New episode of hit Indian drama Puenloo! Hero NaMo stands up his white hijra girlfriend?!

33  2018-02-18 by subpoutine


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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Thank you for the interest! Do the needful and watch all episode at kindly

Do milk n gib pleasure watr

Oh i thought this would be another spam post about Indian drama

Those are the only quality posts on this subreddit.

Not anymore!! πŸ˜‰

Funny way of saying β€œnow more than ever!” πŸ˜‰

You have taken everything from me




Don't listen to him, come visit r/bakchodi for your indian drama needs

you forgot birdposting

Yeah. Haven't had one in a long time tho. Get on it u/nameuser4321 πŸ˜‰

Weren't those Pakistani dramas?

The Pakistani serial drama posts were hilarious

Paging /u/wololololow. Where are you fellow spamming pajeets, mate?

Pepe pls do the world a favor and learn long range marksmanship

Tyvm πŸ”«πŸ‘³β€β™‚οΈ

If I πŸ”« him, he becomes a martyr πŸ˜‡ but if I scalp πŸ—‘ him, he’ll stop showing up in public πŸ€• and eventually commit sudoku β›©

That said, we need a Plan B... you any good at shooting traitors from balconies?

Ahh, the comment section of makes me feel better about myself every time.

Ahh, the comment section of Dailymail. Makes me feel better abuout myself every time.

Thank you OP,

Here's a picture with penguins

Top notch

I, and my adblocker, have no idea how much of that page is ads and how much is supposed to be content.

You can say that about most news sites these days.

Justines period syncs up with his wifes.

Thomas JeffersΓ΄n, let's be friends.

Note that it's The Daily Mail so they have to mention Princess Diana fifteen times for no good reason in every other article.

...called Diana's bench.

Literally no-one calls it Diana's bench. Diana's bench is the one in the locker room in Sandringham she bent over while James Hewitt was fucking her from behind. They had a kid together: ginger lad, American girlfriend.

And in the background is... the frickin' Taj Mahal, the greatest monument to a princess ever built.

Fun fact: the maharajah who built the Taj Mahal as a mausoleum for his wife wanted to build another one for himself on the opposite bank of the river. He was going to face it in black marble. He ran out of money and decided to get buried in his wife's place.

Britbong's fascination with royalty is always amusing. It's like they won't get their social security if they don't suck on Elizabeth's cock every day.

USA covers royal weddings more than UK

NaMo is India's Daddy? Are you in his defence force?