I have upvoted Ed more than anyone on Reddit.

11  2018-02-21 by Starship_Litterbox_B


Wtf Ezra!? Upvote me u lil bitch 😀😀

Thnx bb πŸ˜πŸ’‹

I keep having dreams about my cat's tail dropping off like it's a lizard.

sPoOpY!! πŸ‘»πŸ‘½πŸ’€

What's it like to have shit standards?

How does it feel like to be a meanie pants on the Internet? 😭

Like getting a blowjob from Jupiter himself. How does it feel to be a living endorsement of abortion?

Peaches. Pear too. I like pear.

Lol my title is confusing but I just mean Ed is my personal upvote champion and inheritor of my fortune when I die (as dictated by my Reddit will)

I still win

DoorHolders always win, shine on you crazy ball of gases


Thank you!! (β—‘β€Ώβ—‘βœΏ)

How many am I at?

+35 for me. Not bad bby, considering how new I am around here and how often I use mobile. But u ain't got shit on u/likearasputin who's at... +94!! wtf😳


How can I see this info fam?

If you are on a pc and you have RES installed, you can see the amount of times you've upvoted a particular user😊

Eh, I'm using windows phone...😭

Whatever, I upboat you and Ed regularly.😘

Edit. Hey u/The_Rachel, I made my first post on r/drama.

You two are adorable <3 /u/The_Rachel

How many am I at

Does RES track them through all accounts, are are you that much of an upvoting autist?