When two autistic shitposters meet up in the comment section.

7  2018-02-19 by geneeva71




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I do so enjoy seeing a Trumper type while he has Daddys cock in his gob

Hey, dick aint gonna suck itself.

You're both exhausting. Hopefully one of you chooses murder-suicide.

Working on it lol

thankfully no one will miss you when you do it

TFW you have to create an alt top reply to the other thread.

I don't have to do anything, but triggering you is easy and fun, so I'm doing it

and knowing you can't do shit about it is also really fun and enjoyable, so

here we are :)


I dont think you know what this word means.

you keep saying that, when you're clearly triggered

just my username triggers you, it's so fun and easy, no wonder everyone laughs at you :)

just my username triggers you

but i like your usernames

it's so fun and easy,

Makes half a dozen accounts


lmao lies about liking being triggered, lies about accounts made, lies about basic DOJ documents making headlines

ouch kiddo, you're running on empty, eh?


"accounts made"

Hey now, lets not get carried away with that lol

yeah, wouldn't want you to get triggered off a user name again, and then autistically shitpost every waking moment for days on end about it, lmao

yeah, wouldn't want you to get triggered off a user name again,

Citation needed

autistically shitpost every waking moment for days on end

Well thats factually correct.

Citation needed

Your post history, lol

Well thats factually correct.

I mean, what else do you even have in your life? Clearly no job, friends, or loved ones


Your post history, lol

So no citation?

I mean, what else do you even have in your life? Clearly no job, friends, or loved ones

Shitposting and getting off knowing i can take up your time for weeks on end

So no citation?

Already cited it, you dodged it, remember? :)

Shitposting and getting off knowing i can take up your time for weeks on end

lmao except I already laughed at you for the this reason, and told you that we get off on triggering you

and forcing you to spend every waking moment replying, desperately smashing f5 waiting for your betters to return

and we can take our time with it :)

"Takes time"

Has to create a dozen alts


"Takes time"

lol you reply within seconds, I take my time, and it enrages you :)

Has to create a dozen alts

citation needed

but keep going, I love knowing that you're literally going to sit up all night waiting for me

but keep going, I love knowing that you're literally going to sit up all night waiting for me

You're both exhausting. Hopefully one of you chooses murder-suicide.

jesus you're still so upset about losing an internet arguement about your precious dear leader that you needed to make a brand new thread about it?

lmao yikes

a brand new thread about it?

Of course, i like an audience.

yeah man that DOJ document totally doesn't exist

is what you're desperate to tell yourself


DOJ document totally doesn't exist

It exists it just admits they had no effect on the election lol

lol they admit russians influenced the election, it's why 13 of them were indicted

but whatever you need to tell yourself, lmao

lol they admit russians influenced the election, it's why 13 of them were indicted

awwww, someone doesnt know what charges were laid out.

awwww, a desperate trumptard is trying to pretend the DOJ document doesn't exist! lmao

youre not too good at this.

you keep saying that after days of being triggered by a username



citation needed

you keep saying that after days of being triggered by a username


Citation needed

no it's not

but keep going, I love knowing that you're literally going to sit up all night waiting for me

but keep going, I love knowing that you're literally going to sit up all night waiting for me

You're both retarded.

We try.