110  2018-02-19 by Starship_Litterbox_B


It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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The mods are fatties!

Accept that BMI is a tool of Big Whitie to control average Mericans into believing they are the laughingstock of the western world. The Mods are literally a cudgel against themselves

I don't understand, are you pro-fatty or anti-fatty?

I identify as poly weight. How dare you judge me. Reported for bodyshaming

Since when do mods do anything here besides sticky their shit own shit posts and occasionally lock the sub?

Notch sometimes donates money to make us look good.

that man is an real hero

and a real human bean

A notch above the rest


r/drama mods = confirmed hambeasts

I'm sure you're into BBW aren't you? You dirty whore! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

Clearly, this is Patrick.

u/serialflamingo plz explain what the hell is going on around here?

I know less about the modding in this place than most of the regulars tbh.

Well that's how it should be. Nobody wants mods who do their jobs.

yeah, it would just make a mockery of the whole thing...

Just assume things and confidently pass them off as fact. Works for me

I don't even bother with that. As long as you all believe I like bussy and enough of you corroborate the fact that I am good looking I really couldn't care less.

I only know one of those to be fact, the other seem to be conjecture on your part.

I'll personally confirm that /u/serialflamingo is both good-looking, and also has an enormous cock.


This sub is my support circle

If you experiment with one homosexual this year, make it serialflamingo.

u/annarchist I thought you believed in freeze peaches

All that time you were a closet fegget


I thought I was your waifu ;_;

You are my husbando.

Honestly purge all (((Iowans)))

Iowa and Ioawans are a myth. Know anybody who's ever been there? Fuck no you haven't, you liar.

Aren't you from New Zealand, the Iowa of the world?

The difference being Iowa, if it existed, would actually let Americans in 🔥 🔥 🔥.

user reports:

1: fire emojis on his own comment "How do you do fellow /r/drama posters, haha I am one of you!"

Emojis are a thing now, deal with it losers!!

The only "evidence" I've seen for the existence of New Zealand is The Lord Of The Rings, which, upon further research, is a work of fiction.

So you're saying my country is known for:

If it’s your “country” then why did they work in Britain and America.

“New Zealand-born” is probably brit slang for adopted or something. I’m not buying your conspiracy.

Because we outsource the actual work to a third-world country, obviously.

I once had a swim meet in Duluth. It was ok.

Wew, this place is imploding real fast. First Ed gets modded and now the mods are actually locking threads and removing comments. Sad times.

Feel free to autistically throw your tendies at /u/MasterLawlz. He particularly likes them all over his face.

Isn't /u/Ed_ButteredToast basically the new ML anyway?

Pretty sure /u/Ed_ButteredToast is someone's alt just designed solely to fuck with Nazis tbh.

MFW someone is actually just pretending to be retarded

Pretty sure /u/Ed_ButteredToast [+1] is someone's alt just designed solely to fuck with Nazis tbh. Tbf that's kinda what I did with /u/frank_tenpenny. Piss off everybody by regurgitating cb2/gnazi opinions while staying undercover in the metasphere.

Noodles, you're less popular than school shootings.

r/watchpeopledie 🔥🌶

You are a disease.

You're a lil bitch.

I find mass shootings anywhere Noodles is located to be very high on my popularity list.

imagine being this retarded. Lmaooo take of that tinfoil hat. That'll get you killed if you don't.

Le epic troll xD

drama user goes after trollx so autisticly admins site-wide ban him and change rules so we can't mean ping anymore

user creates obvious new accounts and continues same shit that started admin crackdown

enough of you mongs are too stupid and follow suit

I chose lowest-effort solution

lick my jew bussy if you don't like it

What a feyg!


As long as he adds potatoes to the list I'm okay with it

Why would he want to harms the merry Irish?


Why would he want to harms the merry Irish?

For sport probably

Take a shower Goldberg!

P.s. make me a flair mod, I can't do much damage that way. Plus you know how witty and hilarious I am

I don't have the perms for that

Then get them, I thought you gold huffers were supposed to be resourceful?

Too much work

Real talk, what's gonna happen when /r/drama gets nuked? Because we both know our brothers and sisters are too stupid not to piss off the admins and that day is coming.

Start /r/amard they'll never suspect it's us

I like r/drama2 better, just like our betters at CB2

if /r/drama2 is so much better why didn't they make an /r/drama3?

They did.

fuck off let me have my thing

I am gonna cry sad tears, and come back to being an arguablly usefull member of society.

come back to being an arguablly usefull member of society.

Yeah right. I'm gonna go back to being an extremely online sack of shit but in a different corner of the internet.


I am sure someone can argue that I am a productive member of society. I just want to know who.


I quoted it one more time so that any spelling nerd that finds this thread has an aneurysm


🎵aneurhythm .... is a dancer, it's a source for prancer, U can feelit in the air🎶

The process of specialization of society and subsidization of these specialists is a process ongoing since the advent of agriculture. These specializations have broadened and/or became extreme. The modern NEET sack of shit is a natural result of these specializations and may even be imporatant to the redundancy of the process itself.

The modern NEET sack of shit is a natural result of these specializations

[Citation needed]

I'm not sure who or what would go out of their wsy to create these wastes, so I think it's reasonable to conclude their naturalness.


Not possible at this point


Don’t say those things, not even as a joke

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama was one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'd ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit allowed such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think coontown was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans the "n word"), revealed itself as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar archive that it encouraged members to be as dramatic as possible. That was intentional. They encouraged arguments in the comments section. That was intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It was like that, they wanted to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing those evil feelings. They brigaded from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstered Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama produced an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit's archives, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.


t_d probably gets dozens of admin reports a day. LSC/anarchism/FC/whatever probably get a couple a day.

I think drama can survive a few a week, especially if mods actually do something to enforce the one, solitary standing rule.

TIL we get more reports than t_d

Does drama really get that many? What the hell is being reported?

Half of them are the regular mongoloids here who force us to read their amateur stand-up in hopes of showing up in a reports comment.

The other half are totally not upset lolcows who. report. every. comment.

I'd've thought the ratio of the former would be higher to the latter tbh

Like the dirty fingernail guy? He was going on and on last night about notifying the admins, the feds and his blog site.

user reports:

1: no u

Half of them are the regular mongoloids here who force us to read their amateur stand-up in hopes of showing up in a reports comment.

please do not discourage this behavior.

thank you.

Don't make us read dumb shit. Some of it is worse than r/standupshots. Get gud nerdz

I said the opposite. I was also talking about admin reports.

No backsies



We just need to find ourselves a controversial politician to champion and then u/spez will leave us alone.

I vote Vermin Supreme.

I only use /r/drama as a crutch to help me get through 6 months of work until I can get back out on the road again

I been saying that one of the mods should open an imageboard.

We could try 8chan

I thought we were rooting out the pedos not mingling.

Yall be fucked kuz you wont find a lazier top mod than me.

Ok really, what was worse about that trollx thread than the usual shitflinger?

Repeating the same mistakes that got us on admin radar in the first place.

Which were? I'm assuming the removed comments were mean pings. That's the only mistake I've ever heard about.

That and the thread was posted by someone circumventing a site-wide ban for that exact thing.

Posting trollx threads are fine. Pinging them is fine. Mean pinging them, especially since they're most likely to run to the admins, is not fine.

You would think the trolls over there would have thicker skin

Guess the blubber stretches it too much

You would think

Me2, but we'd be wrong

I've found that the 'Troll' in 'Trollx' refers to their appearance, not their behavior.

TrollX in the stink, one in the pink 👉

the stink is everything with trollx users

Last time Trollx got btfo here there were a bunch of them that came over to whine about how 'mean' everyone was being to self proclaimed troll sub.

I'm outraged at your opinion. Plz tell me how to report to admin.

and why delete the offending comments when you can just be retarded and lock the whole thread

It touched on the typical TrollX-ers struggles with weight, which always triggers the hate boners of all the FPH refugees in our midsts.


I'll have you know that I am stealing ur wymyn with my sexy short body

> be you

> do things that prevent this sub from being shut down

what a fagget

This but unironically

I wasn't posting ironically friendo

/r/drama-cide when

the lowest-effort solution here is obviously to let the sub get shut down like it deserves to be, what is wrong with you

I'll get bored of abusing mod power soon enough. Give it a week or two.

a week or two

( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

/r/drama should have died for this and yet here we are.

/r/drama died the second it hit 20k subs

Was that supposed to be greentext? You're incredibly incompetent, I don't know why you were modded

> For no

> other reason

> than

> to disappoint


You're one of the funnier shitposters on the mod team. I guess being a manlet means you have to compensate in other ways.

If I wasn't funny, good-looking, and blessed with a winning personality, I'd probably end up being one of those angryposters from /r/short


chubby chaser

Nothing wrong with chasing them; it’s funny watching them jiggle as they run.

I can't play the tuba and run at the same time for very long

lol was it you that locked it


I experience the mean ping ban first hand. RIP /u/d4ddydr4m4

It's ok to clown the cows in trollx.

Retards ruining things for the non-retarded. A story as old as time.

Mods are fat as shit, confirmed.

naw I did irl today... although I did consider deleting that post.

Mods moderating? In my /r/Drama?

It's more likely than you think!

/u/ComedicSans got anything to say you other turd burglar?

I think one of the newbies did it.

Kinda disappointed you didn't shoot back with something snarky tbh.

Probably already on shift chugging cock for nickles outside the soup kitchen

lol theres like 2 or 3 people that i wouldnt put this past

Can I blame fat Jews?

Is DeepDickedHillbilly back?

God I hope so.

God I hope so, I unironically belly laughed at his antics.

Fat, obnoxious, pièces of shit.

Normies reeeeeeeeee.

The work of Shareblue.