Will the persecution of (((Gun Owners))) never end?

86  2018-02-20 by MantisTobogganMD_PHD


The sheer amount of sperging out in /r/conspiracy about how everyone who was there was totally a crisis actor and totes really bad guys is insane.

You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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I need this.

Also, what color where the striped pajamas?

It think they were white and black or white and blue.

Orange and camouflage

I was against confiscation until I saw this post.

The main reason I'm pro-confiscation is AR-15 owners. As soon as you're done shaking hands with them "i got an ar-15 and it's just the greatest gun ever invented" regardless of context. I want a gun ban just so those people will find something else to talk about.

They won't, they'll talk about how they used to have the best gun ever invented.

Made of (((human))) skin.

This make no sense. Guns, in all conventional sense, are banned in New York.

Jewish New York, I might add. Suddenly it all makes sense.

Guns, in all conventional sense, are banned in New York

Those gun laws only apply in New York City, the rest of the state has different gun laws. Most of the Jews in New York reside in NYC, but there is this village made up almost completely of Jews. They apply Jewish sharia:

A “Welcome to Kiryas Joel” sign asks visitors to wear long skirts and sleeves past the elbow and to “maintain gender separation in all public areas”. It would be illegal to pass a law to this effect, but such a rule is already enforced by custom. Kiryas Joel already has its own school district, where boys and girls receive a religious education in separate classrooms.

The politics section of the article sounds like something out of the Torah:

Rebbe Teitelbaum had no son, and thus no clear successor. His nephew Moses was appointed by the community's committee members. But not all Satmar accepted Moses as the community leader, and even some of those that did questioned some of his actions and pronouncements. He responded by running the village in what they called an autocratic manner, through his deputy, Abraham Weider, who also served as mayor and president of the school board, as well as the main synagogue and yeshiva in the village.

In 1989, the village forbade any property owner from selling or renting an apartment without its permission. Teitelbaum elaborated that "anyone that rents without this permission has to be dealt with like a real murderer ... and he should be torn out from the roots."

I recommend reading the whole Wikipedia article. It's interesting, to say the least, and it helped me become woke on the Jewish Question.

According to 2008 census figures, the village has the highest poverty rate in the nation.


You're probably not getting rich studying the Torah all day.

Haredi culture honors men who dedicate their lives to learning Torah above all else, so that places pressure on women to be the sole working parent. This means that the women are often responsible for both working and raising their families.

The Jewish population at large subsidizes their existence for whatever reason. There are a lot of charities devoted to helping them in various ways. Plus they're a very tight-knit community, so they make it work. Fundamentalists are weird

Sounds like gypos that bite baby dicks.

They get a lot of rich old people who have been secular their whole lives to donate lots of money to try and become closer to god or repent for their sins - it's an effective racket tbh.

Are you referring to the "rich Jew" meme? Ultra-Orthodox Jews aren't your average Jew, they're religious fundamentalists who also tend to have a lot of kids, similar to evangelical Christians but with (((connections))):

Kiryas Joel’s population leaped to 18,300 last year from 13,100 in 2000 and 7,400 in 1990, making it one of the fastest growing places in the state, according to the most recent estimates by the Census Bureau.

Because of the sheer size of the families (the average household here has six people, but it is not uncommon for couples to have 8 or 10 children), and because a vast majority of households subsist on only one salary, 62 percent of the local families live below poverty level and rely heavily on public assistance, which is another sore point among those who live in neighboring communities.

In Israel, where most citizens are subject to military conscription, the exemption that ultra-Orthodox Jews get for full-time religious study has been a point of contention in the society (yes, other Jews don't like them either):

In a country where most Jewish men and women are conscripted at 18, many mainstream Israelis have come to view enlistment among the fast-growing ultra-Orthodox minority as a litmus test for the future character of Israel.

The issue became a recurring theme of social justice protests that swept Israel in the summer of 2011, amid rising public anger over what many here saw as the disproportionate political influence of the ultra-Orthodox and the benefits they had managed to secure for themselves.

The proposal has yet to gain the approval of the cabinet and Parliament, and may be amended before it becomes law.

But it represents a significant step toward regulating one of the most hotly debated issues on the national agenda and filling a vacuum that has existed for more than a year since the Israeli Supreme Court invalidated a law formalizing the exemptions. Continue reading the main story

That law, known as the Tal Law, had been in effect since 2002 and had granted exemptions to tens of thousands of male students engaged in full-time Torah study. The Supreme Court ruled that it contradicted the principle of equality.

It caused a bit of controversy when the Supreme Court ruled the exemption unconstitutional, but they managed to get a pass until 2023. They literally spend the whole day studying religious texts, and the government funds them.

Some people worry that if things keep on going as they are (a rapidly growing sector of the population that intentionally stays unemployed), there will be adverse effects on the economy. Interestingly enough, more ultra-Orthodox women are employed than ultra-Orthodox men, in contrast with the rest of the society.

Worth noting that only a small minority of chareidim are Satmar, which is a particular sect that runs Kiryas Joel.

Why am I not surprised that PBS is spreading this degeneracy ? Trump is right to defund them.

r u srs

pbs.twimg is Twitter's image host.

New level of retarded right here

You are not qualified to use the internet.

Look at the address of this page, https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/7yydt1/will_the_persecution_of_gun_owners_never_end/

Do you think this page is hosted by the some organization named WWW?

probably thinks Bill Gates runs the intarwebs.

I prefer JPFO merch like this

The website is shit but the logo is 🔥🔥🔥

That would make a fantastic flair

Actually an amazing idea. /u/AnnoystheGoys the r/drama Hebrew Peoples’ Association needs this flair: https://shop.jpfo.org/images/products/151_large.gif

This is amazing. I'll see what I can do.

Thx bby

What did he say?

Idk really, I was just saying that this would be a great flair

I said it was a great image, I just accidentally hit 'delete' tbh.

8 Whole dollars for something made by a slave in china for a couple cents.

Great deal I gotta say, I'm disappointed I couldn't get mine before it went out of stock.

Oh my god I hate being associated with these mongs.

luckily, you have the tool that could solve that issue

Yeah a brain that lets me move on with my life after reading stuff on the internet.


No he meant you can shoot them you gretard (gun retard)

Are you a gunfag or a jewfag?

Mommy was a mistake

I made a post about this in nottheonion!. The company that made them is from my hometown, funny enough.

You live in the worst part of the metro.

Holy shit this is so fucked up how American warriors are being treated... Gun owners are the most loyal Americans and should be treated as such. To really show our appreciation for this country's minutemen we should give all licensed gun owned an all expenses paid trip, to a fun summer camp.

Can I get one that says "Mayo Pride?"

No time like the present. /r/PreMed has recently gotten on the mayocide train (will post later) so you need to stand up and be counted.

Is that because u/holythesea was just added as a mod or was this already going on before that?

I literally have no clue what you're talking about

Hey there! Can you confirm or deny that r/premed is anti mayo?

I literally have no idea what you're talking about lmao I haven't been online much since the end of last week.

Mayocide is serious stuff. It's currently running rampant throughout reddit.

It's because the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science just went on a rejection spree after telling a bunch of people they were "highly ranked."

I'll see myself out now.

link to the dram drams?

Sample: https://www.reddit.com/r/premed/comments/7z06au/did_you_ever_hear_the_tragedy_of_liquidcrawler/

I might give this wave of drama its own post, but only once time has dulled the pain, because (TW: seriousposting) the med school application process really is awful and I don't want to kick my fellow premeds when they're down.

I don't want to kick my fellow premeds when they're down.

get out

In my humble opinion, guns should only be banned once the bourgeoisie have been "pacified" by the proletariat.