/r/SyrianCirclejerkWar discusses which sand niggers are civilized

28  2018-02-18 by subpoutine


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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Casual reminder that Syria’s greatest General is even gayer than /u/serialflamingo.

I've seen gayer.

Post proof pls

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ u/Ed_ButteredToast resigned πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


I've seen gayer.

Nothing gayer than double posting tbhπŸ˜‰

You say that, but imagine relying on this to save your county.

Almost as bad as this πŸ˜‚

lol I fucking πŸ¦† hate that woman. I thought about posting a story about her getting snubbed by poo-in-loo Modi, but no one cares about Canada because it’s a superfluous country headed by SoyBoy in Chief.

Post it bud, nothing makes my chode harder than seeing Justina getting the piss taken out of her

She didn’t even get a meet-and-greet at the airport. Modi allegedly said, β€œCanada? Where’s that?”

Canada should be split in half, one part given to the chings and one to the street shitters. Can't be any worse than what Castrateau has in store.

His wife didn’t even take his name. Trudeau is a walking pile of soy.

Didn’t one of Pierre’s opponents make fun of his name for being too French? I wonder how that makes Justin feel, insulting his papa like that.

Also this.

I up Bashar'd

the k*rds

/u/keemstar-420 what is this nonsense?

He seems as retarded as his username πŸ˜‚


Ed how do you know this? Do you watvh the show? πŸ˜’

Fuck no. Heard about it in r/videos when someone linked him in the comments.

Lol wtf is this cringe subreddit.

Said the idiot with 420 in their username 😏

dude weed lmao

DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE DUDE 😎 DUDE 😎 DUDE 😎 DUDE 😎 DUDE 😎 DUDE 😎 DUDE 😎 FUCKING πŸ‘‰ WEEEEEEEEED AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA πŸ˜‚ DUDE!!!!!!!!!! 😎 WEED!!!!!!!!!!!! 🍁 hits πŸ’₯ bong FUCKING πŸ‘‰ DUUUUUUDE that 😐 WEEED like πŸ’– just...................DUDE LMFFFFFAAAAAAOOOO i πŸ‘ am πŸ‘ so πŸ’― fucking πŸ‘‰ HIGH πŸ•› on πŸ”› WEED 🍁 right πŸ‘Œ now πŸ‘‹ XD WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED holla my πŸ‘¨ DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JUST.........ROLL................MY.......................JOINT......................UP........................................AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY DANK πŸ‘Œ DANK πŸ‘Œ DANK πŸ‘Œ WEED LEGALIZE IT! πŸ’― LEGALIZE IT! πŸ’― LEGALIZE IT! πŸ’― ROLL πŸ™„ EM πŸ† SMOKE 🚬 EM πŸ† PUT 😏 EM πŸ† IN πŸ‘ A πŸ‘Œ BOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ€ FUCKING πŸ‘‰ WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i πŸ‘ am πŸ‘ just πŸ‘ FUCKING πŸ‘‰ BAKED right πŸ‘Œ now πŸ‘‹ my πŸ‘¨ DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😎 LMAOOOOOOOOOOO RAISE πŸ™‹ YO πŸ’― HAND πŸ‘‹ IF πŸ‘ U πŸ‘ˆ TURNT 😏 AF 😲 RIGHT πŸ‘Œ NOW πŸ‘‹ raises both 🌜 hands πŸ‘ AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY WEED 🍁 DUDE 😎 WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I SMOKE 🚬 2 πŸ• JOINTS 🌳 IN πŸ‘ DA 🎹 MORNIN MON...........DUDE! WEED! 🍁 HAAAAAAAAAAAA IM πŸ’° LIKE πŸ’– A πŸ‘Œ FUCKIN πŸ‘Œ KITE πŸ’‡ RIGHT πŸ‘Œ NOW πŸ‘‹ MY πŸ‘¨ DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😎 S πŸ˜‚ O 😯 F πŸ‘΄ U πŸ‘ˆ C πŸ– K 😑 I πŸ‘ N πŸ˜‚ G 🚺 H πŸ’₯ I πŸ‘ G 🚺 H πŸ’₯ O 😯 N πŸ˜‚ W 🌎 E πŸ‘Ά E πŸ‘Ά D 🚹 I πŸ‘ CANT 🚫 EVEN πŸŒƒ FOCUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SMOKING 🚬 ONLY πŸ•¦ THE πŸ‘ DANKEST πŸ™€ OF πŸ’¦ HERB MY πŸ‘¨ DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😎 SOME πŸ‘¨ OF πŸ’¦ THAT 😐 TRIPLE BANANA 🍌 WINSTON CHURCHILL MEGA πŸ˜… DANK πŸ‘Œ GAZA GRASS 🌱 YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCKIN πŸ‘Œ SO πŸ’― FUCKIN πŸ‘Œ BLAZED RIGHT πŸ‘Œ NOW πŸ‘‹ DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDDE AHAHAHAHHAA BAZINGA inhales YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cough THIS πŸ‘ˆ cough SHIT πŸ’© cough IS πŸ’¦ cough SO πŸ’― cough FUCKIN πŸ‘Œ cough DANK πŸ‘Œ my πŸ‘¨ DUDE 😎 HAAHHAAAHAHAHAHAH WHY 😑 AM πŸ‘ I πŸ‘ EVEN πŸŒƒ LAUGHING πŸ˜… ROTFLMAOO THIS πŸ‘ˆ SHIT πŸ’© IS πŸ’¦ NARSH BRO πŸ‘† FUCKIN πŸ‘Œ HELLA 🚷 SMOKE 🚬 WEED 🍁 ERR DAY 🌞 YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

This but ironically

Yeah because it's supposed to be a cringy username.

it's supposed to be a cringy username


Why are you so salty and defensive?

It was actually a compliment to THE_Rachel

Pls don't encourage

Booo 😠😠😣

For someone posting on subs about the Syrian civil war, you seem a lot like a sheltered white kid who’s biggest civil war is with his acne.


Ironic cringe is still cringe.

He's right tbh, if I could press a button that killed everyone on here I'd do it in a heartbeat

Nah. Most of you guys are alright. Tho if I could get a button that killed me immediately, I'd unironically press it in a heartbeat.

At least take a few people with you ffs, going out solo is beta as fuck.

We can't all be alpha Irishmen like u πŸ˜‰

Actually, easily available selfloading firearms make it possible. Unless you’re an omega yuro or something.

No. The only person I wanna kill unironically is myself and maybe that Olympics kiddy diddler 😊

Well, there you go! Get you set up with a nice rifle, you can seriouspost at him IRL. They’ll make a documentary, I guarantee it.

I'll think about it πŸ˜”

wow im seriously hurt rn

Nothing personnel kid, it's for the greater good

What about all the women on here you're in the process of seducing? Or do you put the good of humanity above your base sexual desires?

I didn't know gorillas could be so self-sacrificing.


Nigga what?

Also the only thing higher than my libido is my penchant for violence.

You've tried getting into aliceunknown's jew knickers in the past, no?

Lol no, I was trying to get her into the ovens πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Have fun with that, it's not like she's a Real Jew anyways

Unironically LARPing the Syrian civil war


Looks like place filled with bunch of NEET virgins have no better way to spend their free time other than sharing some extremely cringy drama with each other.

you're not wrong

I don't know enough about Persian history to know who to make fun of tbqhπŸ˜“.

Well, you can always just make fun of /u/keemstar-420 for being a T*rkroach.

How much did I trigger you? Be honest.

From Caroline Finkel’s Osman’s Dream, she recounts the Turkish myth of Osman’s famous vision:

Osman saw himself and his host reposing near each other.
From the bosom of Edebali rose the full moon, and inclining towards the bosom of Osman it sank upon it, and was lost to sight.
After that a goodly tree sprang forth, which grew in beauty and in strength, ever greater and greater.
Still did the embracing verdure of its boughs and branches cast an ampler and an ampler shade, until they canopied the extreme horizon of the three parts of the world. Under the tree stood four mountains, which he knew to be Caucasus, Atlas, Taurus, and Haemus.
These mountains were the four columns that seemed to support the dome of the foliage of the sacred tree with which the earth was now centered.
From the roots of the tree gushed forth four rivers, the Tigris, the Euphrates, the Danube, and the Nile.
Tall ships and barks innumerable were on the waters.
The fields were heavy with harvest.
The mountain sides were clothed with forests.
The goats of the plateau were plentiful and seductive.

/u/keemstar-420, how many goats would a turkroach fuck if a turkroach could fuck goats?

tbh I’m surprised k*rds are sexually attracted to anything without a unibrow.

God what is it with the influx of alts lately? I can respect not wanting to be a power user (I've been one, gross), but damn shit gets confusing

I just treat everyone as inferior beings to be mocked relentlessly😏. I suggest you do the sameπŸ˜‰

I unironically support the kurds because everyone in that shithole area are assholes and they piss them all off equally as well as triggering mayos in a new way by being actual communists.

If the YPG didn’t like killing civilians and weren’t filled with soyboy rejects from Swedenstan, I’d pity them. But when it comes to fire parties on terrorists, call me an Osmanoboo and get me my RTE body pillow.

At least those soyboy communist LARPers just go there to shoot Uruk-Hai and not grow a beard and marry submissive middle eastern QT Waifu and conquer the world.

daeshbag larpers were definitely worse but at least everyone agreed on their dirt nap

Dont disrespect the culture

True. Not like Turks are really human anyway.

I don't know is going to physically fight against the crazies of ISIS then against one the most powerful army in the world is being a soyboy

Imagine caring about that entire part of the world for a second