r/canada moderator u/Perma: “I’m a white nationalist” BONUS: Leaked conversations between r/canada mods reveal that they want to protect Neo-Nazi and alt-right subreddit manager u/Ham_Sandwich77

67  2018-02-21 by snallygaster


/r/canada has a thread about the allegations


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I'm convinced all mods are either communists or nazis. Think about it who else would waste their time modding?

!!! It all makes sense now!


Well it makes sense. Neither have jobs.

commie mods dont seem to start much drama though compared to the "totally not nazis guise" ones.

Lol at being such a biased retard that you let it affect your drama consumption.

show me one case of commie mods staging a coup and sperging out and you can jerk yourself furiously to being right on the internet.

well done for being the only person to show a actual example you can jerk off now, also because i cant be fucked can you go post some /r/conspiracy drama they are freaking the fuck out right now and i cbf finding a good sperg out.

...u mad?

You never paid attention to meta anarchism drama then. They literally created a sub just to create enemy lists.

That doesnt sound like mod vs mod drama, all the mod coups that i have seen have been rightwing spergouts like when /r/conspiracy demodded brave freethinkers like flytape for making bait posts so he could ban liberals.

It literally was talk about purges non stop in the sub.

purity tests and backstabbing,

thats like the #1 occupation of all leftwing groups you cant count that. I was referring to normie mods vs political nutjobs not nutjobs vs nutjobs.

not being able to understand my retarded semi coherent rants get on my level

Ok in that case, this very thread had whack job leftist mods trying their hardest to gain influence in the Canada sub.

so onguardforthee is run by leftist /r/canada mods? if not then its usual left vs right drama and not at all what i said.

How the fuck do you think these leaks happened? Why are you so autistic that you are creating a tiny ridiculous window to try to prove your asinine statement correct?

commie mods dont seem to start much drama though compared to the "totally not nazis guise" ones.

That is what you said.

Why are you so autistic that you are creating a tiny ridiculous window to try to prove your asinine statement correct?

also this

Why are you so autistic that you trying to discredit a tiny asinine statement incorrect?

It was a pretty specific comment dont get so triggered when im right silly mayo.

How the fuck do you think these leaks happened?

One of the mods was venting about mod drama to a friend, who decided to leak it:

I was venting to a (former) friend who swore they would respect my confidence, and had no reason to believe that our private emails would ever become public. Everyone vents to their friends from time to time, I had no intent of violating anyone else's privacy. Trying to make it seem like talking to a friend about moderating a subreddit as if it is on the same level as publishing the content of expressly private emails is absurd.

So no, the chat logs weren't purposefully leaked by the mods of /r/canada.

You're in a thread showing exaclty that?

Pretty sure this is about a mayo mod getting caught admitting hes hates blacks because of his small peepee.

also yes

Anarchism has been having inter-sub conflict for years and now a couple ultraleft subs have been purged after some strange shenanigans.

they used to, but the shit ones have been in power long enough at this point that their purges are basically complete and most people dont care enough to keep sperging out about them. theyre like that teenage snowflake r/conservative mod: fun to mock occasionally, but very old news

This actually makes a lot of sense

doesn't really surprise me. /r/canada has been a shithole for ages. /u/qgyh2 you gunna do something about this shit or are you some kind of nazi sympathizer?

Of course it is, it's full of Canadians

Wasn't /u/qghlh420 the one who eventually stepped in and demodded people from /r/technology, or was that someone or something else? Hopefully he will rise from his slumber


He's kindof a mysterious figure to me.. I seem to hear about stuff like this every now and then but it sounds like they are just some oldfag that bought real estate early and has been cruising as cancermod since.

wew I thought Q sounded familiar. That /r/technology drama was hilarious af.

wow, coming up on 4 years old.

It's NOT okay to be Canadian.

/r/canada is full of boomers, /r/metacanada is full of alt-right fags, /r/canadapolitics is full of leftists, and /r/onguardforthee is full of retarded leftists that everyone hates

/r/canada is full of boomers

And a lot of young people too, as well as a lot of visitors from /r/all pretty frequently.

/r/metacanada is full of alt-right fags

Fags maybe, but is it really "alternative" to support Canada's official opposition party, and openly disavow and condemn Richard Spencer and his beliefs?

clicking to metacanada for a minute, it looks a loooooot gayer than "canadian but likes the conservatives"

Maybe even gayer than this sub. Be that as it may, it's the only Canadian sub where you can make fun of Justin Trudeau and get a lot of upvotes for it. Prior to that from 2011-2015, it was about making fun of people sperging out about the Conservative government of the time.


Weird how you made an account just to say this. Was it all the hot women in the /r/metacanada banner that gave you a gay vibe?

unrelated new account creation, i deleted the old one cuz i got into a seriousposting argument elsewhere that made me mad, like some kinda scrub

then decided to quit reddit, then came back to reddit

/r/canada was always horrible, it is now just circling the drain.

And /r/Toronto is full of grumpy assholes because they have to live in Toronto.


White nationalism is unironically the only logical position for a white non-leftist to take tbh.


You didnt think this through.

I don't really see what the big deal is tbh. "Oooh, the political views of our moderator has been revelead oooooh" but OnGuardForRee will surely rise to stand for this great injustice

This is a really terrible way of trying to prove someone is a Nazi. I see a bunch of screenshots with annotations "this guy is a racist!!!" and then he's talking to someone else and that makes them a racist too or something? I'm not saying these leafs are innocent, but if they're really that bad, there should be more than enough evidence just by quoting them. Also, I don't follow Canadian politics that closely, but I'd be a bit surprised if the Conservative Party are actual literal Nazis.

Even if someone once called themselves a Nazi years ago, you’re gonna take them at their word then, but not now when they say they’re not? Jesus, you can just ask someone about their political beliefs.

That's because it's an organized campaign by far-left /r/onguardforthee and friends at /r/AgainstHateSubreddits et al, to try to take over /r/canada. Perma is an NDP member, which is the farthest left party that has any chance of winning in Canada (though they never have). They obviously have nothing else on him, if he was a white supremacist there would be more than one vague joke from a private conversation.




Imagine working for months on taking down someone, and the best you can do is put "HE IS RACISSSSS" tags on irrevelant screenshots.

Found the cryptofascist

No, he is defending someone else who is a racist and does this consistently.

/u/perma, why are you a white nationalist?

because we're da best

/u/Ham_Sandwich77 how do you plan to arm yourself against the impending MayocideTM ?

The only Ethnostate Canada is likely to end up with is one inhabited entirely by Moose (Meese?). Those fuckers already out number us, it's just a matter of time before they become as smart as the average Canadian. Which is just slightly above retard level.


Last I checked, /u/Perma isn't even the one most sympathetic to that crowd, that'd be /u/medym (who also actually moderates in /r/metacanada). Also /u/VelvetJustice is another of the sort of idiot who sees a Nazi in the shadows behind every corner. Also a MensLibber. There's a lot to digest but trust me this guy is really awful.

Also /u/VelvetJustice is another of the sort of idiot who sees a Nazi in the shadows behind every corner.

huh could explain why they followed up their "admittance" of being a white supremacist with ;)

VelvetJustice's politics are, IMHO, best summed up with the observation that he consistently uses singular-they pronouns for other people even when their genders are known.


Wow. Previously the only evidence that the /r/canada mods are white supremacists is literally everything they've ever posted.

I hope it's true, can only be good for Canada

