting it from Sats flying over your head at all times.


So after 5G to your home, where do you think they're going next?



This is but one of the many videos out there trying to convince you that this is a good thing. I mean, sure it has some great potential but just how far will we let it go?


Scared yet? No....?

ok... So we go on.

Today, employers are using your online footprint to hire and fire you at will. If you want a job... Stay off of Facebook... Oh wait... Remember that story above? Some businesses will look down on you if your DONT have social media because they can't spy on you... much. It's a creepy crazy world.


Companies are even using algorithms that use compiled information about you that they obtain online and off to determine if you're going to be good for the job. Some companies are even going as far (and this will be more wide spread soon) as requiring a video of you telling them how you would be a good candidate for the job. They use facial recognition to determine if you're trustworthy, if you lie, etc...

There is so much out there that's going to take place in such a short amount of time that we'll regret that the world didn't blink out of existence in 2012.

Oh Unilever... Goldman Sachs... You evil corporations!


So take everything I mentioned here... Add quantum computing... AI...

Facebook recently freaked out because their AI started talking to each other in their OWN made up language! So FB pulled the plug. This is a problem when you're letting AI create AI. AI are now allowed to right their own code and give itself updates based on it's own intelligence. WITHOUT human intervention. You can imagine why Facebook pulled the plug.


I wonder if this is why Facebook's Sat was destroyed in a recent failed rocket launch? Might be something to it... Maybe someone didn't want it up there.

As for Elon, I have/had high respect for this guy. I thought he was all against dangerous AI. Weeeeeell... He's not so much against it as he's for chipping our brains so we can keep that evil AI in check... to be smarter than the AI instead of just preventing it all together.


Man... Oh Man...

Add Googles own AI to this list. That AI decided to make it's own baby.. This AI is also building a better AI, because they're smarter!


We already have AI that can beat masters of Go and Chess... They're obviously smarter. The problem is... The people who are coding this AI admits that it doesn't understand the code that the AI is writing so basically we're giving AI the ability to do whatever it wants without us knowing a thing about it. How is this safe???

There is so much more down this rabbit hole that relates. I've mentioned but sadly I don't have the time today to continue on while finding links to resources. Please add to this if you know of any more. It'll be much appreciated.


So ATS.... Something to worry about? Worried for nothing?

One thing is certain... We wont stop any of this. It's going to come whether we want it or not.

This planet X is coming and it's coming soon!

The Future is Nigh!

Wi-Fi sensitive folx



This is why don't let old people vote.

Only black women should be allowed to vote tbqhwyf😏

I feel like executive decisions at every level of every organization should be made by panels of black women scientists. They've been systematically disenfranchised for so long that it would take several generations for them to be corrupted by power. Of course by then they'll probably be Borg. Their biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile. Plus my eight-year-old son, who is very white, is obsessed with everything about space. He knows all the astronauts, where the Mars rover is now, how many moons Jupiter has, etc. He is also obsessed with black women in NASA. He did his first biography report in school on Mae Jemison, the first black woman in space. He wanted a lego set that came out recently, "women of NASA", and he was annoyed that none of the women from Hidden Figures were in it. The point is, that anyone who is a fan of space exploration will quickly realize that black women have played a huge part... even my eight-year-old sees the trend.

There's no woman in the world more beautiful than the black woman. Take Serena Williams. She's so fine - stunning body, beautiful face, exceptional talent and grace. It is those qualities that have prompted so much jealousy, disbelief, and amazement that some whites call her a man.

They're so used to the straight, delicate, scrawny type of woman. I call those boys. Now black women from Africa to the Caribbean are women. They have the characteristics that other women pay 1000's of dollars for. They've been wearing braids from the beginning of time but it was until a white woman, Bo Derek wore them in the movie 10 that whites decided to come out and admit how beautiful and unique they were.

African women have had big asses forever but it wasn't until a white woman, Kim Kardashian decided to buy some that whites decided that big asses are beautiful and sexy. These white women are so jealous that they decided that big asses and braids only look good on them.

Let's not forget all the white women who are going as far as disfiguring their faces to have those full luscious lips that black women have. My African queens need to take back what's rightfully their. OWN every feature and don't ever change! A real man will let you walk side by side not behind him. He will value your opinion and grow from your strength. Much honour to every woman of African descent wherever in the world you are!

I have a fascination mainly with female dominance and female supremacy as a man, that's my core kink. But its not just a silly bdsm thing, I truly believe women should rule, men are terrible at running anything, granted this is for another reddit, but the scat fetish stems from my pleasure of making a woman happy.

I never engaged in the act but want to. I am of course afraid of being exposed in the act as well. I just view women as creators... They are lucky to be able to create a human being and pass on their DNA for the good of all humanity, since DNA is really a female force, males are just a mutation of the female fetus.

I love the idea of a woman, just standing above me and dropping a huge log or diarrhea explosion on my face or mouth. Women eating turns me on, they eat and assimilate the nutrients into those divine bodies and they shit out the remains after making the food a part of their DNA, I want those excrements all over my inferior male body so badly.

If I was a woman I would get myself pregnant. Get an abortion. Keep the remains in a jar. Repeat this process several times at varying stages in the pregnancy untill I have a whole room full of fetus jars. Once the collection is complete, I'd carry the next pregnancy to term, and whenever the child screws up, I'm going to make them sit in the fetus room.

This is like 20% of the drunk-as-fuck sex I have with my wife. I outweigh her by like 80 pounds, but she matches me drink for drink. Once she passes out I just grab a titty and beat off.

In high school my girlfriend and I went to a local fair. There was a roller coaster she wanted to ride. Now, we were both virgins at the time so she thought it would be a good idea to lose our virginity to each other on the coaster.

We get on the coaster. In the back car so no one can see us. She pulls down her shorts and she's not wearing panties. I almost lose it right then. She reaches down my pants. And that's when she found my stash.

See, from the time I was about 11, I would masturbate into a sandwich bag. When no one was home, I'd pop that bag into a pot of boiling water. I used to imagine I could hear millions of little sperm screaming. Sperm holocaust. It was exhilarating to kill millions of things with one simple act. After a good 20 minutes in the pan, I'd let it cool and then stick it in my food dehydrator. It'd form a crust. I'd scrape it off and store it in another bag. This other bag became my stash.

I always dreamed that the first time I fucked a girl, she'd pull out this stash I had been saving for years and snort it like cocaine. I formed this elaborate fantasy where she'd snort my boiled dry cum powder and I'd tongue her asshole.

Well, so there I am on this coaster with my girlfriend holding my cum bag and she fucking drops it. Between the tracks. Never to be found. Punch her in the face. She screams, starts crying. Blood running down her face. I don't care. Punch her in the head. Again and again. Again! Over and over! A bloody mess. She's dead. Keep punching. Her head is now hamburger. Hamburger Helper Ultimate Cheeseburger Macaroni.

She is lucky to have you.

“Black Anality” argues that “black” and “anal” are rendered ideologically, discursively, and representationally synonymous, and that black female flesh becomes the material space on which this convergence occurs. Drawing on an archive of online, widely accessible black pornographies, I develop the term black anality to describe how black pleasures are represented as peculiarly and particularly oriented toward the anus, and thus as peculiarly and particularly attached to anal ideologies. In doing so, I depart from black feminist scholarship, which has long examined the buttocks as an imagined locus of racial-sexual difference and which has developed a set of analytics that now predominate in the study of black female sexualities: spectacularity, excess, grotesquerie, and display. “Black Anality” offers a new set of analytics for black feminist work on sexuality: spatiality, waste, toxicity, and filth. These analytics, I argue, allow black feminists to consider how black female sexuality is imagined to be rooted in (and perhaps generative of) certain kinds of filthy spaces, particularly the ghetto; how black sexuality is constructed as literally and metaphorically dirty; how black sexuality is posited as toxic, non-productive, and nonreproductive; and how black sexuality is imagined as wasteful. In turning attention to this understudied and overdetermining space — the black anus — “Black Anality” considers the racial meanings produced in pornographic texts that insistently return to the black female anus as a critical site of pleasure, peril, and curiosity.

you bring up a topic that near and dear to me.

Buttholes are like a glimpse into something very private and personal, like a tonsil stone or an earwax flake or a large mass with a lot of hairs attached to it that you pull out of a bellybutton.

I enjoy looking at buttholes. I prefer women's buttholes because the sight of them makes me think I can touch one, and that seems like an inexplicably fun activity.

Buttholes are to be encouraged. Free the buttholes. Show them, post them, K them.

The blackness receded and Serena Williams was aware of something shaking all around her. A second later, she realized it was her own body wracked with seizures, flopping like a clubbed seal across her quadrant of the faux Wimbledon lawn. Her mind seemed to detach from her physical form, floating above her body, watching helplessly as the terrorists left the sidelines and began moving towards her. The voltage sent through her young, muscular, black body had been virtually double what she'd endured in the minutes before the match began. She could barely move, and was totally exhausted by the time she picked herself up to her knees.

"And so we have it, ladies and gentlemen," Vic Swanson's cheers cut through the roar of the crowd. "The first point of the afternoon is scored against young Serena Williams, the 16-year-old sister of Venus Williams. Just look at her trying to get to her feet after that brutal shock. She should be dazed for quite a few minutes while Nick Bent and his boys prepare her penalty. You know, Billie Jean, it's going to be quite interesting to see what the old Nickster comes up with for the first penalty of the match. This will pretty much set the tone for the rest of the day, wouldn't you say, Billie Jean?"

"I .. I guess so, Vic," Billie Jean's voice stammered.

"Boy, you're still pretty wasted after getting the shit fucked out of you by that huge nigger cock, aren't you?" Vic laughed. "Maybe you can tell us briefly how that was. That was the first cock you've had in a long time, wasn't it, and it was black and almost a foot long. Man, that had to hurt when he shoved it up your ass like that. Tell us what it felt like having that foot-long ass ripper shoved up your un-lubed poop chute."

"Please, just leave me alone," Billie Jean sobbed. As soon as she spoke, she let loose a loud scream.

"Nothing like a few hundred volts of electricity to get the old butterflies out of the stomach," Vic kept laughing as he repeatedly shocked Billie Jean. "Now what do you think about Serena's upcoming penalty? What would you like to see the uppity little nigger have to endure?"

"Please, just stop .." Billie Jean blubbered as the shocks continued. "Please .."

"Well, it looks like we've got some action cooking down, so we'll have to get back to that story later," Vic cut her off. "Now, let's go down to Nick Bent's field mike and listen to him make the call."

Nick Bent moved over to where Serena stood shaking in absolute terror. Venus tried to lunge at the terrorist, but a savage barrage of electricity tumbled her like a house of cards. Serena would have to face her fate alone. She tried not to cry, but the tears poured out of her eyes and ran down her gasping chocolate cheeks.

"That was the worst fucking tennis playing I've ever seen, nigger," Nick Bent kicked at her before dragging her to her feet. "You don't deserve to wear any fancy designer tennis outfits, nigger, not if you play like that. Put this on." He threw a burlap sack at her. "That's your new outfit. Put it on, or so help me God I'll make your family pay some more."

Serena looked over to the sidelines and saw one of the Klansmen place her father's balls and cock back on the butcher block.

As the Klansman prepared to lower his jack boot on her father's manhood, Serena howled. "I'll do it. Please, don't hurt him. I'll do it." She tore off her clean white tennis outfit and let the cool breeze dance across her toned, teenage body. Her dark brown skin glistened with terrorized sweat, and she felt her nipples harden with the sudden exposure.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the Jumbo-Tron was displaying her erect nipples and firm young tits to the whooping crowd. "Oh my. she's nipping," Vic Swanson's voice cut through the din. "Did you ever think you'd see that so soon, Billie Jean. This hot little junglebunny is about to get her young black ass raped, and her nipples are raring and ready to go. It really is true what they say about these little tar-skinned ho's, isn't it? They really are built for abuse, aren't they?"

"Y..yes, I g..guess so," Billie Jean sobbed. Serena tried to blot out the tortured veteran's sobs as she reached down to pick up the burlap sack.

"So have you ever had any nigger pussy in your muff-diving career, Billie Jean?" Vic asked above the growing roar.

"Please .. just …ARRRGGHHH!" Billie Jean howled.

"Wait a minute, there's more action on the field," Vic cut her off, and all eyes were back on Serena and Nick Bent. "And, yes, ladies and gentlemen, that is the Monroe Boys taking the field again. This really is going to be a busy afternoon for them, I see. That's Bill in the front and William right behind holding some kind of .. it looks like a bit of some sort, like you'd put in the mouth of an animal to keep it from biting with its teeth. What do you think that could mean, Chris Evert? "

"I don't know," Chris Evert's voice cut through now as Serena watched the Klansmen approach. While Nick Bent looked on, one of the demons got on top of her and pulled her head up by her hair. As she wailed in agony, the other white robed monster shoved something in her mouth. It was like a mouthguard of some sort. It forced her jaws open painfully until they felt like they would crack. When she tried to bite down, she discovered she couldn't. The device was strapped tightly around her head.

"Just like a little fucking animal," a third Klansman appeared now. It was the sadistic beast, the one they called Hojo. "You boys fuck her face while I heat up the branding iron. I'm gonna brand me a little nigger doggie," he cackled.

"ULLLHHHH!" Serena tried to scream as both men brandished their huge white dicks in her face. While one Klansman spanked his bloated penis across her face, the other jammed his thick white manhood straight between her helpless lips. The sensation of his cock stuffing her mouth felt like she was choking on a large rubber sausage. He battered the back of her throat, and she felt herself retching with a combination of nausea and suffocation. She tried to jerk away, but the one called Hojo had her by the back of her hair now and was holding her head in place.

"That's it," he egged on the white demon violating her mouth. "Use the ho's mouth like a fucking cunt. Fuck that uppity little jungle-cunt's face. How do you like that, ho'? Feels good having a big white cock shoved up your uppity nigger mouth, doesn't it? That'll teach you to walk around like your somebody. There's your fucking equal rights for you. The only right you have, nigger, is the right to have your face fucked by a white man."

Wow. Src?

No, infamous 'ultracore' writer PRED


/u/spez thoughts?

It's u/kn0thing you dumdum!


Only black women Muslim Black Trans-Women Queer Preschoolers should be allowed to vote tbqhwyf

اَللّٰهُ أَكْبَر

This but unironically.

This is why you kill old people

Are these retards unironicaly talking about chemtrails?

Of course they are completely serious, you dont spend enough time on the deepstate woke retard subs my fam.

ive been smoking for over 40 years, with a break of 2 years that taught me incredibly much, and i do a lot of work in other dimensions, like in the astral.


God damnit these people are easy targets.

Didn't Satanism just used to be for edgy teens. What the hell happened there

Every time they get linked here, CBTS looks completely reasonable.

Is that /u/eva_unit_hung's mom?

>our attention has been guided to mind control

Clearly you're already under control if your attention was guided.

I doubt they will have to worry about mind control if Alzheimer's has already made their brain empty.

They need to drink Flavor-aid already