Someone exposes /r/Canada as being run by white supremacists on /r/Ontario. White supremacist REEing ensues.

8  2018-02-21 by DarthNightnaricus


I'm not all that assimilated into this board's culture, do you guys actually believe this stuff or are we just pretending to be retarded?

I'm retarded as fuck, but speak for yourself, pal

I'm retarded as fuck, but speak for yourself, pal

I'm not hopeful, but I'm curious to see what comes from this. IMO national subreddits should not be ran the same way other subs are because they have a different function and admins should take action in cases like this.
The Dutch subreddit also is a shitfest with leftist moderators shadow banning anything even a bit right from the center without explanation and a lot of double standards (anitfa people glorifying violence is A-OKAY by their standards) and personal-whateverthefuckyoucallit favoritism? and shit.
Infuriating as fuck because you can't make an argument without them not approving your comment.


None of the national subreddits are any good, it always turns into a moderator clique circlejerking whatever opinions are acceptable among them.

Kinda' like /r/drama, now that I think about it.

This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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Horseshoe theory strikes again!!!

Canada is a white nation, so there is nothing wrong with white supremacy

There is nothing wrong with white supremacy.

There's nothing wrong with admitting you failed in life.

Whites are the most successful

you're a failure. You've done nothing with your life but you feel entitled to be smug because of your skin color.

Stop being such a racefag,

Race is not skin deep. It is part of human dna.

Oh, good, you're unironically retarded.

You're the one that is bent out of shape

We know you are, but this isn't about you.

More proof that the mayocide is necessary.