r/languagelearning discusses the best and worst of Esperanto. Bonus slap fights about soccer and male superiority

4  2018-02-19 by nordicangst


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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esperanto has culture, history, etc. Latin has none currently (outside of the church)

u/tree_troll so you're telling me that what most of the literate population of the entire continent of Europe accomplished over approximately two millenia is worth less than your aborted loser meme langauge?

One one side I've got the accomplishments of everyone from Ovid to the founders of the modern scientific method. On the other I've got... well... I think there was maybe one good joke about Esperanto on Red Dwarf?

if you looked at the thread it's pretty clear I'm talking about modern culture.

i know the significance of Latin, im a Latin student and love the language dawg, im just saying that esperanto and latin are both hardly useful in the sense that, say, Spanish is, but I never see people bashing Latin learners and I always see people bashing esperanto learners