(((Agenda Post))) WTF I love Mitt Romney now!

59  2018-02-20 by IAmAN00bie


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I used to think CW stood for Colorado Watches because the commercials used to say "Colorado watches CW".



They will love him if that's what the latest botwave tells them to do

They will love him if that's what the latest bot wave late night comedians tell them to do


I wouldn't exactly consider Alex Jones a light night comedian but okay

I misunderstood which group you thought would suddenly love Mittens.

God damn it! I live there and will have to deal with the MAGA tards getting uppity now.

It’s clear what happened, mittens finally gave daddy access to his binders full of women.

TBF Mitt was talking about the Russians when he ran against Obummer and everyone laughed.

I wonder if anyone will remember

Liberals may be naive sometimes when it comes to realpolitik but nobody really expected them to annex parts of Ukraine and facebook ad boomers into retardation.

He was talking about them as a threat and then you say of course no one thinks they would annex Ukraine?

Ok, so you thought what, Russia would invade USA instead?

seriousposting realpolitik without using a single emoji 😒

You didn't either allenbadrio.

Do as i say not as i shitpost.

None of you know what real politick even means. Stop parroting words you heard from better more intelligent people than yourself. Fucking losers.

user reports:

1: worst regular continues to angrypost and seriouspost his shit opinions, wish he could be funny


Motherfucker, I'm the worst regular here.

ok sweetie.

If you meant threat to the US, those things mean little.

Since when has USA only cared about security of USA and not had an interest in European stability?

It seems to zigzag, but yeah, good point.

Hurr durr, bayonets, Romney, Russia is not a problem!

TBF Mitt was talking about the Russians when he ran

I forgot until you mentioned it.

"When you were asked, what's the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said 'Russia.' Not Al-Qaeda; you said Russia," Obama charged. "And, the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back, because, the Cold War's been over for 20 years."

My opinion of Obama keeps dropping.


For another, calling Russia the nation’s “number one geopolitical foe” has renewed a debate over whether Romney understands these issues as well as he thinks he does.

Rachel Maddow is the worst.

I don't get it. Mit and his magic undies: "I will do things about guns and not wait around and do nothing!"
... this motherfucker waited around 20 years as a lobbist and 5 as governor to do nothing of note.

Besides, his magic undies did nothing to save him from prostate cancer.



As a mormon, I am proud to say that we are the Jews of the western united states.

Now be a good goy and vote (((ROMNEY)))

I am proud to say that we are the Jews of the western united states.

this is like being proud of being the big fish in a shitty pond that everyone laughs at

Mormons don’t need the second “m.”

How original, never heard that one before

A whole century and a half, and you haven’t sorted out a simple typo. It’s disappointing.


Mitt hates Donny lol.

Yet he's too much of a coward bitch to resist

He's a mormon with tiny balls, it's hereditary.

I noticed that the top comment is calling Romney a POS. So the OP is trying too hard to create drama where there is none.

I always loved him tbqh. What's not to love about him?

He's responsible for creating like 30 white people. How can mayocide keep up with his sperm speed?

I think he loved composing it. Imagine the media attacking Mitt tomorrow with questions! “Governor Romney, considering president Trump’s other support for members of his staff that have had dubious histories, how do you feel about the presidents endorsement for your senatorial race?” Fucking genius!

Soooo Trump putting shitty people in the WH is a good thing. Alright.

I think Trumptards greatly overestimate how liked daddy is. Romney will just tell Trump to fuck off.

how is romney going to get 115% of the vote in utah?

Mormon votes count for 1.5 regular votes in Utah, it's in their constitution

(∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚ MAGIC UNDERWEAR

Sad to see so much dissension in the ranks.

Oh, I think he loved composing it. Imagine the media attacking Mitt tomorrow with questions! “Governor Romney, considering president Trump’s other support for members of his staff that have had dubious histories, how do you feel about the presidents endorsement for your senatorial race?” Fucking genius!

How does someone her this retarded?

Public schools and the internet.

Sad to see so much dissension in the ranks. Mittens cucked Donny, now it's time to suck it up and pull that lever for Romney.

Great, we're finally getting rid of John McCain and now we're gonna have Romney come in and start fucking things up. I hope a plane crashes into him and Lindsay Graham when they're giving each other the ol' Dutch Rudder.