So much winning!!!

134  2018-02-21 by normie_girl


With all his winning soon he will be drinking tiger blood and getting AIDS.

Going bankrupt and humiliating yourself in front of court to stick it to the libz.


I love you <3

He just wanted one last ass fucking before becoming completely irrelevant.

Relatable tbh

Story time?

I'm gonna guess he's been fucked in the ass


I try to end most of my relationships in this manner.

He just wanted one last ass fucking before becoming completely irrelevant

Like him or hate him, he's a very pretty man. I'm sure he's getting all the ass fuckings he wants.

I meant as a "famous" person.

Hes fat and ugly. Look at any picture that wasnt taken or vetted by him. Maybe he looked good 20 years ago

Hes fat and ugly. Look at any picture that wasnt taken or vetted by him. Maybe he looked good 20 years ago

I've looked at lots of recent videos of him that weren't his to take or vet or edit - so wtf you on about lmao

I've looked at lots of recent videos of him

Yeah I bet you have. Stroking yourself good and hard while you're at it.

Maybe I have.

Fraudulent and homosexual.

And correction: it's not "while" I'm at it, but because I was at it.

Shut up, queer.

Have to admire the dedication. It won't be too long until some of them commit suicide to own the libz.

And also lying about his book sales.

In court documents his side filed, he said he only ended up making $3000 from the self-publishing of his book (this might be on top of the $80,000 he was able to keep from his advance).

To make millions, he would have had to sell like 350,000 copies at the price he had it which he didn't.

When I was a kid my dad had a bumper sticker (not on his car) that just said, "Annoy a Liberal: Work Hard and Be Happy". My how far we've come.

Pointed, ironic cause now he'll have time to work on his needlepoint. Or just inject himself with heroin.

👏 he's 👏 very 👏 relevant 👏

Why the fuck was he so popular in Malaysia?

Taking bets on how/when he is going to off himself.

When the last bit of attention leaves him Milo's probably gonna OD on something.

idk, he's got that Andy Dick cockroach vibe

Does it count as offing one self if you OD on coke snorted out a teenager’s bussy?

I can't think of a single example in the last 5 years of someone rising and falling so fast. Dude came in like a whirlwind and then lost it all in like 2 weeks.

Wasn't he a mod here too for a time?

His greatest accomplishment.

Yeah, I think so. Unfortunately, that's not much of a badge of honor anymore. (ed buttered toast)

It used to mean something! We modded fucking /u/xnotch and became the richest (on average) mod team on the fucking site! Now look at us, we're selling mod positions to people who people who quote 90's cartoons! The hell happened here?

Was it /u/masterlawz? It was probably him.

At least my long time crush u/comedicsans stays pure


He's a good boy.

Also he's Kiwi, so I get to feel superior to him.

I mean, he set himself up for it. He tried to be a hot-shot and pander to pizzagate tards, accused people of being pedos, then that recording dropped.

I never understood how anyone liked Milo, even if you're an anti-SJW he wasn't someone I'd want want debating SJWs because the man is a complete moron.

Because he was kinda funny, especially when he was riling up deeply stupid people.

And remember that back when GamerGate was relevant, Carl Benjamin was one of the more intellectually heavyweight guys in the anti-SJW content creators, so the audience couldn't exactly be choosers.

He was a god tier troll.

Pissing off college kids is one of the easiest things you can do ever though. They're children who think they're adults so they take everything super seriously but lack the thick skin of experience.

Oh for sure. He was just very entertaining.

Oh for sure. He was just very entertaining I just agree with him politically.

He's a political idiot and the obviousness of his trolling was half of why it was so funny when college administrations and journalists (not just the dumb students) would flip out and fall for the bait.

There's a reason it stopped being funny when Milo started thinking he was actually some kind of political mastermind (or rather when it became apparent he had thought that the whole time).

I just disagree with him politically.

No. Fuck off. I agree with some things he says, sure, but I am mostly in staunch opposition to his views.

If you found him entertaining, that only shows how fucking stupid you are.

Oh, I guess finding clowns like Milo funny makes me an idiot according to some random guy online. You seem like a really warm and articulate individual with good points.

Good luck with your empty little life.

Finds Milo funny


Yeah I'm sure you're just pretending to be retarded.

Reports: 1

User: It's targeted harassment at me

/u/WalrusKarate imagine running and crying to authority figures just because someone called you stupid

Imagine being such a sad fuck not only are you a mod on reddit but you're not even good at it.

Imagine ideologically identifying as a pedophile

Holy shit he deleted his account hahaha

Must have hit the mark with calling him a pedo

he wasn't someone I'd want want debating SJWs because the man is a complete moron.

Well considering his opponents at the time, you may be more than slightly over estimating their combined mental acuity. It's like that old saying “You don’t have to run faster than the bear to get away. You just have to run faster than the guy next to you.”

Well anti-sjw's are retarded so...

I dunno, Iggy Azalea had an epic career implosion.

That's what he does, he's a slightly less charismatic and slightly more literary talented version of L. Ron Hubbard. The guy has (had?) business partners from at least two other scams from before MAGALand after him and you can bet he's going to come back like a cockroach with some new scheme to make money.

Turns out rejoining the /r/drama mod list is the most relevant thing Milo could do at this point.

If he can't rejoin it, the least that can be done is to get it on his Wikipedia page.

Fuck no, then a whole bunch of normies will come here.

imo they should just have published one of the early versions of his awful book with all the attached editor's notes, that shit was funny af

I'm pretty sure Milo turned that conservative editor into a card-carrying Communist.


This entire section is the most poorly thought out section of the book. If you want to make a case for gay men going back in the closet and marrying women just to have children you're going to have to employ a lot more intellectual rigor than you use here.

Forget the book, just publish the editors notes with no context.

Watching the editor's descent into madness is pretty funny.

A bit like "the house of leaves".


Milo is controlled opposition.

This, but unironically.


Are you not entertained?!

Holy shit. Asking the court to give you a hand because your attorneys fired you and you don't understand how the court system works.

Turns out you can’t be your own attorney and expect to win 🧐

the courts were clearly just triggered

libtards trolled epic style

I really want to understand his thought process. How is making yourself a fool in front of the court giving them a bloody nose?

The only thing he did right is to leech money from his dumb supporters.

When you are a real life troll, you have to keep up with appearances.

Atleast in the internet, you could troll without repercussions and just go on living your mundane life.

But an attention craving real life troll needs a constant stream of attention to make themselves relevant. Without that external (in)validation, their existence is worthless to the marketplace. This guy got famous because of his propensity to offend liberals and getting a response out of them. That shitck worked for a few years until that pedophilic comment. No one, not even the radical of the far right would want to associate with a guy who made such a blatant comment like that.

Now, because of this, he lost all that oomph factor. He can try and say the wacky shit all he want and many liberals wouldn't give him the time of his life by responding to him and making him relevant.

Now he can piss of everyone though, incl. left and right. Isn't that even better for his goals?

It doesn't matter now what he does now. Left won't give a shit because he is a pedo. Right won't give a shit because he is no longer offending liberals, and they are sure as hell not going to support a token gay guy anyway if he couldn't help them fight the culture wars.

Besides Trump has basically taken away the effectiveness of professional trolls like this guy, Ann coulter, etc

His 15 minutes of fame is over.

Yeah probably - there likely would be a way for him to go super edgelord with tha tnew angle, but it doesn't look like that's where he wants to go: in fact from all I've seen he's rather been backtracking from that, so that didn't win enough of his old crowd back and didn't gain him any new crowds either.

Conservative checking in:

Fuck Milo and his shit.

conservative checking in

You don't have to announce your medical condition publicly.

/u/Ed_ButteredToast fan checking in. Yes we do.

Not an argument

Delete this

Milo is an embarrassment to the entire universe.

This just in, conservative drama poster dislikes the bbc loving Jew.

Is there a connection to be found here?



Xfiles.wav you fuckin casual

Agreed. Milo is a degenrate

Conservative checking in:

KYS tbh

Autism speaks. It's time to listen.

You really wanna listen to people like angrydm?

OldOrder speaks. It's time to listen.

Thanks bb, you wanna hear about my latest D&D campaign?

If OldOrder speaks. It's time to listen

Like Claudius declaring victory in Britain.

Internet celebrities were a mistake.

Conservatives love Milo because they, like him, approve of child molestation.
